
Bactroban for acne

Common Questions and Answers about Bactroban for acne


Avatar f tn I saw another doctor, who said I had folliculitis, and he prescribe Bactroban(Mupirocin) for me. He also hints me the folliculitis cannot be cured completely. I have to put Bactroban on the infected part to relieve the symptom, when I found acnes symptom become more severe. Then, I put Bactroban on my face. At the first 2 days, nothing happen. I therefore put more Bactroban on.
Avatar m tn I have had these bumps not to sure what to call them i have had them for about 2-3 years. they are mainly on the back of my head. they are itchy and sometimes painful when i lay down on them. i thought it was just acne but have NEVER gone away. I have gone to a few dermatologists but nothing they have given me has worked. not sure what they are if someone here could help me find out what they are and how to get rid of them that would be great. Also i added a picture to show how they look like.
Avatar m tn What is the treatment for acne keloidalis nuchae?
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms it can be acne or acne keloidalis nuchae. Treatment includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections. So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or Bactroban. If the symptoms persist then oral antibiotics and steroids may be needed. So continue using the Minocycline and if the symptoms persist then steroids may have to be added.Please consult a dermatologist in that case. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar m tn So I've started getting these red bumps which sort of look like acne on my forearms. The bumps appear red and later on it turns into a white head and leaves a scar which is pretty embarrassing. These sometimes come and go it is not always there but I am getting worried that it might get worse. Here are some photos: http://i4.photobucket.
Avatar m tn ENT said I had some colonies in nose soUsed Bacrtoban for 3 days and slight pain in my nose went away per ENT. I stopped the bactroban after 3 days because I was not sleeping but I was also using Nasocort and maybe that was the culprit. Cold gone sinus not infected but having some pain that feels like a tooth ache and slight tickle or sting in nostrils when breathing. Left septum is a little enlarged.
Avatar n tn Hello, These bumps can be due to cysts or acne keloidalis nuchae. Acne keloidalis nuchae occurs when hairs on the back of the head and neck grow into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar tissue. Treatment of AKN includes suppression of the inflammation with antibiotics and steroid gels or intralesional steroid injections. So apply antibiotic cream like Neosporin or bactroban. If the symptoms persist then oral antibiotics and steroids may be needed.
Avatar n tn You have told here to apply mupirocin (Bactroban®) twice daily for a week. I want to know that if application of mupirocin (Bactroban®) shows improvement but is not cured fully in one week, can I continue its application for longer period? If yes then for how long. Please give these details. I am looking forward to your reply. Regards Abhi.
Avatar m tn thank u doctor, i ve visited a dermatologist and she asked me to continue , MICRODOX LBX for another 15 days, so, this pimples or acne, is coming in neck, back, butt etc, and its still there more than a month, thanks again for ur reply.
Avatar m tn I have these two pimples on the skin about 1 inch behind my scrotum. The look like acne sized white heads. I have been working out a lot and watching my son play football for hours in the Arizona summer. Because it itched just on the pimple area I thought it was jock itch. I am worried, not sure why. I don't have insurance and frankly this is a embarassing area.
Avatar m tn ve applied bactroban, chlorbetazol, and Atrapro, but nothing has cleared it up over the course of six months. The swelling will occasionally go down, though never completely, and it always flares up again. It also seems to be spreading. Anyone with a similar experience or advice, please offer it! I don't use cosmetic products on my eyes, so I've no idea what could cause this strange rash. Have a look, and please, offer suggestions!
Avatar m tn i got a hiv test after 8 months of my exposure which was negative last week i went for a haircut and after trimming the neck hair i started having pain and now i have two tumor type of thins on it with lot of pimples.
Avatar m tn For the past several years it seems that the razor bumps on the back of my head are getting worst. I get me hait cut with a very close fade or what we call a taper, this is done with an electric clipper. This actuall inflames the area and causes the bumps to will with puss of just clear fluid and become very ichey. they never go away completely and now have caused scars. I've tried hot compress, bump remover, bump begone, rubbing alcohal...
1246886 tn?1268700170 I have several bumps on the back of my head that raise some concern for me. I hsve had them many years, and they always had a slight itch to them. They have never bled or anything but i recently shaved my head for st baldricks day to support childrens cancer research and they dont look pretty at all and i feel their might be something that shouldnt be. Any help appreciated. I have uploaded pics of them to my profile.
Avatar n tn Hello, I am a 17 yr old teen..... well i havent had any sexual intercourse for almost 1/2 a year... But recently, I found out that i have a pimple on my genital...6 months ago i had an sexual intercourse with my girlfriend, she took blood tests but there was no sign of any disease.... No symptoms were shown as far as i'm concerned...I always use condoms during intercourses but the thing is this zit on my penis doesnt show any pain but the look of it makes me feel bad..
1508709 tn?1289936565 My Dad would never go to a barber shop because he likes my Mom to cut it, but we took him to a local Barber for his birthday about three years ago, and ever since then he's had these bumps on his neck. He's tryed pretty much everything that people he knows recommend. They've got so much worse, and are always inflammed, red, and rather large. We thought it could be some type of acne, but these things are not popable.
Avatar m tn As i know that Herpes virus would be dormant for a while may be even for an year, so I again went for IgG bloodtests this week for HSVI and HSVII and the results came out negative today but i still suspect whether the blood tests are accurate or not. Coming to my questions. I should have the antibodies developed in my blood for HSVI and HSVII, if i have the Herpes in my body as its been long time since i had unprotective oral sex? Is my understanding correct?
1224086 tn?1313657552 Everytime I have my hair cut, the skin on the back of my neck gets really irritated and full of acne. When I use gel, my head itches. Even when I don't use any hair products, my head itches alot, so I scratch it with my nails really often. I see a lot of hair falling and I am really worried. What can I do? To what kind of doctor should I go or what kind of product should I use?
Avatar n tn my skin is pale and it has never tanned but over the past few year i have been getting a rash on my neck that moves onto my face is i am exposed to sun for long periods. it starts off as a heat rash but then forms little white heads and resembles acne. it only seems to be on my neck and behind the ears. i have been put on antibiotics everytime when occurs and they do eventually help it but i am looking for a solution to prevent it occurring as i am going to be travelling to Australia soon.
616582 tn?1225068601 The ointment is called Bactroban (Mupirocin). So if you took the bactrim pill for your sinus infection you usually break out all over or at least on the chest. Perhaps you are allergic to the bactroban (mupirocin) ointmnet. Since you applied it locally to the penis area. Personally, I am allergic to the Bactroban (mupirocin) but not the bactrim. Let me know if you have any more quesitons.
Avatar m tn There are some bumps in head for some time now(years) especially when my hair grows, they itch a lot and always have stuff in them. P.S they look very unpleasant. I am very frustrated, what could this be and how can i get rid of them?