
Warfarin and joint pain

Common Questions and Answers about Warfarin and joint pain


Avatar n tn After my valve was replaced I had atrial fibrillation and was put on Warfarin. As well as muscle pain I began to get pains in my joints as well as muscles. I again stopped the statins and the muscle pains subsided but the joint pains increased as my warfarin dosage was increased. A second cardioversion cured my atrial fibrillation and the surgeon said that I could stop warfarin after being in sinus rhythm for six months.
561185 tn?1216075940 I am on alot of meds but mostly Warfarin, nexium, Metformin, adn pain pills and muscle relaxers. No my doctor is not a cardio doc. General pract. but followed by my Neuro who is my MS specialist.
Avatar n tn Chronic headaches, eye pain, stabbing sensations, ankles and feet hurt, muscle and joint pain that moves around, sensativaties to light, sound, smell? "brain fog", vertigo, fatigue, sometimes feel like you are going to throw up? Sore throat, heart "skips" occasionally, chest pain, and do you have some "good" days and some "bad" days and does it seem cyclical? .
1090423 tn?1286287650 hi , thank you 4 your reply , my doctor is not very good , the dvt was found by accident , i did not have any swelling in my leg at all , i went to the doctor with a constant headache , i have had this headache for 9 weeks now , it never goes , anyway since being on warfarin it has got steadily worse my ears pop and i have pain in my neck and shoulders and across my middle back , the bottom of my back is really painful, i went back to the doctors last week because both of my calfs were hurting
Avatar m tn Just wanted to say there shouldn't be a reason why you cant be taken off of warfarin and put on lovenox for the procedure. This is a pretty common way to handle cases where people are on blood thinners for some reason and need some type of surgical procedure done. After the biopsy you go back to the warfarin. I take coumadin and had to do this a few times with no problems. The lovenox is typically self injected with a syringe and is usually administered in the abdominal area.
378273 tn?1262097621 s Cyst with debris, subchondral fracture, torn meniscus partially stripped MCL, joint effusion and near-complete cartilate denudation in the lateral patellofemaral joint. Got a cortisone shot, which only helped a little.Ortho doctor called the fracture a bone bruise and said they take months to heal. The torn meniscus won't heal (he said) Other than a "scope" what can I do to get relief! And a scope would only be a temporary fix, right? I'm 77, and very active.
Avatar m tn t know how warfarin is affecting your life style. I have been on warfarin for years and had no concerns about running and bike riding, and using power wood working tools. All of these activities puts one at an increased risk of a cut and bleeding, but I simply take the risk. On the other hand, I don't sky dive, or pick fights ....
Avatar f tn Is fibromyalgia and hypercoaguability related? I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia--(3 years ago)--but I also have a previous pulmonary embolism. The doctor who treated my P.E., said that she had to prescribe more warfarin for me than she ever had to for any other patient in her 20 year career. She specializes in treating post-operative emboli. Every week I had my blood drawn to gauge how much my warfarin dosage should be. Every week for months it was increased.
Avatar n tn ginger and glucosamine sulfate will affect coumadin (warfarin) I'm on warfarin and can't take ginger or glucosamine and a host of other supplements.
Avatar f tn I am on morphine 20 mg in the morning and 20 mg at night and oramorph in the day when necessary, if the pain worsens. The pain is worse at night and in the morning but is generally there throughout the day. I suffer doing general house duties as i get out of breath with pain after. I have been back to the doctors once and the hospital once but no scan was done just an x ray. I was wondering if i need further follow up? and how long this pain is likey to go on for?
Avatar f tn Given that yesterday he said to not take the warfarin he was changing me from the genertic warfarin and putting me on the brand name of the med coumadin. Said some folks do not tolerate warfarin well but do well on coumadin and i am to start the coumadin today. I would be lying if i didn't say i am a bit gunshy at this point. This med has made me absolutely miserable and today is my 43rd bday...
Avatar n tn My mother had gone through a sleeve gastrectomy operation 3 weeks ago. On the 22nd post-operative day, due to severe pain in the epigastric zone, her doctor ordered an abdominal CT. It turns out that portal vein and superior mesenteric vein are thrombosed. They put her on enoxaparin and wanted her to rest for 5 days until the next control. She refused to be put on heparin or warfarin because of her history of gastrointestinal bleeding and recent surgery.
Avatar f tn Seven months ago I had a pulmonary embolism and I am told this may have been the second one.I am taking 7 mg of warfarin a day and my INR is 2.5.I had a liver transplant 10 months ago,and was told my vascular system was not great.Given my overall situation I am concerned about heart attacks and strokes.Do you think I should be taking 75mg of aspirin a day as well as the warfarin?Thanks.
