Urine test nicotine chewing tobacco

Common Questions and Answers about Urine test nicotine chewing tobacco


19880027 tn?1485894768 For the about 15 years I've been chewing tobacco and smoking it for almost 26 years. I'm 35 and it's been a very long run that I thoroughly enjoyed. Now when it's time to hang it up there's no support for those of us that chew tobacco. There's stop smoking just about everywhere you look and I gave up smoking November of 2016. Today is day 8 tobacco free and all I can think about is eating but I'm on a monitored diet.
Avatar m tn I have been chewing tobacco for over 20 years. I do go to a dentist for a cleaning and check up twice a year however I have recently become a first time daddy and want to quit, and I mean I really want to quit. Are there any ways or methods that are out there that can help me overcome this difficult addiction. I chew approx. 1 1/2 cans per day of Grizzly Long Cut Wintergreen. Thank you!
Avatar m tn Ok so I have a chronic problem of chewing tobacco. I chew a pack of tobacco every 15 to 30 mins. If I dont for even an hour, I start experiencing withdrawals. I have on my own tried stopping this really bad habit but all attempts have gone in vain. I have been chewing tobacco from the past 5 years. I also had a drug abuse problem and I was very successful at stopping that. Tobacco should be easier but for some reason, it seems more difficult! Any advice I can get here?
Avatar m tn O.K. why are there not any "stop dipping or chewing classes"? Or are there any?
Avatar n tn He has been on Nicorette 2 mg gum for 20 years after chewing tobacco for 15 years or so. He has never tapered off--fortunately, not gone to 4 mg either. The easiest way to tell you how much he chews is that in a week, he goes through 1 1/2 to 2 boxes. Each box contains 110 pcs. He can't understand why I get so pissed off about the amount of money or doesn't want to. He has managed to stop drinking (thankfully!!) for 7 months now and says that I shouldn't bug him about this.
11088727 tn?1419827634 If the nicotine is gettn into ur system its gettn into the babys system the nicotine is just as bad as the smoke. Babies can come out addicted to things especially nicotine.
2158827 tn?1336781063 if i consume nicotine or caffeine i fell like i cant breath. this is even with chewing tobacco. if i chew i fell like i cant breath and im suffocating. same with even drinking a soda with caffeine in it. i cant take a deep breath and my breathing gets really shallow. is there a name for this? have you ever heard of this?
Avatar f tn I want to quit chewing tobacco and want to use the gum or lozenges or patch to help me. But I don't know how much to take or if these methods are safe/effective. Anyone know? All of the instructions refer to cigarette smokers, not chewers like me.
Avatar m tn Hi I stopped chewing tobacco 4 days ago. I started chewing in November and chewed about 3-4 times a day up until 4 days ago when I quit. I have read that the physical withdrawal symptoms peak on day three. Does anyone know what the common withdrawal symptoms are? I am constipated, get headaches, feel dizzy off and on throughout the day, and the weirdest one is my nose is congested and clariton d barely clears it up. Is it normal to have withdrawal effects that include nasal congestion?
Avatar f tn In leucoplakia there is excessive growth of cells in the mouth with white patches. Smoking and tobacco chewing increase risk of developing leucoplakia.Fungal infections like candidiasis, syphilis can lead to white patches in the mouth. Stay away from alcohol. Get it seen by a doctor. I hope it helps. Best luck and regards!
Avatar m tn hi everyone. So im finally deciding to quit chewing tobacco. I tried several months ago but couldnt do it. anyone have any ideas on how to stop? I guess I do it because I love how it makes me feel and when I dont have a dip in I have to have something to chew on. But I know its bad for me and its giving me sores so its time to quit lol.
Avatar f tn I hate to suggest smoking, however nicotine, in very small doses can sometimes stop irritable bowel syndrome. One cigarette a day will do it, or a plug of chewing tobacco. Diagnosing your complex problems over the internet is above my pay grade. You might want to try a naturopathic physician.
Avatar n tn I recently quit chewing tobacco after several years. Inside my lower lip, below the line where lipstick would go, I can feel several small things --almost like tiny circles, when I push against that area with my tongue. Elsewhere, tiny little bumps. I also have a very small "line" like a thin pencil lead, in the middle of my lower lip. But I also noticed that I have a very sharp edge on one of my lower teeth, which may have caused that "line.
Avatar f tn The problem with e-cigs is that there is no real way of knowing how much you're smoking compared to standard cigarettes and how much nicotine you're taking in. You may well end up taking in twice as much nicotine albeit without the smoke, tar and chemicals of standard cigarettes. Best thing is to really try and quit...get some professional help here to get you through it. It's hard but you can do it and it wil be so much better for you and your baby when you do kick the habit.
Avatar m tn I have been using snuff/chewing tobacco for about 25 years. Within this time period I was able to quit for about 3 years. It took all I had...literally. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. One bad night at work and I relapse. I am currently going through a lot of stress but I know that I need to quit again. I am very reluctant about using any pharmaceuticals...... does anyone have any suggestions?
Avatar m tn Actually I used chewing tobacco and with stopping opiates I didnt like the nicotine. It seemed to make me a bit sick. But then coming off meds makes me sick from everything. But I quit both at the same time. But Chew and smoke are two different animals. Who thinks they are "clean" even though you smoke? Funny what we all determine as clean. Sobriety is your own thing. Everyone keep on their track. My track is my track. All I can do Is offer you my story.
Avatar n tn The nicotine test is done on urine, not blood for insurance underwriting. If they test for cotanine, that substance stays in your system much longer.
868283 tn?1250946391 t smoked cigarettes. My consumption of chewing tobacco was a can a day of copenhagen. I started to experience a symptom similar to Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia where my blood pressure would go up to 160 or 170/80+ and heartbeat would go up to 155-165. I continued to chew tobacco for several days after first experiencing the rapid heartbeat and blood pressure and came to the conclusion that the tobacco was the contributor to these symptoms. The symptoms were a sudden onset.
Avatar m tn If you have a nicotine test in your blood, you need to stop using nicotine-containing product three days prior to the date of examination. Avoid also the consumption of thiocyanate containing foods, as it can lead to false positive results.
Avatar n tn I have a swollen optic nerve. I have had an MRI and blood work - all coming back clean. The doctor doesn't believe a spinal tap is needed and believes I have a virus that will take time to work it's way out at which point my vision will return to normal. I was wondering if anyone has information on tobacco or nicotine toxicity. I've read that there is such a thing that can cause your optic nerve(s) to swell. I am a heavy smokeless tobacco user.
Avatar m tn I am a smoker . Iam using smokeless tobacco to get off the smoking. whitch is worse?
Avatar n tn iam 22 yr male.iam using spit tobacco for the last 4 years.i tried to quit for many times but i could'nt.main problem is withdrawal symptoms like drowsiness,depression,constipation,anxiety,insomnia.the main issue is constipation.without tobacco i cant evacuate my bowels.mentally iam very depressed and i cant even say to my parents or friends.please help me and give sugession for the withdrawal symptoms like constipation and it will be more useful for quitting tobacco.