Does diflucan kill good bacteria

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Avatar m tn s healthy bacteria. All the diflucan does is kill the bad bacteria (which causes the yeast infections)...but it kills the body's healthy bacteria along with it. You need to rebuild that in your system. It totally works!!
Avatar f tn You may already know this -- If you are taking bacteria-based probiotics (like acidophilus), the antibiotics will kill the (good bacteria) probiotics along with the (bad bacteria) Lyme if they are taken too close together in time. How close is too close I don't know. My LLMD insisted on patients taking Florastor, which is a yeast-based probiotic not affected by antibiotics.
Avatar f tn If that is the case your partner should be treated too. If you douche it can kill your good bacteria causing yeast infections.
Avatar n tn Hi doctors governments and the multi billion dollar pharmicutical indusrtry will never discourage the public not to take meds as they will lose profit regardless of the side affects.
Avatar n tn This time I took both the antibiotics for a week and 3 weeks worth of Diflucan to hopefully get rid of everything. I know that antibiotics usually kill all bacteria, both good and bad which could be reason why my yeast infections and BV keep coming back. I got smart and realized that the partner I was sleeping with probably kept passing the infection back to me. I suggested we start using protection and men being men, he wasn't too fond of that idea.
Avatar m tn s made specifically to kill bacteria on the surface of the skin. As a bonus, it will keep the area from drying out. It's worth a try. Good luck.
Avatar f tn In bad cases of candida, a prescription anti-fungal (diflucan or nystatin...) is needed to kill the yeast, and a good probiotic helps re-establish the good bacteria in the gut. The prescriptions are not harmful and shouldn't be hard to get with a good knowledgeable doctor. In addition, garlic is a natural anti-fungal, and there are supplements in health food stores to help rid of candida.
Avatar m tn yes, we have good bacteria in our body. The good bacteria is responsible for keeping the overgrowth of yeast from growing. When you kill it off, you get a yeast infection. So, it's hard. You need the bad bacteria of the BV gone but then develop yeast. So, I'd talk to your doctor about treating in succession. Go with the heavy med to rid yourself of the BV and as you complete treatment, begin difulucan for the yeast. One after the other.
Avatar m tn so talk to ur dr and be advised many can get a yeast infection form the antibiotics and DIFLUCAN is helpful in preventing that from happening. Plus, u may want to discuss using a probiotic as the antibiotics kill off the good bacteria needed for digestion.
Avatar f tn The GP gave me a RX for Diflucan. I took that much earlier tonite. I just happened to read the Prescription info sheet & it has Xanax as an interacting drug but it doesnt say how. I tried googling and cant see why it shouldnt be taken.. I did see where under Xanax it says one of the drugs to avoid is Diflucan. Why would an antifungal med interact with a sedative? Now im all worried bc i cant call the pharmacy until they open in the am. Does anyone know what interaction this might be?
Avatar n tn Im currently on diflucan and Doxycycline, diflucan so no candida can grow out of control and the doxycycline to kill the bad bacteria. Its been one week and no that normal? Will it take a month or 2 of antibiotics to see any improvement in my symptoms? Or should I ask my doctor to switch my antibiotics to something stronger? What can I do to get the good bacteria to grow in my system again. My diet is no grains or breads or anything like that. Just vegetables and protein.
Avatar f tn Antibiotics kill the good bacteria that help fight yeast infections so that is probably your problem. Try eating yogurt with live cultures everyday to see if that helps balance your body back out. There is also yogurt pills you can take if you do not like it. Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophillus that helps the good bacteria in your body that fights the infections. Best of luck to you.
Avatar f tn It is ironic that women are told to use douches containing bacteria-killing betadine or other antibacterial agents. These douches also kill the good bacteria. If betadine douches are used to clear harmful bacteria, they should be followed in a few days by probiotic douches. The mucus in the vagina normally is slightly acid, which benefits the growth of the good bacteria, so commercial acid douches are beneficial.
Avatar f tn Just a FYI- the antibiotics they may put u on can cause a flare of the reflux...and it can also kill off all the good bacteria u need causing the flare...ask about DIFLUCAN to avoid a yeast issue and a probiotic to balance out ur system.
Avatar f tn They reported that while Doxy wiped out 95% of spirochetes in the test period, and penicillin killed 75%, Flagyl killed just under half of them. Looks like Flagyl does kill some spirochetes. (I wonder what would happen if Doxy & Flagyl were combined. Too bad they didn't test that.) But of the persister cells, Doxy left nearly 80% alive, penicillin left about 85%, and Flagyl left over 90% alive. So in the lab, Flagyl does a poor job of killing these cyst forms.
Avatar f tn Then, the antibiotics can kill off all teh good bacteria u need, so ask ur dr about taking a probiotic afterward.
Avatar f tn I recommend a product called femdophilus by jarrow. it's a probiotic and you can read more about it on their site. It's meant to increase your "good" bacteria in the urogenital tract so that yeast and bacteria overgrow less easily to cause issues. I use it myself and swear by it. there's some really good research on the strains of bacteria in it too if you want to do some reading.
492921 tn?1321289896 They gave me a cream and some diflucan. I usually take the diflucan for yeast infections, I am allergic to most of the yeast infection creams, so I am assuming the cream was for the BV. It was called Clandestine. It was just one insert of cream. Most of symptoms were better within 24 hours and by 48, I was feeling almost a 100% better. It usually takes 7 days. They will more than likely ask you not to take baths and no sex until cleared up. This will prevent a reoccurance.
Avatar n tn whate tonge may be related to exessive use of antiboitic, antiboitic kill good germs beside bad germs, killing good germs will give a chance for candida albicans (fungi) to live freely and colonize the place. the more clarithromycin you take the more it it prolonged even with transient remession. and u did the culture for bacteria not for candida.
Avatar m tn Pylori it can take some time to get rid of this bacteria...and unfortunately the antibiotics we use also kill off all the good bacteria we need and allow yeast to grow which makes this a vicious cycle.... DIFLUCAN is helpful to keep the yeast at bay, and probiotics can help restore the natural balance of good bacteria in ur digestive track.
Avatar m tn HI In my opinion it could be fungal since you have absolutely ruled bacteria out, harmful bacteria anyway. Just to be sure why don't you get yourself 150mg of diflucan for fungal infections, if you don't have a fungal infection the diflucan won't harm you anyway. The most important thing to do is to let go of the STD fear. Paranoia and anxiety play a major role in your body, it could be as simple as genital focused anxiety. Stop watching your genitals like a hawk.
Avatar f tn Once I stop within a few days I feel terrible again. They prescribe diflucan for 14 days. Had it 6 x’s. Always comes back. No bacteria grows in urine. I am also antibiotic resistant from antibiotics for 49+ years. I Am not diabetic but do have polycystic ovarian syndrome. WBC >182 /HP no bacteria growth is current urinalysis.
Avatar f tn d start eating yogurt right away and look for a good probiotic supplement. Antibiotics were introduced in your system and killed off the good and bad bacteria that keeps yeast infections in check. Probiotics help your body restore the good bacteria so that your body can once again control the infection. Can circumvent the need for the antifungal in many cases :-) I hope you find relief soon!!! Poor thing. Hang in there...
255722 tn?1452546541 s analysis is that docs pay no attention the fact that repeated rounds of antibiotics through our lives wipe out all the GOOD bacteria along with the BAD bacteria, and that leaves the body open to yeast colonization. It is a real and potentially serious issue, and you are wise not to ignore it. I don't mean to scare you, but pluck up your courage, stop apologizing for it, and know that it's not a v*ginal thing. Even babies get yeast ... it's called 'thrush.