
Wisdom teeth removal complications

Common Questions and Answers about Wisdom teeth removal complications


Avatar f tn Be absolutely certain you've gleaned all the information and knowledge available ( and there's a ton out there ) about complications that can arise from wisdom teeth extractions. Alas, I did not investigate fully ( accepting only my oral surgeons view ) and am paying the price for that neglect. There ARE other options. Interestingly enough there's even a segment of dental medicine that advocates NO wisdom teeth extractions except under the most extreme circumstances. Please...
Avatar f tn Once the wisdom tooth is removed, pericoronitis is gone, unless there is periodontitis of second molar.
Avatar f tn Upper wisdom tooth removal is totally different from that of lower wisdom tooth.Extraction of upper wisdom tooth generally takes no more than 10 miniutes. Post-op pain and complications are generally minimal. Patients generally take one or two doses of OTC pain killer. Antibiotics is rarely needed. Swelling is a rare occurence.Your dentist was absolutely right.
Avatar m tn because of the location wisdom teeth are almost impossible to remove without the proper instruments. you also risk getting an infection not to mention causing yourself a whole lot of pain. find a dentist that will accept monthly payments and have it removed correctly.
Avatar n tn Post-op discomfort after wisdom teeth removal may last weeks. Wisdom teeth are frequent occlusal interference. It's common patients feel the jaw position or bite is different after wisdom teeth removal. This is probably what you described " misaligned". If you do'nt have temporomandibular disorder, the bite will be realigned after a couple of weeks. If you do have tmd problems, seeing a tmj specialist is advised.
Avatar m tn I know that feeling, bro. It's frustrating how much wisdom tooth removal cost in United States, isn't it? Especially when you have no insurance. I have the same problem as you do, and after looking around I think my best shot would be going to Mexico and get it fixed there. It is a whole lot cheaper, although you still have to do some research to get good oral surgeon there.
Avatar f tn Any wisdom teeth experiences or words of advice would help. Also if anyone has taken halcion for wisdom teeth removal let me know.
Avatar m tn I have but mine is with any thing that is salt! i had mine taken out in 08' and they left chipped peices of tooth still in there. right afterwards well the doc said it was the stiches. well two days later i had to dig the chipped peices out! and what not!
1550634 tn?1296568028 The pressure feeling may be coming from the movement of the teeth. Its normal to have some pain or discomfort from your wisdom teeth as they come out. Try some over the counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Motrin (whatever you would take for headaches that's safe for you) and see if that helps. I took my 4 wisdom teeth out with an oral surgeon and I was put asleep. Didn't remember a thing.
1757114 tn?1312651561 Normally people removes their wisdom teeth just for the growth for other teeth. Wisdom teeth has no function in our dental structure. So I suggest you meet your dentist to remove your wisdom teeth.
1847035 tn?1327274923 okay, so question. I need my wisdom teeth removed badly. I think my ortho should have let me remove them before I got my braces. well now no braces but bad hurting wisdom teeth. :( my question is what should I do?