
Colon pain in upper right quadrant

Common Questions and Answers about Colon pain in upper right quadrant


Avatar m tn Many people have right upper quadrant pain that can be associated with stomach issues, gallbladder issues or problems that result from discomfort with a portion of the ascending colon/transverse colon.
Avatar n tn Besides the liver, the pancreas stretches from the right upper to left upper quadrant and the pain is usually felt deep as your describing. Ask your Dr. to check for pancreatitis. Stomach issues also cause URQ pain such as Gastritis, Peptic Ulcers, and Gastroenteritis. Ask for an H-Pilory breath test to rule that out. Are there any other symptoms other than pain? Do you experience nausea ? Does it get worse with eating? A little more description will help rule out things.
Avatar m tn i had excessive gas under upper right quadrant . i feel twitches alwyas in this right quadrant but not sure if it is due to gas or bowel movement. when i expel the gas, it is not a smelling gas in fact. i feel bloating a lot. constipation is also present. what may the reason of such an excessive gas in the right part of abdomen?
Avatar f tn m a 37 yo female w/ 1 year history of right lower quadrant pain, sharp and dull. Sometimes pain radiates down inner aspect of right upper thigh and sometimes up towards right upper quadrant. Pain almost daily, intermittent but not excruciating. At night time I am awaken by severe bouts of nausea without vomiting, other nights with severe cramping but no diarrhea. These night time symptoms are less bearable but they do not happen as often.When symptomatic, appetite is down but no weight loss.
Avatar m tn s often located in the upper right quadrant. You also have the gallbladder and pancreas in the RUQ that can cause severe pain. Kidney stones can sometimes cause pain from that location, a CT scan can be useful to pick them up... If the area in question is pushed on, does it cause more pain? Or when it is let go of? IBS can cause agonizing pains though, as can gas. The pain can be akin to having a heart attack. If the medicine is helping, it's likely IBS related to a large degree.
Avatar n tn What kind of problems could cause pain and soreness in upper right back? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Fatty liver and pain in upper right quadrant</a>.
Avatar n tn add to that 4 months ago an ultrasound showed a mildly dilated gallbladder and a recent one now shows a diffuse thickened gallbladder no stones, passed HIDA test/ So here I am still in pain, lower right side and now mid to upper pain probably from my gallbladder. I need help but no longer know who to go to.
Avatar f tn Sorry for the length! I'm a 19 year old female. I've been having several random digestive issues that have got me slightly worried. These symptoms have been on and off for 5 months or so now. List of symptoms: 1.
Avatar f tn Actually it could be IBS. I too have IBS - D, but I never had pain in the right upper quadrant of the colon. Stress is another major cause of an IBS flare up. My honest opinion, I would seek another doctors opinion - just to be sure.
Avatar f tn And don't forget the splenic flexure - the turn where the transverse colon 'curls over' and becomes the descending colon.
Avatar m tn i have excessive gas under upper right quadrant . i feel twitches alwyas in this right quadrant but not sure if it is due to gas or bowel movement. when i expel the gas, it is not a smelling gas in fact. i feel bloating a lot. constipation is also present. what may the reason of such an excessive gas in the right part of abdomen?
Avatar f tn I have recently stopped taking all pain medication and I feel everything. The lower left quadrant pain, upped left quadrant pain, and the upper right quadrant pain from the removal of my gallbladder. I experienced hot flashes and cold chills last night. This morning I had cold chills so bad that I had three blankets on, a hat, hoodie, and winter jacket on inside my house with the thermostat at 73 degrees. It took me over 4 hours to warm up.
Avatar m tn in addition, it is last two months that eveyday, i have excessive gas under upper right quadrant . i feel twitches alwyas in this right quadrant but not sure if it is due to gas or bowel movement. when i expel the gas, it is not a smelling gas in fact. i feel bloating a lot. constipation is also present. what may the reason of such an excessive gas in the right part of abdomen.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your comments but gallbladder is right upper quadrant my pain is in the lower right quadrant.
