
Adhd symptoms young children

Common Questions and Answers about Adhd symptoms young children


597354 tn?1227197932 He has been diagnosed already with ADHD and is on meds for it (i hate that). My question is - do children have thyroid problems that young or is it usually later in life? It may sound like a stupid question to some people but I really don't know and I haven't had time to research it. I didn't really even consider that he could have a problem at such a young age. If this is possible, I want him tested immediately.
Avatar f tn The problem with really intelligent kids is that they problem solve so fast. And the problem with 4 year olds is that they don't have alot of self control. Put it together and ya - you've got problems. Throw the possibility of ADHD into the mix and everything gets a lot worse. I really don't know if he has ADHD. How long ago did the doctors see him and what kind of a doctor saw him?
Avatar f tn (in children) In adults, this type of thing would show up as an Axis II personality disorder. In children, particularly 4 (very young for this kind of diagnosis, ADD/ADHD as well - and I would hold off on the meds until a second or third opinion is obtained..cheaper than treatment I'm sure...) ALSO - (I have personal experience in this - my 5 yr old girl had wild tantrums, and I was very worried,, and took her to different drs...
Avatar n tn From my personal experience (I was diagnosed at the age of 9 of having bipolar and ADHD), bipolar symptoms in kids can vary from bipolar in adults. Nine was a young age, especially back then (I'm 22 now), to diagnose a child with bipolar, and I would think that would still be somewhat true today... Because originally, I was diagnosed with an adjustment disorder, until my psychiatrist finally settled on me having ADHD and bipolar.
Avatar f tn is it that common to put a child that young under medication, or to diagnose him as ADHD , i am living in medial east.
Avatar f tn First, it would be wise to arrange a second opinion about his treatment. While ADHD can certainly be diagnosed before the age of seven, extreme caution must be undertaken because development has not yet had the 'opportunity' to run its course and many children who appear to display ADHD at the age of five look very different by the age of seven. Re: ODD, that is almost never diagnosed at the age of five and, in any case, there is no single medication approach to its treatment.
Avatar f tn But when inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior are the norm for a child, it may be a sign of ADHD. ADHD can lead to problems at home and at school, with family, teachers, and peers, so it’s important to identify the symptoms and get help.
Avatar m tn also to me it seems at an alarming rate, has the norm of hyperactivity shot up and is there the possibility most children could end up with ADHD/ADD? what is the root of this increase? i dont think we can blame it on bad parenting!
Avatar n tn The moods of children who have ADHD or bipolar disorder may change quickly, but children with ADHD do not generally show dysphoria (depression) as a predominant symptom. Irritability is particularly prominent in children who are bipolar, especially in the morning on arousal.
Avatar m tn It is known that exercise stimulates the production of serotonin (which is also what stim meds do) - so I think it certainly should be helpful. And if he has something like Sensory Integration Disorder (many symptoms just like ADHD) - it is one of the key ways to deal with SIDS. You might want to check out SIDs symptoms since ADHD is often mistaken for SIDs. Good site here - and we have our own expert on SIDS here - http://www.medhelp.
163305 tn?1333668571 how it is that a “disorder” which scarcely existed in the UK in the 1980s, though widespread in the US, is apparently so prevalent that it is said to affect up to 5% of our nation’s children? Even the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines, to which your report refers, do not question that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a “real” brain disorder, rather than a convenient way of labelling a child who is boisterous and disruptive in class.
Avatar f tn Call your local school and see if they have a special school for kids that may be displaying ADD/ADHD symptoms. Our son went to a school called First 5 while in kindergarten that really helped. Good luck!!
Avatar f tn The new data raises serious questions about how doctors are making diagnoses and why they are prescribing powerful drugs that have not been fully evaluated for safety or efficacy in such young children. Unsurprisingly, Ritalin, given to tens of thousands of school-age kids to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), topped the preschoolers' list. But ADHD can be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to diagnose with any confidence in kids younger than 5.
Avatar m tn again, as I tell others, it's impossible to diagnose a child with ADHD. A LOT of children exhibit the exact same "symptoms" as a person with ADHD.
Avatar f tn These results suggest that low iron stores contribute to ADHD and that ADHD children may benefit from iron supplementation." Iron deficiency in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004 Dec;158(12):1113-5.
Avatar f tn For now, medications should control the symptoms and psychosocial support can tame the manifestations of adhd as well. Regards and God bless...
427258 tn?1266445242 If the only concerns are those of ADHD-type behavior, 4 is a little young in some people's opinions, but others think that 4 is ok for a diagnostic age. Since it seems like your son might have some other characteristics as well, it does not seem too young to me. Early intervention is the key to a lot of successful treatment. Good websites-- ADDitude Books -- Taking Charge of ADHD I can reccomend all of these -- very valuable resources.
973741 tn?1342342773 What do you think? Are kids too readily diagnosed with this or that these days? Full disclosure that one of my kids was diagnosed with a developmental delay as a toddler called sensory integration disorder. He did occupational therapy for years and is now a teenager. He works on the sensory stuff and we've learned a lot over the years. But so many kids seem to be diagnosed for different things so routinely these days. My other son is not a kid who loves reading.
Avatar f tn Hello, the key to determining if a young child has ADHD is to determine to what degree his symptoms are occurring across settings, and how much his behavior differs from that of other boys his age. Much of what you describe is common unwanted behavior in a boy his age, though it is clear that he needs to learn new skills to follow rules and keep himself safe.
Avatar n tn Your son may well display ADHD, but it is important to arrange a thorough evaluation and not rush too quickly to the diagnosis. The on-line surveys can be useful tools to see if a person might display symptoms typical of ADHD, but a thorough assessment will consider a child's medical history, family history, current functioning at home and in school, possible alternative explanations for the symptoms identified on the surveys, etc.
Avatar f tn Well I dont think the ADHD would be a problem unless the child is prone to rages, personally I would supervise the play, the age gap is large and it may be good to encourage your child to play with children nearer his/her age group .
Avatar n tn Don't jump to the bipolar yet. My son has had the whole alphabet throw at him. He was very hyperactive as a pre-schooler and so ADHD was first diagnosis. He now goes to a school designed for children who have ADHD, Asperger's, bipolar syndrome, Tourette's and about every other neurobiological disorder.
Avatar f tn Psychiatric problems — Stimulants for ADD / ADHD can trigger or exacerbate symptoms of hostility, aggression, anxiety, depression, and paranoia. People with a personal or family history of suicide, depression, or bipolar disorder are at a particularly high risk, and should be carefully monitored when taking stimulants. Potential for abuse — Stimulant abuse is a growing problem, particularly among teens and young adults.
Avatar f tn is it that common to put a child that young under medication, or to diagnose him as ADHD , i am living in medial east.