
Best fitness dvds workout beginners

Common Questions and Answers about Best fitness dvds workout beginners


Avatar f tn I was very much into fitness before I got pregnant but my first trimester (even before I knew I was pregnant) I pretty much stopped everything because I had no energy. I'm now 15 weeks and this is my 2nd day in a row doing some light workouts. Anyone else?
483733 tn?1326798446 I also have all but the 1st of the Biggest Loser DVDs. They take advanatge of the DVD format and let you pick which workout you want to do at a given session so that you can customize the length and difficulty. I think that is neat. They do lots of squats, and the music is lame, but they are also good options considering my limitations. I have a small trampoline, and sometimes I just put that in the living room and sort of jog in place on it (I think I'd break it if I actually jumped!
Avatar f tn I am 17 weeks and pretty in shape prior to being pregnant. Any advice or know of any good excercise links ? Or books/dvds ?
Avatar f tn I am trying to find a workout video to help keep my strength and mobility. I have tried a yoga class. Did not do so well at it and personally didn't care for it. Any suggestions? Thank You.
522699 tn?1250590716 //
4724796 tn?1361061158 I'm 11 wks today and I do a home DVD pregnancy workout. It's called moms into fitness by Lindsey Brin. Got it from target, there are 4 DVDs first, sec, and third tri, then a post baby boot camp work out. I like it!!
Avatar f tn Hey guys, so I am trying to make a life change amd I know the whole no bad carbs and drink plenty of water and exercise, bit everytime I have tried to diet I get discourage and feel like my exercises aren't the right ones to be doing. Its like I need a set routine or workout but I don't have personal trainer money. Can some one give me some tips on a rreasonable distance to do cardio and free weight exercises to tone the stomach legs amd arms.
Avatar f tn Yes, Zumba is very good! Zumba is a type of fast dancing. One hour of fast dancing burns 446 calories if you weigh 155 pounds and 532 calories if you weigh 185 pounds. You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound, so with three one-hour Zumba sessions a week, you should lose at least 1 pound in a little over two weeks or almost 2 pounds a month.
Avatar f tn Many gyms have a wide selection of group classes that include yoga, aerobics, step aerobics and dance-style workouts such as Zumba. Joining a class for beginners can help if you feel unsure of how to proceed with your workout. Remember, you're likely not the only gym newbie in the class. As you exercise in a class, you might feel more confident and even find a future workout partner. Check the area of the gym that features a number of cardio machines.
Avatar f tn I workout everyday with a pregnancy pilates video. I did pilates everyday before becoming pregnant. It Keeps you toned and prepares you for delivery.
Avatar f tn I encourage you to visit Dr Mercola’s site to learn more about Peak 8 fitness because I personally feel that it is one of the best ways to exercise, especially considering the speed at which you can lose fat and build muscle. I highly recommend you read this article and watch the videos on the page.
Avatar f tn Your training history, the weight lifted and sets performed determine how much recovery time you need. Beginners performing a full-body workout should take one to two days of rest between each session. More experienced athletes may require splitting opposing muscle groups on consecutive days and need two to three days before training the same muscles. Although a split session targets each area twice per week, more time and higher intensities can be used.
Avatar f tn I practice yoga already and today I decided to purchase pregnancy yoga DVDs in particular. I just completed one and it was beautiful. I love the focus on baby while remembering the beauty of self. Creating space for him, aligning myself with baby. I loved it. If anyone is looking for a gentle and beautiful workout.. Prenatal and postnatal, YOGA.
Avatar f tn Hello mommies I have a question. Does anyone know where I can find maternity dvds. What website can I use to purchase any? Or any other places? My body hurst a lot all of a sudden I cant walk I have really bad leg cramps. I been going out for walks with my hubby and the dog but I don't feel that's enough movement. Is anyone eals bodyaching ?
572651 tn?1530999357 They have been advertising several fitness DVDs, all free. I haven't ordered any yet because I'm doing several other fitness things, including PT, but I do think they're a good idea. Can't see any downside.
Avatar f tn s insulin concentration. Another advantage of drinking a carbohydrate drink post workout is it also replenishes fluid lost during exercise. Fluids are easier to ingest after a vigorous workout than solid food and can be easily carried in a gym bag. Carbohydrate sports recovery drinks are available in powder form and pre-mixed liquids. Drinking a glass of fruit juice is another carbohydrate drink that is absorbed quickly and easily digested.
Avatar f tn I haven't tried the DVDs but if you're already working out now it shouldn't be a problem working out. I'm 26 weeks and still work out. Not as crazy as I was before. Just stay hydrated and drink lots of water. And it does help with delivery. When I had my 2nd baby labor was a lot smoother and faster. Even the recovery wasn't that bad.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have not worked out in 2 months. I use to workout about 4 to 5 times a week, moderately lifting weights. Since I stopped, at first I was slightly tired but for the past few weeks I feel exhausted. At first I thought it was something else but now I think it's not working out. Has anyone else experienced something like this where you feel light headed and get headaches and are it's constantly tired.
Avatar n tn Better nutrition and hydration before and after a workout. As you run, most of your body is focused on the muscles that are being used and are in immediate need of fuel, and this does not include the stomach. The blood flow to your stomach and digestive system is reduced to a low level, and digestion of food/fuel is slowed a lot.
Avatar f tn Walk after every meal , squats , lift 5 pound weights (no more than that) its easier said than done..........I tried to stay in shape I failed lol I have been extremely tired and craving sweets like crazy!
Avatar f tn I would love to regularly workout, but can't afford to buy a bunch of dvds (I bought one but get bored after so many times). I'd love to hear if anyone has come across a good workout site or a few that have a bunch of pregnancy workouts?!
3215744 tn?1346814318 there are a lot of workout dvds for pregnancy, you should be able to find some at the store or online. just be sure to run the workout routine by your doc and get their aproval before you start it.
Avatar f tn I am looking into different home workout programs that I can do on my own time. I work as an EMT and my schedules are not flexible to fit in any gym programs. My question is have any of you tried the Les Mills Pump! program either at home or in the gym? What did you think of it? Did it work like they say? Do you have any other suggestions for me?