
Using suboxone for pain relief

Common Questions and Answers about Using suboxone for pain relief


Avatar n tn Has anyone else here gone on the suboxone for chronic pain relief.This is what my doc is using it for on me-I see most of you are on it for detox....I was wanting of fthe dilaudud as I was afraid of becoming addicted.(And was constipated all the time so he put me on naltrexone for the chronic constipation I was on.Ended up in hospital 4-6x for this.,the naltrexone worked great to help me go also using the miralax as added supplement.
Avatar f tn As far as using for post surgical pain I would not think it would provide enough pain relief for you. When you do decide if you do to take the suboxone again make sure all the opioids are out of your system. of course it is up to you and your doctor and your pain level but the opioids would provide the best pain relief at this point I believe.
Avatar m tn Ive heard of some people who use injections of buprenex which Id imagine is for quite severe pain, but suboxone isnt really designed for pain management more for getting off of opiates. Wish you all the best, look into as many different methods as possible, there are others out there that can replace opiates.
667913 tn?1242700488 I started Suboxone last saturday for pain management NOT for WDs. It is NOT U.S. approved for pain management but my doc loves it and LOTS of his patients are on it for management. His office staff ALL think its the new miracle drug. One of the side effects "that I had" was headaches, but thats just me. It does work for pain but NOT like the other pain meds, its different. And after 1 week I found that I couldnt afford it so its back to Roxycodone as of today.
306867 tn?1299249709 That said, I struggle with this issue with the pain patients. Most of my pain patients insist that Suboxone gives them more relief if they can take that second dose late in the day; I don't argue the issue as much as I used to, but rather I simply let them take it that way. Knowing the long half-life for buprenorphine, I have to think that the relief is 'psychological'-- in essence a placebo response.
Avatar f tn m having a bit of trouble in pain management. Anyway... I was Just wondering if anyone Has taken suboxone for chronic pain? And if so, has it helped you at all? Thanks a bunch!!
Avatar f tn I definitely expect him going the dr, and letting him prescribe it for you.. As far as using Suboxone as pain medicine there are only a few Drs that are using Suboxone as a pain med.
Avatar m tn Typically, taking downer drugs, and opiates are downer drugs, make people feel better while they're on them and more depressed when they're not. It's not like taking an antidepressant, which once your brain gets used to it and it works, it keeps working all the time. You don't say if this was prescribed or you're using it on your own.
Avatar f tn In the meantime, however, the pain is just unbearable!! I am an addict and have been on Suboxone for the past seven months. Any suggestions as to how I can get some relief from the pain would really be appreciated! I left a message for my GP to ask her advice. Has anyone gone through this or something similar??? I'm desperate!!
Avatar f tn I still have pain, which methadone blocked better but as far as side effects, despite the pain, i like suboxone better so far! WOULD LOVE SUBUTEX THOUGH. Canada ***** for drugs, I wish they prescribed Xyrem here too, lol! You guys get all the goodies!
Avatar m tn well yes I do agree that it is trading one addiction for another, methadone or suboxone are much healthier for you as well as it being monitored by your doctor or a clinic. it is possible to quit an opiate addiction without things like methadone or suboxone but it is difficult and has a high failure rate. some people can do it and only do it once and stay clean for the rest of their lives while others like myself need the help of these medications to fully kick the habit.
Avatar n tn I've been taking suboxone and have run out. I have a bad toothache and have some vicodine, would that be effective until I get this tooth worked on. I will have my suboxone on Monday again.
Avatar n tn Generally you will not feel any pain relief from any narcotic pain medication while suboxone is in your system. It takes about 5-7 days for it to be out of your system (per what they say at 1877 suboxone). If you took a regular pain pill with it in your system, basically nothing would happen. No high, no relief.
1330864 tn?1275270365 Well today is day 4 with no relief from pain, I was taking suboxone for about a year, and I took my last 2mg pill 4 days ago on Saturday. Last night I had to drink 5 drinks just to sleep, and I only got about 2 hours. I've been up since 430 this morning, and I know I just have to deal with it, but the thought of buying some pills off the street has crossed my mind more than once. I also have spinal stenosis and shoulder problems, so I do have real pain issues that I am dealing with.
Avatar f tn I asked him how Suboxone was indicated for my back pain and he responded that I would not need pain meds once on Suboxone. The patient handbook says Suboxone is not indicated for pain treatment. I asked about the addictiveness of Suboxone and he said he would "taper" me off after 18 months or so and there would be no need for pain medications. Like I said, I am afraid of addition and he is scaring me to death.
759515 tn?1240482732 Hi, Depending on who you ask , some say it has really helped them as far as pain control and that is if you can find a doctor who will prescibe them for pain control. There is a search box in the upper right hand corner for searching this community. Use it and you will see the results of some who have taken it for pain control and how it helped them individually. I can give you some site that have expanded information on it if you would like.
Avatar f tn I have had neck fusion surgery and lower back surgery and was prescribed oxycontin for pain. I became addicted to the pills and was abusing them. I have stopped using them. Medical marijuana was a godsend for me. If you live in a state that allows it then check it out. Then best was I have found for using cannabis is eating it. It will help with pain more than morphine and is not addictive. Cannabis is a natural Herb not a man made drug! Help yourself and please check it out.
Avatar m tn So the choice to jump from 8mg to 24 mg is a decision of pain management. It is a very high dosage of Suboxone for addiction treatment, but not very uncommon for pain relief. The drug buprenorphine, Suboxone's opiate ingredient, has been used for chronic pain relief for decades, mainly in the UK. Suboxone was introduced to the US around '92 for opiate treatment only, but many Drs are beginning to use it for its original use.
Avatar f tn Always one to correct wrong information for people reading in the future. Suboxone contains "Buprenorphine" which is a Partial Opiate Agonist.(or your could say, a partial opiate, I suppose.) and "Naloxone" which is a Complete Opiate Antagonist.(blocker) NOT "a potent synthetic opiate (narcotic) and partial opiate blocker." In England, they are allowed to prescribe Subutex (Suboxone without the Naloxone) and Suboxone for pain.
Avatar n tn Hi from Phoenix AZ! I need some info about RLS. I am getting ready to quit a Suboxone habit. I was addicted to hydros and tramadol for over a year. I didn't feel I was strong enough to go cold turkey so my doctor led me to Suboxone. It really is a trap and when I successfully get through my PAWS I will be warning others to stay away from Suboxone. I get HORIBLE RLS when I try to quit. My question is: Has anybody had success with requip? If so, what dosage of requip worked for you?
Avatar f tn has anyone ever taken or still taking suboxone for long term pain managment? if so..does it help? im over 2 months clean from an oc habit and i have legit pain but do not want to resort back to oc's....any advice would be greatly appreciated.......
Avatar m tn I started taking subs after being on lortab for 2 years for endometriosis. I took only as prescribed and never took more than one pill every 6-8 hrs. I had a hysterectomy and planned on stopping all together. But I had no one to help me figure it out. While my obgyn was a great dr, he didn't even mention that I'd need to taper off them. I'll try to sum this up as quickly as possible.