
Zofran pediatric dose

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran pediatric dose


Avatar f tn Were any of you mommies given zofran while prego and had a healthy baby? Before I heard anything about zofran they gave me 1 dose through an IV at the hospital.. And now I'm really scared. I told my doc and she didnt say anything. Send positive comments my way please!
Avatar f tn Hi. I am 40. 8 weeks. Was losing almost a lb a day. I'm on zofran now. Are any of you on it too? Has it helped?
1201433 tn?1328997637 I take it back what I said, my 3rd dose of zofran did'nt work, I just pucked my guts out, think I pulled a muscle in my chest, atleast I feel better for now. I will have to look up my post on vomiting up meds, i think someone posted another med. I do'nt think my meds were in it I took them 4 hrs eariler thanks for posting, it means alot too me!
Avatar f tn I was originally prescribed zofran.. But then there was a back order because of the pending law suits and whatnot. So my doctor prescribed phenegran instead (generic name is promethazine). It's worked wonders! I'm about 16 weeks and I've taken it almost every day since week 7.. And a lot less scary side effect potential.
Avatar f tn I am taking zofran and it's perfectly safe and a class b drug. The ads on tv are just lawyers trying to get money for a case they can't prove. The birth defects they state are the most common among all babies born no matter a family history or not. Don't be afraid to take it if you need it. If you are that afraid though, look up the study of 600,000 pregnant women in denmark in 2013 that proved it was safe.
Avatar f tn My dr. just prescribed me Zofran for my nausea. Is anyone here taking Zofran while also taking Effexor for anxiety? Since they both deal with seratonin, my dr. wants me to have EKG's to monitor any interaction. Help!
1815939 tn?1377991799 My toughest dose of meds is in the afternoon, so I take the Zofran 30 minutes before that dose. Zofran lasts for 8 hours. Best to you! I think it will make a noticeable difference for you.
Avatar m tn Zofran comes in either 4mg or 8mg, and comes either as a pill you swallow or as one you dissolve on your tongue. I had really severe nausea with vomiting and was given the 4mg dose of Zofran in the dissolving form. Each time I took it the nausea and vomiting stopped completely within about 15 minutes, and in another 15 minutes I was actually feeling hungry and wanted to eat. The instructions said every 8 hours as needed, but I only rarely needed to take a second dose layer in the day.
Avatar n tn I am currently 26 weeks pregnant. I'm currently taking Zofran because I can't keep anything down as far as food. After reading a few post in this group. I hav heard about people using Zofran and there babies coming out with defects or women having miscarriages....
Avatar f tn Pediatrician did blood work and checked for Celiac, it was negative. Other blood work was Ok. Doing stool test this week. Had an appt for a pediatric gi specialist this week, Friday, Nov 20th. No fever but he says he feels hot., it actually runs below norm -- 97.4 or so. He's never been a sickly child and all of sudden this. He's missing a lot of school ... and that only makes things harder.
1711722 tn?1356487554 How do you take your Zofran/Ondansetron?? My instructions are every 8 hours *as needed* but I have only been taking them once a day, after lunch, because my 3pm meds seem to cause the worst nausea. How do you take Zofran in relation to other meds? An hour before? An hour after? Only when you feel sick? What has worked best for you?? Thanks!
Avatar m tn My husband was diagnosed with a condition called neurogenic cough. It has been described as a chronic cough where the nerve that provides sensation to the voicebox and is responsible for triggering the cough reflex has been injured, usually by a virus. When this happens, the nerve's level of sensitivity before it triggers the cough reflex becomes markedly reduced; in other words, it becomes hyper-sensitive.
Avatar m tn I took Zofran but it was for an off label use not for nausea which is its general use. Although it does control nausea it can create it in a minor way so the best thing to do is eat food with it. And it can be a bit sedating. Long term for Zofran a liver function test is advised as was by my provider but that's true of many medications including what I am on now.
Avatar f tn With onset of menses she developing a problem of nausea after eating when she was 13.. She had a ton of tests done through a a pediatric gastroenterology group through Stanford. She had an upper GI, MRI for brain tumor..nothing came back as remarkable. She had stool tests and tested positive for a common parasite Dientamoeba fragilis and was treated for it. But the symptoms persisted. They got better over time and have all but gone away until recently.
Avatar f tn Zofran dose could go up, but still might not help with nausea. Maybe compazine could work?
Avatar m tn Hello! Can somebody tell me if there is a problem if someone had 1st dose of engerix B 1 ml (1 month ago) and now we can't find anymore to buy 2'nd dose IF it will take 2 pediatric dose (0.5ml each)? Thank you!
Avatar f tn I would suck on hard peppermint candies that was recommended to me by a nurse for my nausea I was also taking Zofran until my 5th month of pregnancy the zofran didn't work very well for me until I adjusted my dose my doctor had me taking it every 8 hours I stopped taking it every 8 hours and only took it before bedtime one dose before bedtime worked for me for the entire next day I'm not sure why it worked better but it did
Avatar f tn I'm 13w3d, but had horrible nausea. It's starting to get better, but not gone completely. My doctor started me with b6 & unisom. Take together at night & helps with sleep. Helped some, but not enough. Was prescribed phenergan & zofran (not to take together). Zofran I haven't taken, but have heard it's amazing. Also heard a horrible side effect is constipation, so I stuck with phenergan.
765439 tn?1292960414 took my first dose of zofran today 8mg...and didnt feel any better.... i took the dose at 3pm...and i idnt eat my first meal till 7:30 pm today..and still had no appetite for it....does this eman zofran wont work for me either? if zofran works for cancer patients on chemo...
Avatar n tn I am on a bit of a higher dose of Zofran, so I hear you about the constipation. My doctor recommended Miralax. It is a flavorless powder and I put in it my juice or Gatorade. I can't taste it at all, and I'm really picky about that stuff. It works well without giving you cramps, gas, or diarrhea. It is definitely worth it to drink it every couple days to get the relief from Zofran.