
Where is the fetal development at the end of the first trimester

Common Questions and Answers about Where is the fetal development at the end of the first trimester


760797 tn?1303264540 Most serious sites or physicians offices say the first trimester is over at the end of 13 weeks but some books or web sites say end of 12 weeks. I guess it really doesn't matter too much but like on MH here, I am still showing 1st trimester at 13w 3d. I guess it will change to 2nd when I get to 14w. Just thought I'd's so confusing to get so many different answers depending on the site or book you look at.
Avatar f tn It is very normal. I felt the same way most of my first trimester. The second was like everyone has said. You feel better. I had more energy, the morning sickness was gone, and my mood swings left. Plus you start to feel the baby move but it doesn't really hurt. It was a good time for me. Now I am in my third trimester. I am 32 weeks. I am exhausted again. I am always hungry but get full so fast. Mood swings are back but less intense. I feel achy probably because of all the extra weight.
589762 tn?1330207135 One when you find out you are pregnant for an edd. The second is the usual 20 week scan for development, and the third for fetal size about 4 - 6 weeks before birth. I think it all depends on where you are from, your medical coverage, etc.
1431138 tn?1294566894 They actually start to develop the last few weeks of the first trimester. I think 14 weeks is the earliest you may be able to see the sex?
1133565 tn?1261315212 i went for my first scan 2 days ago where i found out i was 6 weeks and 4 days. the docter never told me the rate of the heartbeat but did show me on the screen. 'my baby' measured 8mm at this stage is that normal? because ev everyone im speaking to says it is far too big and should be around 5mm.
Avatar n tn It depends on who you ask, some docs say a glass of wine here and there in the third trimester is fine, some say no alcohol at all. The baby is developed by now, just putting on fat and growing so dont worry that you did any damage.
349463 tn?1333571576 I believe the last day of 13w is the start of the 2nd trimester. So 14w0d is second trimester start date. But you can look at another chart and it says something different.
1428239 tn?1333457053 I was always told 13 weeks is when it starts and that's what I went off of. Some debate is if it's at the start of week 13, or when you finish week 13 making you 14 weeks.
919147 tn?1253252751 i just hit 14 weeks and at about 3am and JUST NOW i woke up to kind of a fluttering/quickening/bounce in my tummy. is it too early to feel the baby move??
Avatar f tn I am 8 weeks along and I am so tired, nauseated, and tired of these cramps. I once heard the second trimester is a lot better then the first I am hoping that's true. I know in the end it will all be worth it. Any advice?
Avatar f tn m pregnant. Is the feeling of no hunger normal, especially for second trimester? I figured it would have picked up. I saw my baby boy 3 days ago and he was very active 143 bpm heat rate. I'm just concerned that he's not being nourished enough especially on days I just don't eat but once. Any experience or advice is greatly appreciated.
349463 tn?1333571576 Hi ladies. I know exactly how all of you feel. Vomiting ,headaches, nausea, Constipation etc. I talked to my doctor and told her i thought it may be my prenata vitmins. She totally agreed and said she thought it ws torture to have women who are pregnant take them. I stopped taking those and switched to flintstone complete. I feel soooo much better, and not to gross you out but it had been 6 days since ihad a bowel movement and as soon as i switched that symptom was GONE.
Avatar f tn I know I really want a mini too but either is fine with me and I'm due April 25 I thought the first trimester was hell but I've heard the third trimester is the worst.....
Avatar f tn s weird I have been to this sight and my due date is about right but everything is a month behind. Is there reason for that?
Avatar f tn This method correctly predicts the fetus gender in 97.2% of males and 97.5% of females early in the first trimester." It's also where ur placenta is .
Avatar f tn I am 38 yrs old, hubby is 37. First child for both of us. In the first trimester I was in constant worry because of my age and because it was so early in my pregnancy. I told myself "just get to your second trimester and you'll feel much better" Well, here I am, 23 weeks and STILL in constant worry. "Is my baby not moving enough?" Or "I cant remember if I even felt the baby move today" and then I'll feel him move and all is well. for about 1 hour! Ugh!!!
Avatar f tn The first trimester lasts 12 from tomorrow you will be in your second.
467126 tn?1283144858 Pregnancy and tanning is always a touchy subject. Some salon owners don’t allow it, while others think it’s completely fine—in fact, many female salon owners say they tanned throughout their own pregnancies. What I hadn’t heard before was a question regarding the safety of sunless tanning while pregnant.
Avatar f tn They did an ultrasound and said there was a gestational sac of 5wks and no fetal heart pulse. Is it normal for things to be so off?
Avatar f tn I personally think it's selfish and foolish to drink during pregnancy. Your putting your baby's health at risk and fetal development during the first trimester is crucial. Any alcohol use during pregnancy can result in a child being born with FASD. To me it's not worth the risks.
Avatar f tn Hun by the time your pushing you won't care at all that poo is coming out. Plus it's natural and the midwives deal with it. All you will be caring about during labour is getting bub out because your well and truly over being in labour. Good luck.
Avatar n tn Hi all, anyone know what supplement that we can take during the first trimester.. supplement that can help to smooth the pregnancy and good for the baby inside (for brain development and so on) thanks.. p/s: this is our first time..
Avatar f tn People say the first trimester is the worst. But it's affecting my work, I can barely make the hours I need to make a week. What did you guys do? Tell your boss? Suffer through it? ...?
Avatar f tn I have also had fetal tissue tested on at least 3 occasions. Sadly, most of the time the answer is not an obvious one. But I can practically guarantee that nothing you did (or didn't do) caused this. Even if they tested the tissue and found no abnormalities, that doesn't really mean anything. They typically only test for 3..trisonomy 13, 18 and 21. But there are so many and so many different things that could have gone wrong. None of them your fault.
Avatar f tn With the migraine, do you have pain in the head that is either forehead related, or at the back of the head (bottom of the occiput) and have a line that's tender and/or hot at the top of the head, kind of ear-to-ear or thereabouts? Are you taking ANY medications? Do you get rashes or blotches?