Zoloft for children

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft for children


Avatar n tn After just one meeting, the psychiatrist wants my daughter to start taking zoloft, specifically for depression. I went to zoloft .com and realized it is recommended for OCD in children, but not depression. It goes on, stating that in clinical trials there were no connections between zoloft and suicide in children either with OCD or drepression. I want to help my daughter be happy, but why would the psychiatrist place her on a medication which is not approved by the FDA??
Avatar f tn No, you can't continue giving her zoloft. Its not a drug to play around with - and that is what you are doing. I am not exactly sure how to stop giving it. Cold turkey might be bad. I would definitely tell your doctor. Your doctor needs to know because its possible that she has been miss medicated or miss diagnosed, and this information might be helpful.
Avatar f tn I started at 25mg for a week and then 50mg for a month and then 75mg for another month up to 100mg where I stayed for 3 months. I got better and went back down to 50mg and then quit altogether after 8 months of treatment. I did great. No problems at all. Fast forward to October 2015 and I got a back injury followed by a health scare after an affair while I was separated in summer 2014. Found out I was pregnant and diagnosed with ectopic though it turned out to be a blighted ovum.
Avatar n tn can zoloft cause or aggravate rage in young children? Will Tenex and or Zoloft aggravate psychotic features?
Avatar m tn Hi, it is my understanding that the class of drugs that zoloft is part of----- the seratonin reuptake inhibitors will affect the sertonin levels of the brain (increases it) so that a person can properly function. It works to relieve anxiety and social anxiety. It has a start up period of 2 to 4 weeks in which a person can have different types of side effects. They can become agitated for one. Some go the other way and get sleepy.
Avatar m tn s a hard question in this area where so much is unknown. But stress and anxiety are bad for you, and Zoloft is bad for the baby -- your baby will eat what you eat and take the drugs you take. But I'm sure some will say the stress and anxiety are bad for the baby inside you as well. All I can tell you is that the recommendation is not to take these drugs when pregnant, but there are always people who do and doctors who believe otherwise.
Avatar m tn After five weeks, my depression and anxiety seemed to be a little better and then a few hours ago, I had a meaningless thought about my children and WHAM, Huge anxiety attack. I was on zoloft a while back for years. It controlled my anxiety and depression very well then. I was surprised by the anxiety attack. I thought after five weeks it would be controlled. My questions are: Shouldn't I be feeling better by now? Do you think my dosage is too low this time.
Avatar f tn Can anyone give me a comparison between Effexor XR and Zoloft for severe anxiety. My Psycharist has just put me on Effexor XR 37.5. I have also ben prescribed Zoloft in the last 6 months but never took it. I have taken Effexor XR 37.5 for two months but quit cold turkey because of the cost, side effects. I really do not want to start Effexor again because of the nasty withdrawal. Anyone had experience with either or both? With Zoloft, is it difficult to sleep at night?
Avatar f tn The symptoms you describe are associated with anxiety and the Zoloft should help with that although it often takes 2-4 weeks for you to see the benefits. You could also take your daughter to a counselor. You can also try having her do something else whenever she starts to bite her nails such as write or draw or exercise. I am sorry to hear aout the TAKS test. That is such an anxiety provoking time for kids in Texas and they have soooooo much pressure put on them to do well.
Avatar n tn My son has been on Zoloft for about 3 months. He started out on 25 mg with no side effects. Two weeks after he increased to 50 mg he began a headache - meaning it has not stopped. Here we are, going on week three of a headache. However, my son has been on other medications for sinisitis and bronchitis that could account for a headache. He now off of pulmicort, xopenex and nasonex. He is currently going through allergy testing as well.
Avatar f tn s perfectly safe for me to stay on Zoloft she also said that Zoloft is the safest antidepressant for pregnant women. I pray that my baby is and will be ok even after birth..
Avatar f tn So I've been on paxil for 15 years and most recently switched to Zoloft. The only reason I changed was because I want to have children. Now, I feel totally crazy! Extremely anxious, but out of it. Having suicidal thoughts which is not ok. I have no desire to die. I'm happy in my life. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel completely out of control.
Avatar f tn I am a stay at home mom of three children. I have been taking Zoloft for 11 years at 100 mg. I have so much going on in my life now and feel absolutely out of control. I had tried to decrease the zoloft a couple of months ago and had severe diziness and anxiety was back. I am so scared to increase to decrease the anxiety I'm having. Does anyone suggest a great anxiety medication that weening off of zoloft wont make me crazy! This whold anxiety thing is so hard to deal with.
