
Yeast infections yogurt tampons

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infections yogurt tampons


Avatar f tn Has anyone had multiple yeast/BV infections? I've had 3 so far and I think I'm having another! I'm going to ob tomorrow and I'm sure I'll get some meds. It's frustrating. Anyone Else?!?! Please help.
Avatar f tn I got my first yeast infection July 11,2015 and i've kept having on ever since. In the first months, the burning was there the whole time and after that I could use yeast infection medicine to help banish the symptoms, but they always come back. Sometimes I'll go to the doctor and there will only be a little yeast, sometimes it will be Bv and Yeast( no very freq.).
Avatar f tn s not harmful at all. As for the yeast infections, some antibiotics taken over a period of time can cause yeast infections. My mother suffers with these often and she has started taking a probiotic. It evens out the good and bad bacteria in your vagina. Also, if you douche, stop. This rids your downstairs of ALL bacteria, good and bad. And you need the good. I've never heard of anyone being allergic to semen, but I guess thats always a possibility.
Avatar f tn Before I became prego at age 22 I had only had maybe one ot two yeast infections which all cleared up with basic store medicine. While being prego with my son I had a yeast infection(YI) every month and he is a year old no and I am now plagued with chronic yeast infections.
512442 tn?1216259500 to avoid the grossness of putting yogurt on your hoo-ha, try yogurt pills (acidophillus) or buy AZO Yeast, I've used AZO Yeast pills for all my yeast infections and it relieves it in a day or two. These pills are a combination of natural herbs and yogurt cultures and it balances your vaginal PH. That stuff is awesome, it relieves the itching and burning in a couple of hours too. Yogurt is ok but doesn't work as fast.
10203682 tn?1418693754 ve also used tea tree oil for ring worm, also another fungus. While reading about yeast infections I discovered that it's also a fungus! So being that the shampoo I use for my hair and scalp has the teat tee oil in it I used just the tiniest amount of shampoo to wash my lady parts and it actually helped!
Avatar f tn i have had an infection and just finishes.antibiotics unfortunatley they havent cleared it.
Avatar f tn in regards to your yeast infecton problem Girl you need to go see a doctor and get checked out because it could be something other than a yeast infection, it could be bacterial vaginosis which would need anti biotics to go away. If you don't get this treated it could scar your falopian tubes and leave u sterile aka not able to have children, it can also lead to pelvic inflamitory syndrom which is very painful and dangerous if let go long enough without treatment...
Avatar m tn Fungal overgrowth can cause this, yeast being the most common. Although yeast infections usually have clumpy discharge that is odorless but itches, not always. You can try some vagisil wipes for now. You've never been diagnosed which is the best thing to do with your first yeast infection. Can you tell your mom and see your doctor? They swab it and tell you exactly what it is. Then treat it. Otherwise, you can talk to your mom about over the counter remedies like Monastat.
Avatar m tn My fiance and I have been together for nearly two years and sexually active for the past year. Initially we used no protection and she had no issues whatsoever. I used the pull-out method. Not wanting to have any more children she underwent a tubal ligation about eight months ago. Since then she has had recurring vaginal issues including numerous severe yeast infections, UTI's, and bacterial vaginosis. She has been on anti-biotics so frequently it's pathetic. Although she asked her Dr.
Avatar f tn Is anybody getting yeast infections as often as you cure them? Im 6 months pregnant and I have never had this many yeast infections in my life. I only bathe with dial soap and the doctor said I shouldnt take baths, nothing but showers. Can anybody help me with some remedies or something to help with the yeast infections ??
Avatar f tn m in my first trimester and pregnancy is already making me experience the wonderful world of yeast infections. I went to the doctor to make sure it is indeed a yeast infection and it is. He didn't prescribe me anything because he said it's too early and to wait until the second trimester, but I've heard of natural remedies, such as the garlic clove in the vagina that cures yeast infections. Has anyone tried this during pregnancy? Is it safe?
