Celexa dosage and administration

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa dosage and administration


1302779 tn?1287405029 hello all i have been on 40mg celexa and .05 klonopin for a few months now. I feel that the ssri doesnt relly touch the anxiety ,and without the klonopin i would still be anxious! Does anyone get anxiety relief from there ssri alone? i know many people take 2 or more meds and I just wanted to know if im on the right track. any input would be great!
1460652 tn?1340248730 When can I expect to feel positive effects from a dosage increase of an ssri? I have been on celexa for 8 weeks, slowly going up from 5 to 20 mg. I've been on 20 mg for 7 days and still feel anxious...how long does it take for a new dosage to yield positive effects?
Avatar f tn I have taken Celexa 20mg with Klonopin with excellent results. Normally your doctor wants to wait 4-6 weeks to see if the 20 mg does the job for you, and if not he will increase the dosage. This is how long it takes for the Celexa or any anti-depressant to reach therapeutic level. You will be able to wean off the Klonopin, once your anti-depressant starts working, but I continued on both, and still take the Klonopin with Citolopram.
4502768 tn?1538777982 Well I am new on here and I have never tried that med... I have only tried Zoloft and I didn't give it time to work and quit. I have an appointment with psychiatrist in a few weeks and I am nervous about what he will say but also looking forward to it! I have a friend that took Celexa and she really liked it!! I know this don't help much and I don't have any answers. Sorry!!!
763297 tn?1281379425 A slow tapering regime is needed and is dependent on what dosage of medication you are on and how long you have been on it for, and what type of withdrawal effects you might experience.
Avatar f tn I have been on Celexa for over a year and I lowered it to see if I could be ok (depression) without it. But my depression came back. So now I'm upping it back to the dose I was origionally on. It takes about a week for my body to adjust to any dose changes. Since I've been on my typical dosage since 3 weeks ago, I can rule out Celexa. My doctor does know about my Celexa. My first guess it the Birth Control.
1398259 tn?1280537573 Is this a psychiatrist or a regular doc? It would seem odd to take two drugs that inhibit the breakdown of serotonin at the same time. There are people who take ssris with tricyclics, so it is done, but tricyclics work differently, whereas the effect on serotonin of both snris and ssris is similar if not the same. Doesn't sound to me like the appropriate augmentation. I'd get a second opinion. It's also not my experience to start on a high dosage right away.
Avatar m tn When I first started Celexa I had diarhea and general stomach upset. I felt a little jittery, especially at bed time. Besides that I had no other side effects. I have found that Celexa works quite well for me. I think the thing with depression meds is that you need to find what's right for you. If you are still feeling depressed, keep getting your dosage increased - 40 mg is the common dose for cronic depression.
6693906 tn?1388804285 Hello and welcome! I'm sorry you're having a tough time! How long have you been taking the Ativan, and how were you taking it ...ie..every day, and how many times a day, or just "as needed" when anxiety was peaking? What dose of the Ativan were you on? When did you start the taper off the Ativan? Can you describe what you tapered down to, and in what time frame? That info will be very helpful in advising you if we think the Ativan may be causing your symptoms.
Avatar f tn I took Celexa but don't remember the dosage. It made me very hot and sweaty all the time. I've also tried Wellbutrin but that was several years ago. Zoloft seems to help me the best for Depression but have had to have my dosage bumped up from 50 to 75 mg. and now taking 100 mg. per day. I still want to cry all the time though.
Avatar n tn Celexa is a good antidepressant, I am also on Celexa with 300mg of Effexor XL and have had good success. The valium 5 mg. is also a low dosage. Normally Valium is given for short term treatment of anxiety because it is addicting. My guess is he will eliminate the Valium eventually and increase her other meds. I am no doctor but this is my guess. It sounds like she has a p-doc that will attack her depression agressively and that is goodthing..get it out'a here!
1305767 tn?1361192676 He didn't really say much. Just upped my dosage of Celexa, gave me more ativan and ordered some blood work. I'm supposed to call my regular physician on Monday.