5255779 tn?1414034937 There have been commercials for zoloft causing birth defects. I stopped taking mine immediately when me and my boyfriend decided to try for a baby. Now im 20 weeks and 2 days.
Avatar f tn I was on Zoloft for all 3 of my children because my panic and anxiety was so bad.... Your doc can tell you best but if it is that bad, you really need to break it up to him/her.
Avatar f tn I am a 20 year old female and I have been taking Zoloft for 15 years. I was diagnosed with clinical depression at age 5. I know this is somewhat unheard of but that is not why I came to this site. I think I may have an abnormally difficult time reaching orgasm. I can reach orgasm on my own but I have a harder time reaching that same climax with my partner.
Avatar f tn Hopefully get yourlife back on track and see your kids. For my experience I was on zoloft for 4 yrs and when I got off of them without consulting my doctor and I was a total mess but I got help from my family and went to go see a threapist and counseling. After that I Talked to my doctor about the situation and he prescribed me lexapro which helps out a lot. Now I'm happy and brought my life back up again. So please get some help and good luck!!
Avatar m tn This is going to be kind of stupid to ask because I'm sure nearly all of you have been prescribed zoloft for depression, if you've been prescribed it before... but how did zoloft work for your anxiety? They prescribed me some during my hospital stay for my anxiety. I'm already less jittery but feeling anxious a bit still but I know that will take a week or so to take full effect.
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on zoloft today. Anyone been on that while they were pregnant?
Avatar f tn I was taking pristiqe for depression and anxiety I'm 6 wks today and as soon as I found out I was pregnant the Dr. Made me switch over to Zoloft for depression. I've heard nothing but horrible things about Zoloft. Is there anyone that has takin it during their pregnancy? What is your opinion and experience?
Avatar n tn It is possible that your son has both ADHD and anxiety issues. However, it is common today for medical personnel to misdiagnose a child because the behaviours for some anxiety disorders and ADD/ADHD are very similar. Since the medication for ADHD is not working, I wonder if this could be the problem in your son's situation - he suffers from anxiety but not ADD/ADHD. Usually, the medication for anxiety is one of the SSRI's - non-habit-forming medications.
Avatar n tn My daughter (15 years old) has been recently prescribed 50mg Zoloft for mild depression. I am very scared that this is not the right way to deal with the problems that she has and in particular scared of side effects and withdrawal dramas eventually. Do you have any suggestions how I could help her deal with depression without the medication and is Zoloft very dangerous to start with?
Avatar f tn I am constantly in fear of hurting children. If i am around children, i will not allow any physical contact. I am almost to the point of never leaving my house. I have done research and found that all of my symptoms fall under the "Pure O" form of ocd. I really want to get on SSRI's, i have heard they work well. Has anyone else experienced this? and what medications have helped with the obsessing, or bad thoughts?
1771101 tn?1314103509 I am a widowed mother of 4 children ages, 2,3,7, and 8 and I need to maintain some form of sanity to care for my children. I was very hesitant about taking medication and am hoping to have some success with Zoloft. I know that everyones body responds differently to medications but any positive feedback re: Zoloft usage and getting back to some form of normalcy would be greatly appreciated as I am very discouraged and thinking that I will be this way forever. Thank you everyone.
Avatar f tn Speak with the prescribing doctor about her response to the Zoloft and ask about other options. Children do not always respopnd favorably to the first medication that is prescribed, but that does not at all mean that there won't be options.
Avatar f tn The primary doctor said i have virual virus do to allergies, so i saw my doctor who precribed me the Zoloft he said not take zoloft for two weeks until i get better from this virual virus then try the zoloft again if you have reaction to it stop the zoloft then wait a week and try different medicine called citalpram 20mm. i am so sacred to taking any medicine because i am so sentitive to medicine anyway.
Avatar f tn I have been on Zoloft 50mg for a year. I have never had any issues with anxiety until the birth of my children. 3 1/2 years ago I was on Zoloft for 6 months after the birth of my daughter, but stopped after 6 months- no problem. When my son was born a year ago, I had a panic attack in the hospital and they started me on Zoloft right away. I tred going off of it about 6 months ago- this time causing me serious anxiety. So I stayed on it but now it is has caused a complete loss of libido.