Avatar n tn Johnycat, thanks for your comments, but Xarelto is not approved for mechanical heart valve patients such as myself or Dream_ers's father. Plavix is sometimes given to mech valve patients, but when it is, it's used as an adjunct to warfarin and not as a substitute for it. Xarelto, not at all. Sorry you had so many problems with warfarin.
Avatar n tn She has been on warfarin and monitors it regularly. She also has past history endometriosis and has always had heavy periods and problems with her periods. She also has uterine fibroids that have been giving her problems, even more so since the warfarin. Between the uterine fibroids and the warfarin, her menses are extremely heavy. She is on iron because she tends to be anemic around her period. Her periods are so heavy that she can go through 4-6 large pads an hour, sometimes more.
612551 tn?1450022175 CoQ-10 is frequently recommended for reducing side effects in patients taking statins ( like Lipitor) and I haven’t heard of anyone on warfarin having issues. I would recommend consulting your doctor first (obviously) and maybe refraining from COQ-10 unless you have some nasty symptoms that you absolutely can’t tolerate which COQ-10 has been shown to alleviate.
1285110 tn?1420147378 by the evening it had swelling around the ankle bone but no bruising ( bit of a shock as I am on warfarin for AF and so bruise pretty easily). I am a single Mother and so when my daughter came down with illness the next morning my chance to go and seek medical care dissapeared... so I iced, elevated and strapped my ankle, convinced it was just ligament or tendon damage.
Avatar m tn I slow down enough for the discomfort to go subside and keep efforts on the low side to avoid having that pain. Once into the cycling session, I can increase efforts, but can feel that level upper chest discomfort. Now and then, just before it's time to take the Warfarin meds, I notice an irregular heart beat, say, every sixth beat is slightly delayed. Warfarin brochures indicate irregular heart beat and upper chest discomfort as possible side effects.
Avatar m tn I believe it could be a FATAL mistake if you stopped taking the warfarin. Mechanical valves will clot without warfarin and this could cause a heart attack, stroke or heart failure and could cause you to have to have another open heart surgery. PLEASE ,PLEASE talk to your doctor about any changes in the warfarin.
Avatar n tn A drastic change in diet can alter INR also, but in my own personal experience, it has usually been other meds that caused me to need to change my warfarin dosage and not my diet. An INR that is consistently out of range is dangerous. Don't worry about maintaining the same dose of warfarin. Worry about maintaining an INR that is consistently within range. Whatever dose of warfarin you have to take to stay in range is okay.
Avatar f tn Sometimes aspirin is used in place of the Plavix, and the patient will be on aspirin and warfarin. That type of combo regimen is used when the doctor doesn't think that one drug alone is enough to do the job, and one drug obviously wasn't enough in your case. It seems that your Plavix and warfarin regimen is working, so I'll join you in giving thanks for that.
Avatar m tn I visted an ER 12 hours later because the pain and and swelling had spread to right torso and neck area. Blood was drawn and another ultrasound was performed. Blood lab results were negative for infection and the ultrasound was negative for blood clot. I have begun the anitbiotic and have not yet begun the warfarin because I'm afraid to start taking it if it is unnecessary. Last evening a large lump appeared in my right armit. I would dercibe it as "sore", not painful to touch.
Avatar n tn I have been on Coumadin for 18 years due to Lupus Anticoagulant (Antiphospholipid Syndrome) and several DVTs. In 2005 had MI with occlusion of the LAD artery and had drug stent inserted and I am still on plavix. My doc has debated when to take me off the Plavix safely....what are the recent studies about this dilemma? thanks so much!
4822967 tn?1367656696 Severe depression which just doesnt respond that well to anything, severe insomnia due to absolutely insane night itching - scratch to you bleed stuff, and a large assortment of joint, muscle and tendon inflammatory type disorders. Please tell me I am not just falling apart at the ripe old age of 51,and that there is some relationship between these and thyroid!!!!!
Avatar f tn The reason they discovered this was because he dropped a dumbbell on his thigh and initially just thought he had a charlie horse but the pain never went away and slowly got worse and worse and he couldn't sleep and he couldn't walk. The army being the army just thought he was faking it to get out of PT so they didn't do anything for him until he came commando crawling into the mess hall, with his arms, dragging his legs behind him on the ground, with tears streaming down his face.
Avatar m tn 9 Months ago I had a DVT, Which broke off and became a PE. The DVT was in my Left Knee, and after 3 months of using Warfarin and several Ultrasounds and VQ Scans Later I was diagnosed as Fine and no more need for the Warfarin.