
Zofran in kids

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran in kids


Avatar f tn m 7 weeks pregnant and I went to the Dr last week and my Dr prescribed Zofran. The problem is everytime I take this medicine, I see the commercial on TV that talks about Zofran causing some birth defects. Is anyone else taking this medicine or have heard these birth defects. Thanks!
Avatar f tn I was also alot sicker then you. Was in the hospital and had a pick line put in so I could eat. Any way, if you think you can find away to go with out the meds do it. That's always the best way. But if you need them then take them.
10874336 tn?1415760929 Also the person who commented on the increase of cleft palates after being treated with zofran, studies have showed an increase in cleft palates in women who have taken zofran AND women who took none but had HG. This shows more that the chances of cleft palate is due to a diet deficiency rather than the drug.
Avatar n tn Hey ladies! I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my third and I was wondering did anyone else have 2 or more kids and was super nauseous the first trimester? It's soo having 2 baby's (they are 1 and 2) and being so nauseous all the time.. I feel like I'm not taking care of them good enough or like I used to..
Avatar f tn My dr. Said a recent study came out not to use Zofran so she prescribed phenigren. My Co worker just had a baby in May and she took Zofran she had a healthy 9 lb girl! There is also a vitamin b6 and unisom (specific ingredient) combo you can take for nausea. I agree with the other ladies. Dehydration and malnutrition are not worth not taking the medicine. I was sick to week 20 and lost 12 lbs even on the medicine! I can only imagine if I didn't take it.
Avatar f tn Be careful with the zofran ladies there's a law suit going on bc is causing birth defects in babies
4237864 tn?1406934017 Used Zofran with 3 of my 4 kids. This time its not working for me but my kids never had any adverse effects from the meds.
Avatar f tn i told my doc about it and she prescribed zofran which helped take an edge off it...unforuntately zofran didnt take it away completely....there are also sea band bracelets (walmart sells them) that you can try...
Avatar f tn Yes this is my fourth and I have had it with all my kids its the hardest thing in the world it can just shut u down completely I tried zofran and everything else nothing worked all u can do is wait for it to pass and make sure u stay hydrated
Avatar f tn If ur a stay at home mommy and have no kids id say take it whatever time. I sometimes take it in the day but i take half of the unisom if i do it in the day time i have 3 kids and preg with 4th. Ask ur doctor about it!
Avatar f tn I was prescribed Zofran to help and it wad truly god sent. Lol. I haf stopped taking the medication around 23 weeks cause the nausea and sickness subsided. But all the sudden today i feel beyond tired, no strength, really bad nausea to yhe point i had to take a Zofran. It helped i wad able to eat anf start feeling better, well now i have this horrible headache between my eyes, diarrhea (to the point i couldn't hold it in, sorry tmi), and lower abdominal cramping.
Avatar f tn Well after suffering through 2 weeks of nausea 24 hours a day I finally gave in and called the doctor for some kind of nausea medicine. My morning sickness is so bad I can hardly keep anything down and I had to call in for work last night. I didnt want to take a bunch of pills through my pregnancy but I can't take it anymore!
Avatar f tn Yes, in MOST cases it works, and most cases works wonders, it is the generic for Zofran, I have been off and on Zofran most my life due to GI disorders which cause severe nausea/vomiting and Zofran, or it's generic, has been a godsend for that AND for my morning sickness in both my first pregnancy and my current one.
Avatar f tn This isn't my first go around-I'm on my 4th and surely THE last pregnancy and this morning sickness is like no other. . I've tried ginger ale, keeping bits of ginger in my mouth, Benadryl, 3 different meds from my doctor, pretty much under the sin that I know of. .. anybody know of anything that actually helps?
4331946 tn?1355816857 You could talk to you doctor about bring prescribed zofran but i honestly only take it when ours absolutely necessary because it causes the worst constipation
Avatar f tn And I'm on zofran 3x a day but in am or after long nap it's to late and I get sick anyway.anyone know why ? Anyone know how to stop it?
Avatar f tn This did not happen with my first so im a little lost... my doctor prescribed zofran which I plan to pick up monday but I did some research about it not being safe. Does anyone know anything about this or have taken it and no problems? I am just at my wits end cuz I cannot keep anything down but water (not even crackers) and sometimes not even that.
Avatar n tn I took zofran with my 1st born. She turned out perfect. No problems. This was 17 months ago. But I have bad nausea as well with baby #2. I take emetrol. Its a liquid cherry flavor med. Over the counter. Its been helping me. Also I eat ginger snaps. Helps a lot!
1961938 tn?1398718101 Hey ladies I am 17w2d and on zofran but still am getting sick. What can I do to help it besides just waiting it out?
12103503 tn?1423448886 My doctor perscibed it to me for nausea. But then i got freaked out about a commercial i saw in tv about zofran causing birth defects.
12380259 tn?1424964291 I have been in the hospital the past two days with keytones in my urine, meaning I havnt been eating, which I have been eating but I got very sick the other night and couldnt keep anything down. So when I got to the hospital my doctors prescribed me zofran, and I have heard about the recent studies shown and so I asked them and they told me it was okay to take as long as your out of your first trimester.
Avatar f tn THAT is where your doctor will come in. If your doctor has prescribed Zofran, you are wise to ask them questions about it. Another good source is your pharmacist. My pharmacist has us sign when we receive a medication from them that all of our questions were answered. So, they are trained to talk to you about what you are taking. That really is the way to go.
9095217 tn?1408287670 I had the morning sickness so bad when I was 5 weeks or so and on to 20 weeks. I puked easily 30 times in a day span and lost 5 lbs in that day. I couldn't even hold down water. The best thing for me was zofran. I know you hear a lot of bad things about the drug, but trust me, it isn't as bad as you would think. I know many moms who have taken it and all their kids came out just fine. It's worth it to talk to your dr and see what they recommend you try for it.
Avatar f tn Hi. I am 40. 8 weeks. Was losing almost a lb a day. I'm on zofran now. Are any of you on it too? Has it helped?
1468090 tn?1289093410 with pain meds, they usually give promethazine, which is what i take. so in answer to your question, no. i have not taken zofran to the best of my knoweldge.
1201433 tn?1328997637 Ondansetron reduces the activity of the vagus nerve, which deactivates the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata, and also blocks serotonin receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone.