
Bactroban on acne

Common Questions and Answers about Bactroban on acne


Avatar f tn I therefore put more Bactroban on. Probably as I put too much dosage on my face, I felt the skin on my face was pickled and I can see some wrinkles on my face. 4-5 days later, ances disappeared. However, I feel my skin is not as healthy as before since that. In the past, as I have dry skin, I have no ances on my face. But right now, even though I still have dry skin, I can always find out some little ances wounded by the shaver, sometimes they are serious, sometimes not.
Avatar m tn So I've started getting these red bumps which sort of look like acne on my forearms. The bumps appear red and later on it turns into a white head and leaves a scar which is pretty embarrassing. These sometimes come and go it is not always there but I am getting worried that it might get worse. Here are some photos: http://i4.photobucket.
1666982 tn?1445198395 Any ideas to get rid of rash that keeps re-occurring on my chest. Looks like acne but don't know if it is. pimple that have thick white drainage, and are hard to pop.
Avatar m tn I have had these bumps not to sure what to call them i have had them for about 2-3 years. they are mainly on the back of my head. they are itchy and sometimes painful when i lay down on them. i thought it was just acne but have NEVER gone away. I have gone to a few dermatologists but nothing they have given me has worked. not sure what they are if someone here could help me find out what they are and how to get rid of them that would be great. Also i added a picture to show how they look like.
Avatar m tn First of all, I am a 60 year old man. For about a year now I have this nasty condition on my head from the top down the back and on the sides. It acts just like acne. I've always had acne and still do but never this condition. As I said, this particular condition just started about a year ago. I went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics and that solved the problem. Unfortunately, one can't take antibiotics indefinately. This condition is painful and embarresing.
Avatar m tn Avoid any kind of cosmetics. You can also use antibiotic cream like Neosporin or Bactroban on the rash. If the rash persists then get it evaluated from a dermatologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
1508709 tn?1289936565 Hello, The symptoms are suggestive of acne keloidalis nuchae. It occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. These ingrown hairs usually occur following a short haircut on the back of the head and nape of the neck. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections. So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or bactroban.
Avatar n tn Please help me out, I am very much worried. I have these blisters growing on the skin of my testes which never open up neither fade away but have no pain. But I experience terrible Itching on the skin of my testes, specially at the night time because of which I cannot have a good nights sleep. I have this for a year now and haven't been to a doctor till now. The blisters never open up and does not emit anything either. Sometimes they become small and sometimes they grow a bit bigger.
Avatar m tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination, but it can be due to Acne keloidalis nuchae. It occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. These ingrown hairs usually occur following a short haircut on the back of the head and nape of the neck. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections.
Avatar m tn For the past several years it seems that the razor bumps on the back of my head are getting worst. I get me hait cut with a very close fade or what we call a taper, this is done with an electric clipper. This actuall inflames the area and causes the bumps to will with puss of just clear fluid and become very ichey. they never go away completely and now have caused scars. I've tried hot compress, bump remover, bump begone, rubbing alcohal...
Avatar n tn well i havent had any sexual intercourse for almost 1/2 a year... But recently, I found out that i have a pimple on my genital...6 months ago i had an sexual intercourse with my girlfriend, she took blood tests but there was no sign of any disease.... No symptoms were shown as far as i'm concerned...I always use condoms during intercourses but the thing is this zit on my penis doesnt show any pain but the look of it makes me feel bad..
Avatar m tn I have acne all over the back of my head and on my back it hurts to touch in some spots and to dry my hair.
Avatar m tn I take it you have received professional advice on its management. I am not the right person to advise you on this. I can however, assure you that your acne does not change your risk for HIV. Take care.
Avatar m tn internist said to start the Bactraban on March 31 again but I Had a CT scan on Friday April 1 and everything is clear. The ENT who read the CT said I did not need to do anything. I do not think I described by situation to him adequately. I am very sensitive to drugs and I over react to possible side effects. I am not taking and do not take any medications but I was wondering about the Bactraban. The pain is about a 2 or 3 on a 10 scale but enough to keep me up most of the night.
Avatar n tn Hello, These bumps can be due to cysts or acne keloidalis nuchae. Acne keloidalis nuchae occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections. So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or bactroban. If the symptoms persist then oral antibiotics and steroids may be needed.
1246886 tn?1268700170 Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination,but it can be due to Acne keloidalis nuchae.It occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. These ingrown hairs usually occur following a short haircut on the back of the head and nape of the neck. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections.So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or bactroban.
Avatar m tn I have these two pimples on the skin about 1 inch behind my scrotum. The look like acne sized white heads. I have been working out a lot and watching my son play football for hours in the Arizona summer. Because it itched just on the pimple area I thought it was jock itch. I am worried, not sure why. I don't have insurance and frankly this is a embarassing area.
Avatar n tn I have two red bumps on my face. one on my eyebrow and one on my chin. They are big and painful. I felt like they were full of fluid so i tried popping them and only orange liquid oozed out. they are painful and always leaking. i have had them since yesterday...
Avatar m tn ve applied bactroban, chlorbetazol, and Atrapro, but nothing has cleared it up over the course of six months. The swelling will occasionally go down, though never completely, and it always flares up again. It also seems to be spreading. Anyone with a similar experience or advice, please offer it! I don't use cosmetic products on my eyes, so I've no idea what could cause this strange rash. Have a look, and please, offer suggestions!
Avatar f tn Thanks for replying. I used the Bactroban this evening. Should I just put it on once a day? How long should I wait before going to my doctor. I just shaved yesterday morning and the raised red bumps started about 12 hours later. Now they're itchy and also really painful. Thanks for your help.
Avatar m tn Sounds like folliculitis related to cutting the neck hair; inflammation of hair follicles. I would have this checked by your physician.
Avatar n tn Finally after a year (of always having at least 1 sore on my face, during the summer as many as 8 small ones at a time) of trying to battle what I thought was adult on set acne, I saw a dermatologist who said he thought it my be impetigo/ecythyma. I was but on Bactroban cream and after about 8 weeks, most sores cleared up. However, the damn things come back. Question 1.
Avatar f tn The doctor did say I have angular cheilitis on my lips, he gave me an ointment, called Bactroban and an oral antibiotic but he said not to fill the antibiotic unless I really needed it, if the corners of my mouth became red and have pus coming out. So right now I am using the Bactroban ointment hoping that it is helping my lips. They still aren't healed yet, but hopefully it will heal. I did ask him what I can do so that I don't get this again, he just said to drink plenty of water.
1224086 tn?1313657552 I am 16 year old boy. My hair is really greasy. Everytime I have my hair cut, the skin on the back of my neck gets really irritated and full of acne. When I use gel, my head itches. Even when I don't use any hair products, my head itches alot, so I scratch it with my nails really often. I see a lot of hair falling and I am really worried. What can I do? To what kind of doctor should I go or what kind of product should I use?
Avatar n tn it starts off as a heat rash but then forms little white heads and resembles acne. it only seems to be on my neck and behind the ears. i have been put on antibiotics everytime when occurs and they do eventually help it but i am looking for a solution to prevent it occurring as i am going to be travelling to Australia soon. i wear factor 50 and have tried different makes but they don't seem to help.