
Zonegran for bipolar disorder

Common Questions and Answers about Zonegran for bipolar disorder


Avatar n tn As you can see alcohol use is not recommended for use with Zonegran in particular. but is usually not recommended for use with most medications. That is because it can increase or decrease the effectiveness of the medication or cause unwanted side effects. Personally, although I haven't found any literature that indicates that seizures will occur if you use it with Zonegran and Lamictal, I would avoid it completely or minimize its' usage.
Avatar f tn is adderall being used for manic depressive/ bipolar disorder, especially when all other treatments have been ineffective even ect the persons mind is racing, foot is shaking, but body cannot get in action., like add of the mind.
Avatar f tn Sorry I should have been clear: I'm going in for a psychological evaluation specifically for bipolar disorder.
Avatar f tn t until then that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder while I was receiving treatment for my depression. Not only that but without treatment kids will most likely try to self medicate with drugs if not taken care of. My cousin is in rehab right now for her addictions and she didn't start treatment until she was 22. So again, with PROPER counseling it's better to catch the problem early on before it's too late.
Avatar m tn The expert will be better able to advise but you may also like to check out the bipolar community forum and possibly even the depression community forum.
Avatar f tn does anyone here have bipolar disorder ? I want to communicate with any Egyptian having the same illness that I have , I want to make a group about Egyptian bipolar disorders in Egypt online to help myself and others , can anyone advice me ? anyone has an idea or can share his experience ?
Avatar n tn t really remember he is not avoiding the question. It is fairly common for people with bipolar disorder to not remember the details of episodes. I am not saying it is always easy to live with someone who had bipolar disorder at times but if you truly love him it is something you can get through and have it grow a deeper relationship with each other. Most people with bipolar live full and satisfied lives. And as an aside - don't let email posts scare the crap out of you.
1317254 tn?1274150786 Has anyone else been diagnosed with Soft Bipolar Disorder? I recently was and I am looking for others with whom I can share experiences and support through the ups and downs. Sometimes people ask me what Soft Bipolar is. It is subtle hypomania with severe depression. I also have rapid-cycling. Can anyone relate?
Avatar m tn Bipolar I requires a full manic or mixed episode. Bipolar II requires at least one full depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode, with no full manic or mixed episodes.
Avatar f tn Xanax is NOT used primarily for bipolar disorder. It can cause much worse problems in the long run if your husband is addicted to it. It has a short calming effect, (to calm a person down when going through a panic attack). Then it wears away, causing your hubby to get manic again. It is by no means a mood stabalizer like Lithium or Lamictal. He seems to be self medicating with it. I love the stuff- that's why I don't touch it anymore. ;) Good luck!
Avatar f tn My new doctor thinks I've been misdiagnosed for depression/anxiety. He says this based on everything I described to him and because general SSRI's just cause me more problems than good (high anxiety and side effects). He says I'm not BiPolar, but that I have a mood disorder, on the BiPolar Spectrum... maybe unipolar. He says he does not know exactly what kind of mood disorder yet, just that I have one. So he's trying me out on Lamictal.
Avatar f tn Let me add, there is new research going on with glutamate receptors. There is one member of the depression forum who claims to have been cured of schizophrenia with an experimental treatment.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed a year ago this past January and I am a 33 year old degreed social worker. Talk about throwing me for a loop. I had been manic for two months at the time I went to see a psychiatrist to figure out what in the world was wrong with me. I did not understand mania, except the surface symptoms that we were taught in psychology. I had suffered depression for years, which is why I sought help with a psychiatrist. I was feeling depressed along with being manic.
Avatar f tn A friend said she took Zonegran for nerve pain and it helped her tremendously. My c ondition now is post herpetic neuraglia left over from shingles in the top of my head, forehead, eyebrow and left eye. have anyone tried Zonegran for post herpetic nueraglia (PHN) and did it help. The Lyrica is now affecting my eyes so I am desperate to get off it. Any answers/experiences are much appreciated. Thanks much.
Avatar m tn // Your folks need to find a good child psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD. Any idea who came up with the Bipolar diagnosis? And by the way, its a pretty common mistake to mix up the two. and if it is ADHD, there is a ton of info I can send you. Also the medication is a lot easier on the child then bipolar stuff.
Avatar n tn What is the best medicine out there for Bipolar Disorder for an adult with the least amount of side effects
Avatar f tn Thank you for your reply, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder recently by one psychiatrist at the assessment team at the hospital,and he referred me to the recovery team and the psychiatrist ther. The new psychiatrist would have been my second one but she was on maternity leave so he was a locome (I know I was confused) I've been keeping a diary and my mood is up since I posted. I feel more energetic, happy, irritable because Im doing too much at once.
1515545 tn?1291395764 g about 2 weeks ago, I have been feeling great up to today, and now my very irriatated and annoyed moods are back, I did lapse on the lithium for 2 days waiting for a refill, but today I just wanted to go off on my very annoying neighbor, she is constanlty pounding and banging, slamming doors all hours of the day and night, and today I am done with it, I have had all I can take, landlord has been called 5 seperate times just from me, not to mention the calls my fiance has done too, I sick of my
Avatar f tn Anxiety can be a symptom of bipolar disorder. This was recognized by the fellow who originally described bipolar disorder as such, Dr. Emil Kraepelin, back in 1921. He described "anxious mania", and also "excited depression", which included a "great restlessness". He specifically named anxiety as one of the components of this illness. All that requires saying, because "anxiety" is not generally regarded as a bipolar symptom.
Avatar m tn Well, I can agree with you that taking only an antidepressant helps your memory improve. I used to take some anti-psyc drugs for bipolar and it made my cognition worse. I would talk to your doctor and continue working with him to figure out the best combination for you.
Avatar f tn Can someone with bipolar disorder/schiophenia ever live a normal life? My brother tried to end his life and his family say they are never taking in home again. Will be ever get better and did it happen because he went off his medicine.
1055770 tn?1254235776 Bipolar 1 and 2, both have this symtom, and I have experienced it for years, losing the trust and friendship of family and aquantainces. I would suggest that you contact your GP and get the appropriate meds for this, as with mine, it got worse as the years went on to the point where I was physically violent.
Avatar f tn He has been diagnosed with clinical depression years ago, and just recently was given a medicine that treats the symptoms of bipolar disorder. he said the side effects were not good and he quit taking the medication. Two days ago he got angry over something trivial and again today slamming doors and yelling at me and our kids.
15242955 tn?1534438461 A man I know is on Clozapine for his bipolar disorder. His psychiatrist prescribed it.