
Best chest cold medicine

Common Questions and Answers about Best chest cold medicine


Avatar n tn Tylenol cold/flu. Mucinex (AMAZING), Robitussin. But ask your doctor to maybe prescribe an antibiotic to speed up the getting better process. Feel better soon.
Avatar f tn If it's allergy related you can take Claritin... Or however it is spelled. If it's cold related really you can only take Tylenol cold and flu. Web MD has a list... Here is the link
Avatar f tn I wouldn't think there would be any reason that you couldn't take the cold medicine and I doubt they would cancel the procedure since it's only a needle Bx ... BUT I would call the Radiology Dept. early in the morning just to be sure. Every Physician and Institution has different requirements ... it would be best to call very early just to be sure. Good Luck ....
Avatar f tn My go to cold remedy is always this: Black tea (like Lipton) as not as you can stand A teaspoon on Cayenne pepper A tablespoon of honey (raw if possible) And fresh lemon juice with the rind threw in If you can drink 2 or 3 coffee cups a day it will knock it out in no time. This is coming from someone who hasn't had a flu shot or taken any cold medicine for over 10 years. Best of luck.
Avatar n tn I noticed on your discussion board that the latter is a generic. Now, what I would like to know is which is the best medicine I should be taking and how should I approach my Endocrinologist for a change in prescription. I want to thank you very much for having this message board to solve problems. This is great and your are to be commended for taking time to answer questions.
Avatar f tn What can I take to get rid of a cold while pregnant and my son which is almost 11 months has it now too. I dont like medicine but I really dont want to be sick anymore.
937070 tn?1244921939 Well dont do it cold turkey I expect you know that... you have to ween off slowly my daughter went through this and she still gets tinnatus .I do agree that they dont help everyone but ease off for your own sake. There are some supplements may help you ,5HTP can help once you are clear of all the effects of the meds you were prescribed, also Sam -E is another that can help with mood.,used a lot in Europe,you can google both of these anf they tell you all about them both get good reviews .
Avatar n tn im having flu like symptoms ( sore throat , bit of a cough ) what medicine is best recommended for pregnant woman while pregnant with symptoms of the flu ?
519035 tn?1348275773 ) I have some allergy medicine, more in the chest now then in the head;)
Avatar f tn I have got this chest cold that's going around. No, haven't been to the Dr but have tried all the otc cough syrups and none work. Anyone had any luck with any kind?
Avatar f tn Is there any cold medicine that is safe for us? I had a bad running nose, sore throat and a lot of pressure in my head.
Avatar f tn Vit C morning and afternoon, Echinacea 3x a day, honey, ginger n lemon tea, boil some chicken bones in a pot of water with carrot, celery, onion and a splash of vinegar for 24 hours then strain and drink a cup 2-3 times a day. These all work WAY quicker for me to relieve and cure a cold than any medicine I've found.
Avatar n tn I read that any cold medicine including tylenol cold medocine you need to ask your doctor because it has more than just Tylenol in it.
Avatar f tn Im 39 weeks and have a cold and a sore throat what medicine can I take that is for night time?
Avatar f tn Does anybody know what kind of cold medicine i can take?