
Kidney stones in summer

Common Questions and Answers about Kidney stones in summer


192055 tn?1263555537 Hi, Kidney stones may be due to dehydration, diet, chronic stress, genetics, and even cadmium poisoning.If one parent had kidney stones, there is an increased risk in his or her children.Kidney stones tend to be recurring, typically reforming within seven years.In serious cases of kidney stones an ultrasound that breaks down the stones may be advised. I hope this helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar n tn I've had pain in my left side and back (in the kidney area) for 6 months now. I've had CT scans, blood work, and an IVP and we've only come up with a 5mm nonobstructive stone in my left kidney. Both Urologists that I've seen said they don't think this is what's causing the pain...but I do. I also had a recurring UTI over the summer and I've never had one before. I'm 10 wks pregnant right now and not knowing what this pain is has been making me crazy.
280736 tn?1294198374 I have Hep C but have had it for 30 years or so and I have no symptoms and my levels are normal. Last summer, I had blood in my urine and the dr sent me to have ultrasounds, c scans all normal, few small kidney stones. I started having extreme pain and it ended up being shingles awful pain. Long story short.. I keep seeing blood in my urine more and more frequently. I have no pain, could this blood in urine have anything to do with the hep C? Thank you all.
Avatar f tn s a coincident urinary tract infection along with kidney stones, which may be seen in struvite kidney stones. Ultrasound is the safest investigation to figure this out, as there's no radiation involved. If your pain still hasn't gotten any better even after a few weeks I would see your doctor to make the ultrasound urgent, as symptomatic kidney stones left too long can cause problems for your kidneys.
472139 tn?1211332563 hi everyone i was in the ER last night all day because of kidney stones, ive never felt so ill in my life thankgod i didnt taper down on methadone, they gave me like 5 shots of fentyle or something lasts 1/2hr each time..... methadone doesnt play a roll in them does it?
Avatar f tn Let the doctor check his Vitamin D levels and correct for any, then keep him on supplement during winter months, and in summer, try to expose him to sun more frequently.
2110593 tn?1334180717 That's where I get pain in my kidney (right side below my ribs) I've had kidney stones a couple times. If you get a stone once your more likely to have repeat problems with stones. Maybe that is what you had and the last one past and the pain stopped. I was just posting in the addiction forum asking if it was possible to get that side pain from too much cough medicine. I seem to verbenas pain now about an hour after I take cough medicine.
Avatar f tn Blood in urine is a sign of a really bad bladder infection or kidney stones..I had kidney stones with my first and never peed kidney stones again this pregnancy was peeing blood they said bladder infection but I ended up in hospital 3 days later with kidney stone attack so I either had both or was trying to pass stones..I would call my doctor so they can get a urine sample while you are peeing the blood out..
Avatar m tn Finally, in October I was diagnosed with kidney stones. I had an 8mm stone that was lodged in the ureter removed. There were two stones remaining in the left kidney. I have been having the similar sensation I had last summer....left flank pain, radiating down my waist around my hip, sometimes into my groin.
Avatar f tn I had to wait for 5 1/2 months before I could see my urologist then I It got worse with the Renal Calicus (Kidney Stones That were 16 mm and 9 cm of the left kidney & 10 cm On The Right Kidney I finally had my Surgery On June 1st Didn’t return back to work till June 18 worked till the last day June 28 th My Family Doctor Gave me Ciproflaxcin Before I thought ok I was Told I had a kidney infection and that it would clear .
Avatar n tn m not going to be 100% positive on it, but if your son drank cranberry juice (lots of it) check into the effects of the oxalates(in cranberries) and the calcium(in your urine) building up to possibly form kidney stones, the last question on the linked page will be helpful if that's the case. If not, the doctors could be just concerning about kidney infection due to the bladder infection which can get very serious.
Avatar n tn If with symptom, a person feels a sharp, cramping pain in the back and side in the area of the kidney or in the lower abdomen. If the stone is too large to pass easily, pain as well as blood may appear in the urine. Your symptoms highly suggest kidney stones but I recommend that you have this evaluated further by your doctor. Diagnosis is through an x ray or ultrasound. The results of these tests help determine the proper treatment. Furthermore, the chance of recurring stones is high.
Avatar n tn There are several things that could be responsible for your pain. The obvious given what you stated .... moving Kidney Stones! However if it is Kidney Stones be prepared for that pain to become extreme and possible send you to seek immediate medical attention. It's been several days since you posted how are you doing today? Again if it a kidney stone the pain can wax and wain as the stone moves and then can stop. If it's a very tiny stone, gravel..
3131687 tn?1345111461 But now I felt more sad and exhausted since this started last Summer 2012 that I always wake up around early in the morning. I feel pain around my lower back around my waist. I ignore this pain since I thought that this is like "panuhot" in my waist, but one time just this August that it really became more painful. My left and right near my stomach feel like it is weighted. Is this really a kidney?
Avatar m tn My mother is 50 years old and has a history of kidney stones for more than 10 years. 2 years back, the ultra sound showed no signs of kidney stones. But 1 month back, she again got the pain in the kidney area and the utrasound now showed small right renal calculus and Moderate right hydronephrosis with dilated upper and mid ureter. The doctor asked to get a CT scan for KUB correlation. The CT scan report states that right kidney is bulky and oedematous and Calculus measuring 7.0 X 3.
Avatar n tn Hi, Hematuria or blood in the urine may be a symptom of recurrent kidney stones. Are there other signs or symptoms present? There is an increased chance of stone recurrence with patients with history of stone formation. A urinalysis and ultrasound of the KUB may be able to help with the diagnosis. It would be best to see your doctor for furtehr evaluation and management. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Even though I took all of these meds, can it be that I still have a UTI , kidney infection or kidney disease? I am in the process of getting a renal and pelvic sonogram but it is a long time from now because of the holidays. Please help! Pain is unbearable.
Avatar f tn t take any chances with any kidney stone he gets in the kidney he has left. Stones are removed quickly and he and his Urologist stay in close contact during any period involving a kidney stone. I wish you the best and please let us know how you make out.
Avatar f tn In February I underwent two surgeries to get rid of 10 stones. Stones sitting in your kidney can cause kidney infections. Your best bet is to see the urologist and take care of those stones. Good luck to you!
Avatar f tn i have groin pain, addo pain and pain in my back all on left side i also suffer from severe case of bile acid malabsorption, doctors think kidney stones awaiting ultra sound. im in agony.
Avatar f tn of course same CT results, stone in same place...f/u with another urologist at same office in 2 weeks. In the meantime I have had all my records forwarded to the urologist. When I finally went in Jan 11, he said i needed surgery because it looks likes it's been in almost the same spot since last april and was 6mm+. On Jan 23rd I had uteroscopy and they were able to break it up with laser and remove it, and they placed a stent.
5650943 tn?1374112808 Then you either have a bladder infection or kidney stones or kidney infection..didn't you post earlier that you thought you had one of those?