Avatar n tn Once, when my celexa ran out and it was a week before I could refill it, I noticed the intensity of these episodes was greatly reduced. I self-medicated (bad idea) with the celexa, skipping it and doulbing up on dosage, and found a direct correlation with the itch intensity and the celexa. My psychiatrist and I agreed to stop the celexa.
Avatar f tn I've been on Celexa, Neurontin, and Meloxicam for some time due to chronic pain, depression arthritis, and neuropathy. I've been reading a lot about DLPA and it says NOT to take it with SSRI's. Does anyone know whether I should stop taking the Celexa before I ever start taking Ithis supplement? I'm very anxious to give this supplement a try! My depression has gotten severe...to the point that NOTHING works anymore, I have no sex drive, feel hopeless, I have no motivation, etc...
1460652 tn?1340248730 Everytime you change the dose of an SSRI you can expect mild to moderate symptoms. It doesn't usually take a week for them to show up, though. It sounds like you had an anxiety attack. Were you ok on the 20 mgs of Celexa? If so why mess with success? If your anxiety was still out of control, the higher dose should help eventually. The Celexa just may not be enough to control your anxiety. There are things that can be added to the SSRI for added efficacy.
Avatar m tn No doctor here, that's on the mental health forum, but there's no equivalency between medications really, you never know how they're going to affect you or if they're going to work at all. Equivalencies are generalizations, and you are an individual. Besides, Pristiq is a different class of drug than Lexapro. Lexapro is an ssri while Pristiq is an snri.
Avatar n tn Can I just quit taking celexa cold turkey? I have been real tired and just not feeling like myself and I think its the celexa making me feel that way.
518117 tn?1429276273 I realize the starting dose for Celexa is 20mg. and that the maximum dosage is 60mg. My son Todd was in prison for 5 yrs. Was given 100mg. of Celexa the 5 yrs. he was in prison. Asked the nurse at the counseling center he was going to, would the overdose by 40mg. for 5 yrs., cause my son to have any problems. The nurse told me that this extra 40mg. would not make a difference or hurt Todd. That it would just cancel itself out. I hope someone can prove me wrong on this.
517902 tn?1314715429 When should I take my daily dose of Celexa? AM or PM? Can I split the dose and take 1/2 AM & PM?
190673 tn?1259203266 A lot of times this can be remedied by changing the dosing schedule, ie, breaking up a once daily dose into twice a day...or changing the time of administration. Generally speaking, these types of meds (like Effexor) improve with INCREASING dosages, not decreasing. Your dose is average....there is still some room to increase. Have you noticed a significant improvement in the past when increasing the dose? If so, you may want to discuss some changes with your doctor.
Avatar f tn Can I quit taking Celexa cold turkey? I have been taking 20mg of Celexa for almost 4 weeks and want to quit taking them cold turkey.
497950 tn?1255863927 There are so many different combos out there. Most of the Antipsychotics will make you gain weight and then there is Depakote (or Depabloat! LOL) It will too. Sometimes, its a matter of the cocktail - one anti with one kind of mood stabilizer will make you gain more. It's a tricky thing...
1302779 tn?1287405029 I always notice side effects when I start, stop, increase dosage, or decrease dosage of SSRIs like Celexa. I think the most important thing to do is to stay in close contact with your doctor; which it sounds like you are doing. In the past, when I was bothered by withdrawals, I called and he put me on a slower taper, which seemed to work fairly well....keep us posted!
930431 tn?1245638151 Medications will affect people in different ways, but I had an adjustment period when I first started taking an SSRI like Celexa. In my opinion, whenever you start, stop, or adjust dosage you will probably have some side effects. What time of day do you take the meds? For some, switching from night to morning can really help you while others prefer taking at night. It is a little trial and error when trying to find out what is best for you sometimes...keep us posted!
Avatar m tn I currently take Celexa for depression but I was shaky before this and the doctor recommended that I increase my dose but it hasn't had any effect on the shaking. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.