Avatar f tn Yes, I got it around that time too. Dr.
Avatar n tn Its very common to get multiple yeast infections during pregnancy. There isn't really any way of preventing as hormones change constantly. Speak with your doctor to see about preventatives but I've learned they don't help much.
Avatar f tn Not only is yogurt good for you, but the cultures in it is are really good for keeping yeast infections at bay which pregnant women are more prone to.
Avatar f tn Ruby it sounds like we have the same issue. I've tried everything yogurt acidophilus yeast cleanse antibiotics apple cider vinegar. Have you been given any meds by your doctor for c glabrata?
Avatar f tn The odor means the infection has not cleared up and you may need a different antibiotic, either pills and/or cream. You may have a propensity to yeast infections and adding cranberry juice or cranberry pills and yogurt to your diet may also help but see the Dr. first to get this cleared up.
Avatar f tn Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina and will cause infections. 2. Avoid bread and sugary foods as much as possible. If there is yeast in your vagina it is in the rest of your body too and sugar will just feed it. 3. Use condoms if you have sex. You CAN give a yeast infection to a guy (they usually get no symptoms) and then he will just keep passing it back to you. 4. Eat yogurt with live cultures in it - sugar free is best, but any kind helps. 5.
1648058 tn?1330927302 HELP PLEASE! i have been having on going vaginal infections for close to 5 months straight now. i believe i also have endometrosis as i have suffered from symptoms of endo for 12 yrs. i was diagnosis with yeast infection,pelvic infection, urinary tract infection,& herpes. now i have something AGAIN! ive taken all the meds the doctors have prescribed me and have had little or no relief. i dont understand why my body is reacting this way>>?
Avatar n tn if it is due to taking antibiotics, try eating plain yogurt while taking the antibiotics...this will prevent a yeast infection from even begining.
Avatar f tn go to the store and get any plain yogurt, doesn't matter the brand or kind, get u some tampons and go home and dip the tampon in the yogurt, make sure u get plenty of yogurt on the tampon and place it in u and leave it it for a few hours at a time unless u need to change it out, put a fresh 1 in the morning and before bed, during the day do what u can, make sure u have the yogurt in the fridge and don't eat it, the active cultures in the yogurt will help u a lot, do it for as long as u w
Avatar f tn I was having servere pain in my middle back in the right side so at 1 am on the 5th I went to the er at that point was 22 weeks and 4 days they admitted me into labor and delivery where they found out the pain was due to a kidney infection they kept me on an IV with antibiotics until I was discharged this morning they sent me home with more antibiotics to take to finish fighting the infection but since I got home this morning my vagina has been kinda itchy when I itch it it hurts could that be a
Avatar f tn I have been having complications with yeast infections, someone suggested taking a natural supplemental probiotic, since I can't stomach yogurt, has anyone ever done so while pregnant? I've read online and can't seem to get a straight answer.
Avatar f tn Is there anyway to prevent yeast infections? Other than staying clean down there. This is my 4th pregnancy and I get them constantly throughout my pregnancy. I'm 4 weeks along and already have developed my first one.
Avatar f tn You could try inserting plain yogurt into your vagina. This kills yeast infection. Make sure it is plain and nothing with sugar or fruit...and not vanilla. Just plain yogurt. If you use tampons, this is the easiest way. If not, get the type of syringe they use to give babies medicine with. Fill the syringe with the yogurt and insert it into your vagina this way. You could also use your finger to insert it, but this would take a long time. It may take a few days to work, but it should help.
Avatar f tn I am quite prone to yeast infections, so what I do is take an AZO yeast pill and eat some yogurt every day. If you have been on antibiotics that would do it. The antibiotics kill all bacteria (even the good ones) and that is why we are more likely to get a yeast infection after being on antibiotics.
Avatar f tn I am diabetic and I am prone to yeast infections so I had to ask in case. They told me pro b for prevention and Monistat 1 not the 1 day but 3 or 7 and do not insert more than an inch. I hope this helps.