
Use of xopenex in infants

Common Questions and Answers about Use of xopenex in infants


Avatar n tn My son had been diagnosed with pneumonia 4 times in the past four months, as well as bronchiolitis in between. He has been treated with Rocephin, Azithromycin, and Amoxil. He has breathing treatments 4 times a day (pulmicort & xopenex) has had 2 episodes of cyanosis, and been hospitalized for low oxygen satuation, wheezing etc. His pediatrician tells me I shouldn't panic and that he has asthma. He is only 13 mos old!
Avatar n tn The 2 classes are 1) inhaled steroids and 2) orally administered medicines that block biochemical asthma pathways involved in asthma worsening, an example of which is Singulair® (montelukast sodium). A third group of asthma medicines commonly used are, medicines similar to Xopenex® Inhalation Solution (levalbuterol) but long acting for 8 to 12 hours. These medicines might or might not result in hyperactivity and should be the last to be considered, especially for a young child. Good luck.
Avatar n tn Hi, fast heart rate is due to Xopenex. Initially, use of this drug is associated with this side effect but over a period of time, tolerance usually develops. In case if you have a pre exisiting heart disease, please avoid this drug. Consult you treating doctor to lower the dose or frequency, other alternative is sustained release deriphylline tablets.
Avatar f tn All of them Xopenex is the only one that does not go by albuterol. No generics because of the cfc ban. We do have generic albuterol neb solution. The Xopenex doesn't cause the shakiness that the other versions do and can be more effective. I wonder if that is what part of my problem has been? hmmmmm... I am going to ask for a sample of Xopenex to try for odor exposures again.
Avatar n tn Xopenex is beta-2 adrenergic agonist and Pulmicort is corticosteroid, although they are often combined in clinical practice, the concomitant use of beta-2 adrenergic agonists and corticosteroids may result in additive hypokalemic effects. Since beta-2 agonists can sometimes cause QT interval prolongation, the development of hypokalemia may potentiate the risk of ventricular arrhythmias including torsade de pointes. However, clinical data are limited, and the potential significance is unknown.
212161 tn?1599427282 hey , thank you for taking your time to be here for all of us. i never had asthma now they say i have it been sick with cold oct 17 turn into this i feel better but sometimes feel like am under water, so i have inhalers but so scared to take because of heart racing etc. do all inhalers do that and are there any that dont. i wheeze alot at night but to scared to take a puff. plus they putting me on tricor for high tris i think will all my meds mix with that to.
Avatar f tn Xopenex is a rescue inhaler, that means you have to use this when he has an episode of Asthma. Flovent is a steroid inhaler. This are preventive inhalers. The type of drug commonly used in preventer inhalers is a steroid. Steroids work by reducing the inflammation in the airways. When the inflammation has gone, the airways are much less likely to become narrow and cause symptoms such as wheezing. Steroid inhalers are usually taken twice per day.
1315759 tn?1274044788 the last time i went to the hospital, the therapist gave me atrovent and xopenex, with 4 doses in one. i told them it was making me too jittery, way more than normal and nobody listened. instead of getting better, it was staying the same and making me feel out of control. how can i get my doctor to prescribe me a pulse ox for at home? i am on medicad and medicare and i am sure that if he prescribed it to me, that they would let me have one.
Avatar n tn Is there warning signs of autism in a 5 month old or is this way too early to tell?
312330 tn?1245176752 Did the singulair for a while, but was taken off of that....I have CSS which is what causes the asthma. I use xopenex as my rescue med...and right now do Qvar and Foradil for my maintenance meds right now...but obviously am not under control.
212161 tn?1599427282 Yes, it's called adult onset asthma. I never had it either until one year ago, but because I went on a very healthy diet and eliminated milk products and sugar, I stopped wheezing. Lately I started eating all of the bad foods again and now once again I am wheezing. I too refuse to take medications, but 2 weeks ago I did use Xopenex (it's a bronchodialator) that helped me to breathe.
