
Valganciclovir cfs

Common Questions and Answers about Valganciclovir cfs


Avatar f tn Triggering agents/factors for CFS: While early studies of CFS sought to identify a single agent that caused the illness, most researchers now appear to agree that CFS can be “triggered” by a number of different insults including microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.), environmental exposures and severe injuries (such as closed head trauma). At this conference, researchers reported data on a number of agents that set off a CFS-like illness.
Avatar m tn Has anyone tried Valganciclovir? Dr. Jose Montoya says a5 year treatment can help patients with CFS brought on by EBV.
Avatar f tn Also oral Valcyte/valganciclovir has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate cases of CMV disease in transplant recipients. Reduction in the degree of immunosuppression should complement the antiviral treatment of CMV disease. Best of luck to your mom!
Avatar f tn Jose Montoya at Stanford University has had successful results with another anti-viral... valganciclovir in CFS patients. The co-founder of PetsMart was on the original study and from what I understood... he went from being disabled to jogging again. There are, however, risks with that drug and I'm sure side-effects with the other anti-virals. To confuse you even more... there are antibiotic protocols for CFS patients that are having success.
Avatar f tn Jose Montoya and Martin Lerner, have published previous studies suggesting that valganciclovir therapy may be effective for the subset of CFS patients suspected of having smoldering or low-level infections of HHV-6, EBV and CMV. take care, and let me know if you have any questions.
Avatar m tn My CFS condition is getting worse and worse. I have been seen/treated by Neurologist, Psychiatrist Endocrinologist and others and I'm taking medications.Not helping. Basically they all gave up and just suggesting physical activity and socializing . In recent test ordered by my neurologist re mitochondria and found my lactic acid result: 2.8 ( which shows as high compared to normal 0.5-2.2. My neurologist explained that it has to do with irregular production of my ATP from glucose.
Avatar f tn Yes, as I have transitioned from EBV to CFS. Searching for answers.
Avatar f tn If you are fatigue all of the time without other symptoms can this be fit into CFS. Does anyone know the percentage of people who fully recover and usual length before some recovery? I am 34 year old male and was pretty active and healthy before the infection. Is there anything I can take or do to relieve the fatigue? thank you in advance.
Avatar f tn Many CFS patients do better on a gluten free diet. Also, the same goes for people who have autism and various autoimmune conditions. I'm happy to hear that your daughter is doing so much better. Do you think she was misdiagnosed or does she still have some CFS symptoms ?
Avatar f tn So I have been battling CFS symptoms for the past 2 years. I came down with a severe viral infection in 2008 and than some form of internal yeast infection. Its very strange because my symptoms are based on the type of food I eat or strenuos exercise. These following food have given me fatigue symptom sometimes immediately or a day after. sugar, yeast related food, fermented food, coffee, alcohol, and soy sauce. can this be CFS or just yeast infection?
Avatar n tn I have had CFS often on for about a year. It has drastically improved with good sleep, exercise but do feel fatigue once in a awhile. I also think that I have yeast infection with heavy white coated tongue, tingling sensation on my feet and hands. I also feel weakness in legs after exercise and have some problem with balance. Are all these part of CFS? and anyone have any good treatment for yeast infection. I m hiv neg and not diabetic. Thanks in advance.
Avatar f tn I think that many doctors feel that FMS and CFS/ME are very closely related if not variations of the same disorder and that is why you see only one forum here for your condition. There still are many here who I talk to who suffer from primarily CFS/ME and not Fibro. I have more Fibro and my sister has CFS to give you an example. I hope this helps a bit.
Avatar f tn If not, then we need to add CFS when people post on the current Fibro/CFS board. Right now, people only have the option to post for fibro questions and don't have the option to post CFS related questions. Thanks !
Avatar m tn Also is fibromyalgia and CFS the same condition. My father has fibromyalgia, 1st cousin. But my aunt has CFS.
10947 tn?1281404252 i would like to use the cfs or fm tracker, thanks!
Avatar f tn Its a shame that the CDC didn't discover this and that many CFS patients believe that the CDC has failed them. So I thank God for the Whittemore Peterson Institute and other organizations that are discovering more and more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.
Avatar m tn Hi droopy, Sorry to hear about your thyroid problems. If I remember right... you have CFS, correct ? Do you know if you have had an ANA titer to check for autoimmune problems ? The only suggestion I would have for you is to check out possible cures for CFS... there are some out there. The protocol that I've been on addresses CFS and autoimmune diseases. I can only tell you that I've made significant progress.
Avatar f tn It is almost always low or normal in CFS. CFS does NOT have autoimmune damage to the kidneys, which is a very important part of lupus. In 25 years I have never seen someone go from standard CFS to standard lupus, but have seen many people diagnosed with "sort of lupus", "atypical lupus", or "almost lupus". As a topper off, CFS people do not respond to steroids and do not have the same type of arthritis as in lupus.
Avatar f tn no question cfs is some made up bs by lazy docs that dont want to dig deep for the real answer cfs these are symptoms of something else please people dont settle for cfs as a diagnosis search and research push these docs its your life not theirs
Avatar m tn CFS is either physical in cause or psychological it can't be both. There may be physical causes of CFS symptoms and psychological causes but that would mean 2 different conditions with similar symptoms. They can't BOTH be CFS can they? Of course any limiting painful condition is going to lead to psychological problems but that shouldn't detract from the physical illness it really is.
Avatar m tn m actually here is to catch people who I think may have CFS and try to give them information and get them to join the fibro/CFS community. Sometimes I get frustrated because members don't respond.... but I understand. Thinking that you may have an illness called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" is a BIG pill to swallow. I asked MedHelp to add the fibro/CFS board in this forum (check under "related communities") and they did do that.
Avatar f tn s groundbreaking findings regarding theillness called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ChronicFatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). The presentationcovered the team's conclusions concerning thecomplex mechanisms of ME/CFS pathogenesis, a diagnostic test they have developed "for a major cause of ME," and possible therapeutic strategies. Check out the slides of a CFS patient's blood compared to someone who is healthy:
Avatar f tn I think many fibromyalgia patients find this hard to believe... but of course CFS know we have an infection. This is due to research on CFS and also the fact that most of us became ill after having a viral illness. I know that EBV was the trigger that set-off my CFS symptoms.. without a doubt. An estimated 60% of fibro patients have some CFS symptoms and vice versa. Of course as you know... we all share symptoms of lyme and autoimmune diseases !
989299 tn?1306708607 thing is, I thought it could be Fibro too, but I don't have any pressure points, I don't think anyway. These symptoms were taken from a CFS website, so I thought it'd be more CFS than Fibro as I don't have pressure points or any of that. They checked my blood levels, they did many testing,but didn't find anything. So I don't quite know.