
What does triamcinolone treat

Common Questions and Answers about What does triamcinolone treat


Avatar f tn What does skin atrophy look like? I used a steroid cream Triamcinolone on my face months back. I used it periodically over the course of 3 to 4 months. Now my facial skin looks almost scarred. I can't quite tell if it is permanent scarring or atrophy. Can a steroid cream produce scarring? Is this reversible? How long does it usually take to reverse?
Avatar n tn prescribed Fluocinonide cream usp 0.05 by TARO, I also have on hand Triamcinolone Acetonide cream usp 0.1. Are they interchangeable The rash is getting larger and itches as it grows.
Avatar m tn He said his program does not provide him with Kenalog and so he gave me a shot of Decadron 4 mg every three months. It has been a week since my shot and my allergies are starting to return. What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? Should I seek another doctor or can I go to a clinic and get my shots there since I have my past medical records with me?
Avatar f tn m a little skeptical to use it (i have seen pictures of numular eczema though and what i have does look like it once it spreads a little more). My doctor is far away so i haven't been to the doctor. Also, when the ringworm dries it gets darker and dry, and leaves a scar. I've had it on my lower back, lower stomach, and now right above my armpits. I put lotrimin on it for an hour, thne my sister wiped it off and put the Triamcinolone on it.
Avatar m tn I obviously went to see a doctor but i do not have insurance. They gave me Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP, 0.1% welllll this just helps a little.. I need a cure. What is this? They did swabs and tests, everything came back negative.. which obviously means it is nothing super common. The girl I had sex with did have a new borne baby.. I remember confronting her and she had no idea.. She said she was clean.. I've since then lost contact with her.
Avatar f tn Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune disease typically treated with steroids to get it under control and then a less strident topical or oral medication to keep the development of new blisters in check and prevent existing ones from becoming infected. Atopica is intended for in dogs with atopic dermatitis, so I don't know how this would be helpful to your cat and could be harmful since I don't think there have been any studies does regarding it's safety for cats.
Avatar f tn Hello, I was prescribed a Nyastin cream in the past to treat my hemorrhoids, while the swelling went down they never really went away. Recently they have flared back up again and have become quite uncomfortable. I have a Nyastin/Triamcinolone acetonide ointment that expired in November, would it be safe to use this or should I go back to the doctor for another prescription? Over the counter medicine has never worked for me. Also, is it normal for a 20 year old to have hemorrhoids?
Avatar n tn I have attached a pic, i hope someone can have a guess at what i have and if using triamcinolone acetonide lotion is the right treatment or not. Thanks for any help, it's driving me nuts and masturbation is painful!
2114131 tn?1399240871 My doctors say if the rash gets worse they have to stop treatment because they can not accurately treat this rash.From what im reading a lot of people develop this rash, and do NOT have to stop treatment.Does anybody have any advice for me how to deal with this rash.Can i for instance use benedryl?Are there other things i can do?What is the difference between a massive allergic reaction and a ''normal''rash that goes with this treatment?
Avatar f tn If i squeeze some of them white stuff comes out and i ave been told that they are pimples but i get a lot only around my thighs . What is it and how can i treat this ?
Avatar m tn It is hard to second-guess why a year ago the doctor gave you a steroid for a staph infection. Maybe it was to treat an underlying issue that steroids are prescribed for, and your staph infection was secondary to that? Anyway, it usually isn't a great idea to use a medication to treat something it wasn't prescribed to treat. You might try an antibacterial ointment from the drugstore.
Avatar n tn ve symptoms of balanitis and left it untreared for several years..the symptoms appear as white dots on the glans and around the glans..i try to treat it with clotrimazole cream/lotion but the infection doesn't settle..recently i try clotrimazole powder the inflamation has settle but the infection is still present..which ointment i can use to clear the infection??
Avatar m tn I have Triamcinolone Eucerin Cream. I need to be able to wash it off my hands. Does anyone know what makes it salulable? What kind of soap?
Avatar n tn I went online and saw products were available to help the appearance but they were so expensive, and the products do not cure, they just treat as you use them. I was just wondering if there was something less expensive I could used, or do, like exfoliation? It's a little embarrassing, people tend to confused it with acne....
Avatar n tn Saw my urologist and he agreed it looked like could have been a balinitis from yeast. He prescribed nystatin/triamcinolone and no help and maybe a little worse after 4 days so stopped that. Needless to say now it is 3 1/2 months and I have been through Nystatin, econazole, triamcinolone, cutivate, biafine, Valtrex (7 days in middle December for Shingles) and Elidel and none seem to make it resolve.
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar f tn I have had what I believe to be keratosis pilaris for years now. However, mine doesn't look like all of the pictures- the pilaris bumps in the pics look red, but mine are white. My skin is completely smooth, but it looks like I have permanent goosebumps because the spots are lighter than my skin. In the attached picture, my leg is completely smooth but it looks as if I have raised goosebumps. The spots are always there. Does anybody know if it is keratosis pilaris or something else?
Avatar f tn Since last November I have had a constant itchiness in both ears. The doctor has labelled it as ear eczema and says it's something I have to live with, only being able to treat it when it reaches the infection stage, which it has done twice considering I have a tendency to scratch it. I was originally perscribed an topical ointment which only increased the irritation in my ear. I have also tried over the counter drops for swimmers ear, and they did next to nothing.
Avatar m tn I have tried nystatin triamcinolone acetonide again but it has not worked. What should I do?
Avatar n tn Still i feel like there is something in it, not like a hard bump but something clogged up...Here our two pictures of what it looks like and hope someone can adivse me how to treat this, hope it will go away...
Avatar n tn My 3 year old daughter seems to have a yeast infection. I put what I thought was yeast infection med. on her.Triamcinolone acetonide cream. she immediatly started screaming. So I looked it up on the net and it didnt say anything about being used for a yeast infection. What should I do?
Avatar m tn As I had previously experience of psoriasis, I thought I may help it with triamcinolone cream. After using triamcinolone, I didn't have the itch but once I stopped using it, the itch would come back. I injected triamcinolone (1/2 ml in two points) under skin (1-2 mm depth). The itch went but the area remained little red for about 2 weeks. Then the area turned into whiter or brighter (which was visible only in sunlight).