
Use of estradiol in ivf

Common Questions and Answers about Use of estradiol in ivf


1493378 tn?1288707991 i still don't know what to think right now, i'm so stressed and worried that this cycle might be cancelled...with my 1st round (failed) of IVF, my estradiol level was 21 pg/ml & my prolactin level was above normal, but the doctor prescribed dostinex for elevated my estradiol level was <21 pg/ml & prolactin level again is above normal...i'm so confused & gettin' nervous right now...
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Lupron and Estradiol leading up to my IVF. I am having awful headaches and some nausea with the estradiol. Did anyone else experience this and does it go away? Thanks!
Avatar f tn Hi i've undergone my 1st IVF, i'm 8 weeks pregnant and just wondering if i really need all this medicine from my doctor. I've ask the nurse and she said that i have to continue all of this medicine until delivery.
Avatar f tn 6, Estradiol 72, Day 10 FSH 16.1, Estradiol 482). We are planning to start IVF this cycle. During my baseline today, I had only 5 total antral follicles, and my ovary size was smallish. I am extremely discouraged. I started Acupuncture 3 weeks ago, and wish I had started sooner. Can in still help me conceive or have a successful IVF cycle with these results? Thanks!!
Avatar f tn Haven't experinced this situation but I'm hoping someone does answer your question because I'm in the same predicament but for different reasons. Just had a failed 1st IVF and due to the high costs we can't do a 2nd and are thinking of doing IUI's. I know the probablity of preg on IUI's is slimmer than IVF but don't have an alernative. Best of luck to you.
Avatar n tn Well, the doctor who did my transfer told me to take 2 estrodial per day and 3 prometrium per day and shot of progesterone every other day and I wasn't due to go back until my pregnancy test 10/7. However, I was unhappy with several lapses in care that I received along the process so I switched and they immediately started doing my blood levels every 3-4 days. I guess it helps them to keep your hormones where they need to be to support pregnancy.
Avatar f tn been trying to have a second baby the past 3years on off cycles of clomid, IUI among others then 4months ago discovered low amh which means low ovarian reserve and my RE didnt recommend IVF but i wanted to try so he gave me a short intensive course of merional and only 1 follicle appeared with low Estradiol level so he cancelled IVF and did IUI 2weeks ago and just got my period so it failed.....i have read about DHEA and bought it...
Avatar f tn I havent had personal experience with low e2 levels. I did use this link as a bit of a guide though so i hope this helps you. I wish you all the vey best on your 3rd go.
Avatar f tn If you've just had a hysterectomy, IVF won't apply in your situation. It's in-vitro fertilization. The only reason I mentioned it is because that was the only time I was on estradiol. Except for the cancer risks with taking hormones, which makes it not recommended to take them without doctor's orders or for a long period of time, if someone's own estrogen is dropping, it is probable that their body will generally appreciate estrogen for at least a while.
691236 tn?1311199974 I had my trigger shot yesterday at 9am. My doc prescribed estradiol, prometrium (both in pill form) and progesterone suppositories for the next 2 weeks until my pregnancy blood test. Anyone else on these and do you know why? My doc just said my hormone levels were very low and he wanted to me take these to sustain the embryo if it does implant. Any knowledge/expereinece you have is greatly appreciated! Thanks girls!
Avatar f tn Usually anything under 5 is not pregnant so its not lookin likely I'm afraid 2 say but I hope I am wrong keep us posted plz x
Avatar n tn Dr, I recently started the Chinese Herbal Medicine treatment for fertility, focusing on tonifying kidney and boosting circulation. The latest Day3 blood test shows an elevated Estradiol above 70 and lowered FSH around 6, compared to my test last year's level of FSH around 8 and Estradiol in mid 40's. I am 39 years old.
400358 tn?1320234443 So I just got back from the RE's office and I need to vent. I am so frustrated first of all half the time that I go there I only see a nurse bc my RE is at different offices all the time. I feel like im paying a lot of money just to see the nurse. Then we were really frustrated yesterday when we were told that we can't time for IVF yet. We have been to the office six days in a row for blood work and u/s. He isn't telling us anything.
Avatar n tn Apparently bad news is if you have high estrogen on day 2. I am in natural cycle IVF and my follicle has developed well and my uterus lining is good. I am having aspiration tomorrow - so it did not look like there was a problem even though estrogen was low on 2nd day. I hope all works well for you. Good luck.
Avatar f tn Has anyone else had these kind of results? This is my first round of IVF and I am so disappointed. The doctor had expected more follicles. My question is, by increasing the dose could more follicles produce at this stage since I'm already on Day 6?
Avatar f tn s not, you could just do a baseline and just use OPKs to determine when to have the IUI instead of coming in for follow-up checks. the only problem with that is that you wouldn't know how many follicles you have. By the way, you can get clomid at WalMart through their $9 program. I really hope things work out for you and your DH, Sue! You truly deserve it!
Avatar f tn So, today is my 4th day of stimming for IVF (I'm on 200 iu's of follistim a day) and my estradiol level was only 19!!! The nurse called me, and I will now be on 400 iu's a day of follistim, but I'm still so so nervous that for some reason my body isn't reacting. Has anyone else experienced this? I do not need one more thing to worry about, and I'm really really worried.
Avatar m tn Hello. I live in Phoenix as well and see Dr Patel who practices at Arizona Associates for Reproductive Health. He is AMAZING! He really cares... genuinely. I had consults elswehere and didn't like the grandeous desks and fancy car-driving demeanor of some of the other doctors here. Patel is for real. He is my hero.
Avatar f tn Most doctors will consider any increase in E2 a positive sign, but others use a formula of either 100 pg/ml after 4 days of stims, or a doubling in E2 from the level taken on cycle day 3. Estradiol (E2) Surge/hCG day 200 + pg/ml The levels should be 200-600 per mature (18 mm) follicle.
1222208 tn?1307696161 Hi, my numbers were FSH 7.84 and Estradiol 53.9 in Aug 2009 when first tested. They were FSH 9.7, Estradiol 33, and LH 6.4 when I got tested in Jan of this year. Got pregnant on 2nd month of trying. Found some other results: TSH 1.09, FT4 1.26, and Prolactin 5.63. I'm 42 1/2 now. Good luck to everyone! SSBD!
398459 tn?1262186144 Hi kp, I too have been diagnosed with a diminished ovarian reserve. Although I'm only 30, my numbers are far worse than yours:) I do feel that your FSH and E2 levels are very normal and you have an excellent chance of success with IVF.
Avatar f tn Hello, we did a fresh IVF 01/16 and I did my blood test 8dp5dt came back 332 and 10dp5dt came back 501. The nurse called and left me a message saying so sorry that this cycle is not going as we planned. I am waiting to hear back but from what I see my levels went up...what am I missing?????? Please help!!!
Avatar n tn No worries! There's actually a lot of talk about whether or not estradiol (or estrogen) is even that important after IVF. The progesterone, on the other hand, is make sure you take those every day! Best of luck with everything and congratulations on your pregnancy!
Avatar f tn dosage was increase to 375 ui for 3 days and still, estradiol is low and no follicles seen. doctor advised to cancel the ivf due to abandon cycle and try next cycle again with an increase dosge of 450ui. Why is it that my body is not responding to gonal f even though the dosage has been increased? Is there a problem? How sure i am that i will respond to next cycle if its already 450 ui? What would be my other options if i am really not responding to that med?