
Will bactroban help acne

Common Questions and Answers about Will bactroban help acne


Avatar f tn I got these ances on October 2012, since I put Bio oil on my face after shaving, in order to remove a tiny acne scar, although my skin on the face got 1 or 2 little wounds after shaving. At the beginning, I felt my skin was burning after I put Bio oil on my face. 1 day later, ances occurred and my skin itched. I went to see a doctor. He said my skin is very healthy, I was afraid that I was allergic. The symptom(acne) is still there.
Avatar m tn Application of antiseptic washes may help prevent recurrences. A topical antibiotic cream, mupirocin (Bactroban®), has been effective . Let us know if you need any other information and consult a skin specialist if the lesion is persistent. Regards.
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms it can be acne or acne keloidalis nuchae. Treatment includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections. So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or Bactroban. If the symptoms persist then oral antibiotics and steroids may be needed. So continue using the Minocycline and if the symptoms persist then steroids may have to be added.Please consult a dermatologist in that case. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar n tn Please help me out, I am very much worried. I have these blisters growing on the skin of my testes which never open up neither fade away but have no pain. But I experience terrible Itching on the skin of my testes, specially at the night time because of which I cannot have a good nights sleep. I have this for a year now and haven't been to a doctor till now. The blisters never open up and does not emit anything either. Sometimes they become small and sometimes they grow a bit bigger.
Avatar m tn Hi there, In October of last year I scratched myself under my eye putting in a contact lens. Though the scratch healed, I now have a strange, chronic rash under my eye. Occasionally it will itch, though I'm not sure it's related to the actual rash. It appears as red bumps, occasionally with a white pustule, though none have festered like a pimple. The bumps are not painful, nor do they crust or scab, but they are very red.
Avatar m tn ENT said I had some colonies in nose soUsed Bacrtoban for 3 days and slight pain in my nose went away per ENT. I stopped the bactroban after 3 days because I was not sleeping but I was also using Nasocort and maybe that was the culprit. Cold gone sinus not infected but having some pain that feels like a tooth ache and slight tickle or sting in nostrils when breathing. Left septum is a little enlarged.
Avatar m tn So I've started getting these red bumps which sort of look like acne on my forearms. The bumps appear red and later on it turns into a white head and leaves a scar which is pretty embarrassing. These sometimes come and go it is not always there but I am getting worried that it might get worse. Here are some photos: http://i4.photobucket.
Avatar m tn First of all, I am a 60 year old man. For about a year now I have this nasty condition on my head from the top down the back and on the sides. It acts just like acne. I've always had acne and still do but never this condition. As I said, this particular condition just started about a year ago. I went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics and that solved the problem. Unfortunately, one can't take antibiotics indefinately. This condition is painful and embarresing.
Avatar n tn Hello, These bumps can be due to cysts or acne keloidalis nuchae. Acne keloidalis nuchae occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections. So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or bactroban. If the symptoms persist then oral antibiotics and steroids may be needed.
1224086 tn?1313657552 Thans a lot for your help! I will try to do what you said, or I'll go to a doctor for a more accurate view of the problem. But I have another worry. The hair on the right side of my head is really thin, rare. Do I have to worry? What can I do for it?
Avatar n tn Application of antiseptic washes may help prevent recurrences. A topical antibiotic cream, mupirocin (Bactroban®), has been effective at reducing bacterial colonization in the nostrils. It is applied twice daily for a week and is repeated every 6 months. Let us know if you need any other information and consult a skin specialist if the lesion is persistent. Regards.
1246886 tn?1268700170 They have never bled or anything but i recently shaved my head for st baldricks day to support childrens cancer research and they dont look pretty at all and i feel their might be something that shouldnt be. Any help appreciated. I have uploaded pics of them to my profile.
Avatar f tn i took him in to the emergency room and the Dr. prescrived bactroban in cream and told me to wash it regularly and said that by the next day it should be better. but its been 2 days since then and i been following the orders but i do not see it getting better, on the contrare it seems to be getting worse.. and how long does it take until it goes back to normal? he's not complaining of pain only when i apply the ointment.
Avatar m tn I have these two pimples on the skin about 1 inch behind my scrotum. The look like acne sized white heads. I have been working out a lot and watching my son play football for hours in the Arizona summer. Because it itched just on the pimple area I thought it was jock itch. I am worried, not sure why. I don't have insurance and frankly this is a embarassing area.
1508709 tn?1289936565 ve got so much worse, and are always inflammed, red, and rather large. We thought it could be some type of acne, but these things are not popable. We've tryed unfortunately and they just get larger and really itchy. Its become an appearance and much of a uncomfortable topic for him. Id like to help him, but I dont know where to take him. Because he is just to skeptical about any cure. Thanks!
Avatar f tn I used to have excellent skin with minimal acne, but now it is starting to scar, a lot. Home remedies and prescription pills from the doctor aren't doing squat, and I'm to the point I'm too embarrassed to be seen by anyone. I feel like a pubescent kid that everyone makes fun of. I'm afraid to date because it looks like an STI. My last boyfrirnd swore I had herpes, but I was tested repeatedly for it and it came back negative.
Avatar m tn I get me hait cut with a very close fade or what we call a taper, this is done with an electric clipper. This actuall inflames the area and causes the bumps to will with puss of just clear fluid and become very ichey. they never go away completely and now have caused scars. I've tried hot compress, bump remover, bump begone, rubbing alcohal...
Avatar n tn Have him see a dermatologist and ask for bactroban or munipriocinit will save his life!!
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examination it is difficult confirming a diagnosis but it sounds like acne to me. Acne is due to an overactivity and plugging of the oil glands. Just keep you face clean by washing with a mild soap atleast twice a day.Pat it dry and do not rub it.Avoid picking or pressing the acne.You can also use Benzoyl peroxide 5% lotion or gel once at bedtime. An amount of lotion the size of a pea should be enough to cover most of your face.
Avatar n tn it starts off as a heat rash but then forms little white heads and resembles acne. it only seems to be on my neck and behind the ears. i have been put on antibiotics everytime when occurs and they do eventually help it but i am looking for a solution to prevent it occurring as i am going to be travelling to Australia soon. i wear factor 50 and have tried different makes but they don't seem to help.