711171 tn?1245941848 Then in about October/ November of I started having abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant which shoots up into my right shoulder. I had my gallbladder out in 2000, so I knew it wasn't that. I have had every scan, blood test, ultrasound known to man. I was referred to a doctor at MUSC that specializes in digestive diseases. I have been going down there for over a year now and still have no answers.
6900733 tn?1385925531 I have read about others describing what I have been suffering from for 3 years. When I am sitting or at rest in a bed I am fine. Whenever I go on a walk or walk in a mall or something for about 10 minutes I feel a sharp pain, feeling like something is pulling. It gest to where even if I stop and stand the pain increases and I have a desire to sit. The more I walk the worse it gets. After about 10 minutes of rest I am again good to go.
Avatar f tn i have a pain in my upper right quadrant, it feels like right below my ribs. and when i get this pain it's usually right after eating or especially when its really greasy foods. now i've been having these pains off and on for a while, almost a year. and when it gets too uncomfortable at times, i massage the area, which relieves it alittle, but never completely goes away. when i feel around, i've noticed little lumps, and when i apply pressure, it pains right on the lump.
Avatar f tn I have been having pain in the right upper quadrant since my gallbladder was removed in November 2005. It is hard for me to lay on my stomach also without pain. But I can have pain without any pressure there also. What could be casing it?. The pain seems to be under the ribs. Past history: uterus out in 2004; kidney stone removal (surgically) in Dec 2005 (about 6 weeks after the gallbladder came out) and then an oopherectomy in Jan 2006.
Avatar f tn I have a very active lifestyle, however for the past few months every time I eat I feel like it just stops at my stomach. I feel bouts of nausea and have pain in my upper left quadrant of my abdomen and in my lower left quadrant of my abdomen. I do not have my gallbladder and I have had a complete hysterectomy. I have regular bowel movements two or three times a day. My question - what could it be? My colon cancer was stage I and received no chemo or radiation.
Avatar n tn When it let up, I tried getting urine in the cup with my other hand and I got the charlie horse in the upper left hand quadrant. Even arching my back backwards then didn't give me relief until quite some time later. They probably thought I was never going to come out of that bathroom. I'm going to see my endocrinologist next Friday and see if they can arrange for a upper and lower GI to be done. I had one done when I was 13 and they found out I had a spastic colon then.
Avatar f tn Five months ago I went to the ER with acute right lower quadrant pain near the appendix with the pain reflecting right in my back. Normal bloodwork, plain abdominal x-ray showed excessive intestinal gas. Pain continued for several days and then nausea came also. Had an upper & lower abdominal ultrasound which was clear except a hepatic hemangioma of 29mm. Then came a colonoscopy with a diagnosis of IBS (Spastic sigmoid colon was the major problem).
Avatar f tn nearly a month ago, I started having the same pain in my upper right quadrant which radiates to below my right shoulder blade. I had a CAT scan this past week after my doctor suspected my gallbladder yet again. Results: NOTHING except that I still have a small hiatal hernia and an accessory spleen. Neither one explains my pain. She then ordered bloodwork which is not back yet. The pain is accompanied by bloating, indigestion, tenderness, slight nausea, loss of appetite (at times).
592884 tn?1219043510 Recently I have been suffering from extreme lower abdomen pains on my left and right side. I also have had a severe pain in my right upper quadrant for over a week now. Today have had several BMs with the consistancy of a normal BM ( never had diahrea or normal BM in my life) and have alot of mucus with the BMs and with passing gas. My anus has a burning sensation and more sore then usual.
Avatar n tn Did you mean you have pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen? Right upper quadrant pain and white stool could indicate disorders in the liver or gall bladder. If you have jaundice then it could point towards an obstructive disorder like gall stones. The other causes for pain could be GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), where the acid contents of the stomach came up into the esophagus and peptic ulcer disease.