Avatar f tn 30am coughing non-stop....coughing so much that he vomited! I gave him his Xopenex in the nebulizer, put him in the steamy bathroom, gave him a dose of the steroid. Throughout the day today, he did okay. He coughed, but not all that bad and he still took his Xopenex every four hours. Tonight he is in bed . . . Coughing! Any ideas? He is on so many meds, why doesn't anything stop this cough? If I was coughing like this I would have to take something to make it stop.
Avatar f tn my daughter is 3 months old ,she has been passing mucus in stools for about 4 weeks now and some times there are spots of blood in the mucus ,I took her to the doc but not found the cause yet
Avatar f tn It will remain in baby's system. Especially if you took them for more than 2 weeks. You need to let your OB know even if it leaves both systems because if you we're abusing them and taking them for a long period of time we can't diagnose the outcome. No judgement, but please for the sake of your innocent baby tell your Dr. You made the right decision to stop taking them. Best wishes!
Avatar m tn I have the exact same thing. Most of my "asthma attacks" are with me 75-90% of my personal best (which I haven't hit in about 9 months). Peak flow shows small changes in air flow but only in the large airways so any inflammation in the small airways doesn't show up because it's not sensitive enough. I notice a major way in the feeling of completing the peak flow when I'm having problems.
Avatar n tn My son didn't even notice it. Just keep the front of his diaper rubbed down with a lot of Vaseline. Him being that young I would ask your pediatrition instead of us. We wouldn't be able to tell you the dosage and what not. I don't believe babies that young are suppose to take anything though. I know it's hard looking at their little weenis like that though.
Avatar f tn Since returning nine months ago I have been suffering from fatigue all the time, dizziness some of the time and severe shortness of breath (with chest pain) within 5-10 minutes of playing a game (I have to come out). I've had a cardo and pulmonary stress test, and blood work. All have come back negative. Doctors say I'm in perfect physical condition, but I feel lousy. Any ideas of other avenues to consider? I really want to play soccer again.
1361044 tn?1277598308 We took her to the ER, we sat for 8 hours, they almost sent us home, and right as we were leaving she did it in front of the nurse, and the nurse was like- you are right- that is not ok, A week later she had surgery for severe reflux, come to find out over 50% of her formula was being inhaled into her lungs. She went blue on me at one point and I told the doctor he must do the surgery. Had I not pushed for her, she probably would have died in her sleep at some point.
Avatar f tn I feel Gerd and milk allergy are grossly overdiagnosed in infants. Lactose overload has been diagnosed in breast-fed infants now - and I believe it is also found in babies.
Avatar m tn A few days back I noticed his lower jaw quivering when he was feeding from bottle. It is not continuous, only in the time of relaxing after sucking. It is not seen otherwise. Is this normal. He also shows jerking movements while in sleep.
1507909 tn?1313633804 Motrin contains ibuprofen, which can cause reyes syndrome in infants. My daughters pediatrician told me to use infants tylenol our an off brand containing acetaminophen. I would discontinue the motrin and get some infants acetaminophen.
1428481 tn?1340593131 I have a strong feeling that my 2 month old son has pink eye! I have the eye drops (Vigamox) on hand and was wandering if I could use them on my son. I have heard a lot about pink eye but never in infants so I'm not sure how to treat an infant with Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis). He has green mucus basically gluing his right eye together. I have had to wipe it clean multiple times with a wet cloth.
Avatar m tn you have more options in Australia than in the US. All short acting brochodilators have potential side effects like insomnia.
Avatar m tn TITLE: Safety of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) treatment for the entire pregnancy in mothers with active chronic hepatitis B or cirrhosis AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Calvin Pan1, Min Liu2, Haodong Cai2, Wei Yi2 Institutional Author(s): INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, NYU Langone Medical Center, NYU School of Medicine, Flushing, NY, United States. 2. Ditan Hospital, Beijing, China.