
Wicked lady psychotic overkill

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Avatar f tn I was just told by the lady who drew my blood that even though I tested negative to hiv at 12 weeks I still need to go once a year for 10 yrs to be checked because I still can be infected because hiv can be dormant and may take longer to get positive result. Is that true.
Avatar m tn . My question is could the side-effects from the anti-psychotic drugs cause agitation and involuntary yelling.
276562 tn?1220882024 Hey there lady, im 12 weeks today and at 9 weeks (by RE that was filling in for mine who was on vaca) i was told to stop taking it, i didnt, after what has gone one, hes nuts. well i met my new ob monday and she said she usually has her patients stay till 13 weeks (im going to wait till the end of 13 weeks basically 14 weeks) by then the placenta should have taken over for sure!! Good Luck and Congrats your almost into 2nd trimester!!
Avatar f tn Nope totally with y'all on that one. This lady was staring at me and i got super pist off and starting talking mess lol my mom was like ohh geez can you stop?! But what on earth.. Why are you staring at me!!? Ugh my blood was boiling..
Avatar f tn Last week I got a wicked rash on the top of my foot.. I live in maine and its been hot hazy and very humid for the last 2 weeks. I called the dr due to the fact that I was gonna scratch my foot off with the intense itching!! I was a bit nervous at what it could have been. We figured out ( or so we believe) that its my eczema that I usually get on my elbows during july and august. It had moved locations to my foot and was about amonth late showing up. Pregnancy does weird stuff to our bodies!!
Avatar n tn Two days ago I received 10 seconds of protected fellatio in a massage parlor, and then the protection was removed for 1-2 seconds before I moved away and asked the lady to stop. What sort of risks are there? If yes, what should I test for and how long should I wait?
Avatar f tn Hi I was just wondering if anyone else has used the Lelo Luna balls during their pregnancy? I am 33w & 1d on my third child. Lol I heard from friends they work great and purchased them, the sales lady said they're ok to use while pregnant, but I wanna know if anyone else has used them this close to their due date?
802234 tn?1237830136 No, my son has only been diagnosed with OCD.
Avatar f tn t visible, and I got prescribed oral antibiotics of Cefzil twice a day, as well as Gentak eye ointment three times a day. I feel as if the oral medicine may be overkill? I have for one never heard of Cefzil being used for eye infections, let alone a stye. I thought all I needed would be the ointment. And Cefzil concerns me with all the bad reviews I have read on it... Thoughts?
12268405 tn?1427853361 On April 2nd I made the decision to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital due to a psychotic episode. The thing that I'm having the hardest time comprehending is if I induced the episode or not. I convinced myself that I was covered in fleas, I heard voices saying my name and calling me worthless in the past, & I experienced paranoia. I don't know what to think right now. I wish I could know if I made the symptoms worse or not...
1965148 tn?1354978634 can anyone share their experiences with psychotic mania or bipolar with psychotic features? i have no idea where mine are heading but they are here, and they are not backing down.
Avatar m tn my 22 year old son just experienced a psychotic break. I need to understand how he was feeling. Is there anyone who has personally experienced this, and would be willing to describe what you felt? I am desperate to understand what he is going through.
Avatar n tn 5 which I feel fine.. As of late I have been waking up with what my friend believes is psychotic episodes, moments of ultra confusion for me as I usually have no recolection. It is now getting to the point where I could hurt myself as I thrash about and walk into walls. I had a CT Scan which showed no problem. These attacks which I thought where TIA"s (Transient ischaemic attacks) mini strokes if you like proved otherwise..
Avatar f tn Not every breakdown is psychotic. I had a complete mental breakdown about 16 years ago or so which lead to 3 years of crushing depression - my illness course leaves me prone to this type of breakdown. However not being on meds? Dont know - i went nearly 15 years not on meds and i thought i was fine until I wasnt and went psychotic manic, so you might be fine for a long time as well. And I wasnt fine, I was hypomanic and looking back had at least 3 mini breakdowns and burnouts in that time.
Avatar f tn I am currently recovering from a severe depression with suicide ideation in which i apparently had psychotic symptoms. Has anyone else had psychosis without knowing what it was until speaking to your therapist about what was going on? and does anyone have any advice as to what to look for in oneself when psychosis starts?
Avatar m tn My pdoc yesterday told me it's possible to have a psychotic break from too severe anxiety. This scares me bad, what is that? Does that mean I'll go crazy and hurt someone? Myself? Has anyone ever had one of these? Also is there anyone here that has had several months of severe anxiety, then slowly goes back to several months of calm? I'm afraid this feeling will last forever. Just to make sure I'm experiencing this "anxiety" what does it feel like to u all?
Avatar n tn She is 20 years old and in college. Today she told me she felt like she was having a psychotic breakdown.What is this kind of breakdown?
Avatar f tn s 3 months and two weeks after possible hiv exposure from oral sex with a positive lady who had oral lesion. In the first first week developed several normal signs. Like flu, rashes (although i live in a generally hot area,) slight headache, nausea after super. Drenching sweat during the day and night. I was just fine until after 6 weeks all over sudden I decided to look for symptoms from Google and it gave me the exact symptoms. From that time I was stressed to death.