Urine test for smoking

Common Questions and Answers about Urine test for smoking


Avatar f tn Let your doctor know. And they can drug test you, by a urine sample. They will do it three times. Once the first time u speak to ur doctor, another time around 30 weeks, and then they can again right before your due date. As long as your urine is clean the last two tests (especially the one right before birth), they can't take your baby from you.
Avatar n tn i was wanting to know if u can test positive for thc without smoking weed.
Avatar n tn We are unable to respond to urine test questions.
Avatar m tn s and asked what all they can see in the urine and blood tests and they both said they test iron levels, urine HGV levels and can see any substances that show up. they said they test for drug use majorly in Medicaid patients as required, and test others usually twice during pregnancy.
Avatar m tn 9 175lbs, I am still testing positive in my urine for THC. How much longer do I have till I finally test negative? Also, will I test Negative if I had a BLOOD test done? What is the difference? Please help!
Avatar f tn I tested positive the first drug test for THC when I did the first blood draw. On my form it has the box checked for urine drug abuse. What will they do if I test positive at the glucose test? Will they even drug test me? I only do it when I feel nauseous. No judgement please I'm concerned I live in MD anyone with answers help? Will I have time to stop before he's born?
Avatar f tn I was 6 weeks when I finally could take a urine test and my HCG levels were high enough to show positive. Like you I was so convinced I was pregnant and I requested a blood test. The doctor said all he needed was my urine which was negative at this time I was 5 weeks. So you can definitely get a blood test done now. If the doctor would have done my blood test it would have came back positive.
Avatar f tn I have been going to a pain management doctor for almost a year. He does a urine test on me every month which is then sent to a lab. My question is why hasn't the THC shown up in any of these tests yet? Am I in the clean or will there be a chance that he may test for THC one day. I also signed a contract when I first started that said I can not do any marijuana while under his care.
Avatar f tn I live in VA and just as most other places they always test your urine not only for drugs but for infections and protein levels. Most doctors ask you at your first appointment about drug use. If you are honest they give you resources and information. I'm not sure about the process after that.
Avatar n tn Other than this the only other option is you smoked pot and got tested too soon, in some people THC takes up to 45 days to clear out of your system unless the drug screen is a hair folicle test, then it can test positive for many months after smoking. Urine test usually clear out within 30 - 45 days.
Avatar f tn Hi, I've been having several signs of pregnancy, like (Craving foods, lower abdominal pains on my right side they come and go But get sharper, white creamy milky discharge but no odor, pooping a lot also. Lower back pains, and i have to pee every 2 mins I've been loosing my breath easily at work, My boobs feel fuller and heavy but not much bigger some days they seem bigger.
Avatar m tn Maybe a half hour later we got intimate and I gave her oral is it possible to pass the effects to her through any residue that might be on my lips tongue of saliva ? Or would it cause her to test positive for meth in a drug test both or either urine or blood? If so what about through sex ?
Avatar m tn Your doctor would need to specifically test for gonorrhea or chlamydia and while this can be done on urine, it is a different test than tests for UTI. If you have concerns about STIs, you should ask your doctor to evaluate you for them. I hope this is helpful.
3998058 tn?1348980681 t heard anything back about failing a drug test or anything. I know my ob definitely for a fact checks for protein and uti in urine which is why we pee every time we go there but the drug test I have heard nothing of.. I will let you know next week after my appt if any question come up. But I no longer do it being a month away .
Avatar f tn Hi, I too have had 4+ blood in my urine for a couple of months now. I went to the doctor because I felt I might have a bladder infection. I didn't have any burning but my bladder always feels irritated. Can you see the blood in your urine? I don't really see what I would call red blood but urine in a tea colour first thing in the morning. I have an urologist appoint on Feb 11 but I hate the waiting. I wish I could get it looked at sooner. Are your symptoms getting any better?
Avatar f tn Are you asking for drug reasons?? They check baby poop for that. They check the placenta our to make sure they got it all. But never heard of testing it.
Avatar f tn Thats what your urine samples are for lol its one of the things they test. If they get suspicious then they test. And will continue to if they have a hunch in a state thats illegal. Also in florida and arkansas they test your babys meconium after birth since the drugs will stay in the babys poop. If its positive they immediately take away your rights and out the child up for state custody.
Avatar n tn However, the metabolite of nicotine which is known as Cotinine leaves its traces in blood as well as in urine for up to 7 days. Nicotine is a very highly addictive chemical that is the main component of cigarettes. Your body, especially your heart and lungs, will usually begin to heal at 12 hours after you've had your last cigarette/ stopped smoking.
Avatar f tn why would a newborn test positive for marijuana? well my guess would be the doctor or nurse in charge of the newborns care would call child protective services and an investigation would be conducted.
Avatar f tn Please if someone can advise me. For past few months I started feeling extremely cold. In extreme summer I wear sweater. In extreme summer when A/C is on I use one thick comforter and on top of that sometimes I have to use blanket. I also have low grade fever for few hours everyday. My whole body remains warm and have chilly feeling all the time. I already have visited few Doctors and have wasted lot of money on that.
Avatar f tn I worked for my dad's office for a couple years while in college and they drug test your urine. (He's an obgyn) If it comes back positive they contact cps. I don't know the frequency at which they test it, it could just be the first visit, I'm really not sure though. Our hospitals here automatically drug test the baby when it's born, also.
Avatar f tn It is possible that you may have ovulated a little later and it just may not be showing up yet. Also some people, for whatever reason, do not show up positive on a urine test for a little bit. Are you using an early results test? I would also use one of those as well if you are not as their detection levels are lower. You can also try a digital for no guesswork involved.
Avatar f tn When I first missed my period I took a home test and it said negative but I went to doctor and they did urine test negative I waited and took another hpt today and it was a faint positive. I don't know if I should go back to my doctor. What do you think? Note that I had my tubes tied June 2005 and lost a baby this past may. What should I do?
Avatar f tn My doctor has an assistant, not a nurse, who assists her with checking patient vitals, etc. the assistant makes frequent demands for a urine test...4 in the last 8 months which seem excessive to me. She gets quite testy if I am unable to comply and has left an unpleasant message on my phone once. Today she brought me a full paper cup of water and insisted I drink it. Am I legally required to submit to these tests? Is there a certain number of urine tests required per year?