
Triamcinolone rosacea

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone rosacea


Avatar f tn Using this rosacea often resolves the itch, redness, and tenderness of steroid-induced rosacea in 7 to 10 days with twice daily application. Complete clearing of steroid-induced rosacea usually takes 1 to 2 months. Sometimes clearing takes a bit longer. Avoiding rosacea triggers, such as caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol, also may help clear the skin.But pls don’t worry as it is not a permanent condition. Hope it helps.
Avatar f tn I have a weird rash on my entire body. They're aggravated, anywhere from slightly red, to looks-like-I'm-about-to-bleed red, They're all slightly raised bumps, and range in size between the tip of a pencil to the tip of a used crayon. I thought at first it was an allergic reaction, but it's been over a week, and the rash is spreading. My doctor says it may be a form of Rosacea, but I've never been diagnosed.
Avatar m tn Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar m tn i have recently only after breaking up with my last girlfriend, or, more revelant, never before that, in all 22 years of living never expierenced this. not before that, only after, so a period of 4 months after breaking up. well the PROBLEM mainly is around the nasallabial area?
Avatar f tn I had been putting betamethasone on it which would clear it up but then would come back within a week if I quit using cream. Finally got insurance and was prescribed a po antibiotic and triamcinolone acetonide dental paste?? Even that seemed to help and antibiotics kept it gone for about 1-3 months but back. I'm 28. Ive quit using all products and even towels on face to no avail. I have had a hx of staph back in elementary that I'd dormant and get spring time for 3 years.
Avatar m tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be seborrheic dermatitis. It is usually caused by overgrowth of Malassezia furfur. This skin disease commonly affects adolescents and young adults, especially in warm and humid climates and is aggravated by sweating and humidity. The rash is characterized by red and scaly rash to form on the oily areas on the face like nose and forehead.
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms I would like to rule out the possibility of rosacea. The exact cause of rosacea is not known. The basic process seems to involve dilation of the small blood vessels of the face. It can be due to genetic causes, hormonal problems, the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (that is associated with stomach ulcers), gastrointestinal disease, and medications that cause blood vessels to widen.
Avatar n tn However as you have been diagnosed with rosacea,so other causes also need to be looked into. The exact cause of rosacea is still unknown but some of the aggravating factors are gentics, mite sometimes found in hair follicles (Demodex folliculorum),H.Pylori infection of stomach,gastrointestinal disease, and medications that cause blood vessels to widen. Roascea is not directly caused by these drugs but they may cause diltation of blood vesself and hence facial flusing. Hope it helps.
Avatar f tn t go away as of right now stop spreading only as it is from the beggining the eara of the wax have been used . i have triamcinolone cream my doctor gave it to me once as an after wax cream i could use it ?? thanks so much for the great respond and i can't wait to see the doctor next week.
Avatar m tn Visual diagnosis 3 years ago as plaque psoriasis in the genital area and prescribed Triamcinolone cream 1%. When I felt itchy, I began using the cream immediately. Within a week to 2 weeks of using a small amount of the cream daily my skin healed. Unfortunately it would recur within about a month. Visited derm dr. recently and he diagnosed as herpes. I have not used the cream and have had a lot of pain and outbreak in the same 2 sites.
Avatar m tn I had seborrheic dermatitis for 7 years now and because of that i had to use Corticosteroid , but unfortunately i did not know about the side effects of that and i used it on the scalp and bear for many years , now that i am 31 i was diagnosed with rosacea, i was wondering can this be steroid induce rosacea and if yes would it go away.
Avatar n tn I have been diagnosed with rosacea by my familiy docter. I have the 'classical' rosacea on my cheeks. But i also have 'hyves-like' (i thinks, my family docter thinks 'rosacea-like') things on both sides of my head, behind my ears, on my chest, and onder my hair (at the border hair-skin). It doesn't itch or hurt. But it's not going away....
Avatar n tn ), weather changes, sun exposure, exercise, alcohol consumption, emotional upsets, and spicy food may trigger blushing and aggravate rosacea. The symptoms of rosacea generally tend to come and go. The skin may be clear for weeks, months, or years and then erupt again. Rosacea generally lasts for years. The medications that you are receiving are alright for the condition and you would definitely see some benefit with these.
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar n tn "Rosacea strikes both sexes and potentially all ages. It tends to be more frequent in women but more severe in men. It is very uncommon in children, and it is very infrequently seen in darker skin tones or black skin." Some people with hypothyroidism have rosacea and there could be a connection, but, it's not a direct symptom. Why will your doctor not diagnose your thyroid condition?
Avatar f tn So does ocular rosacea only happen to people with facial rosacea? Or can things like an infection or computer vision syndrome cause it?
Avatar m tn Decadron® (dexamethasone) 4 mg is not the therapeutic equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg. Using the Lexi-Calc corticosteroid conversion formula, the ratio of the 2 would be close to 5:1. So it would take Decadron® (dexamethasone) 16 mg to be approximately the equivalent of Kenalog® (triamcinolone acetonide) 80 mg.
Avatar m tn I want to ask if you think this could be rhinophyma or rosacea because everywhere on the Internet it says that rosacea is a condition that only affects middle-aged people.
Avatar n tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be contact dermatitis or steroid induced rosacea. Steroid induced rosacea is an adverse effects of using steroids. Some patients develop steroid-induced rosacea within weeks of applying a topical steroid; others may not experience it for years. You can use tacrolimus ointment for this.Using this rosacea often resolves the itch, redness, and tenderness of steroid-induced rosacea in 7 to 10 days with twice daily application.
Avatar n tn I was recently diagnosed with Rosacea and didn't know that there could be eye symptoms that went along with it. I have had itching, burning, and swelling of the eyes along with a thick mucus for many years and chalked it up to allergies. I can't find thick eye mucus anywhere listed as a symptom for Ocular Rosacea. I have recently started using Latisse and it seems to be helping with the swelling of the upper eyelid, but not with the itching and mucus. Could this be Ocular Rosacea?
Avatar m tn Hello, What you have is called steroid induced rosacea. Steroid induced rosacea or dermatitis is an adverse effect of using steroids. Some patients develop steroid-induced rosacea within weeks of applying a topical steroid; others may not experience it for years. Using tacrolimus often resolves the itch, redness, and tenderness of steroid-induced rosacea but it should be taken after a dermatologist’s guidance.
Avatar m tn Conclusions The combination of silymarin and S-MSM can be useful in managing symptoms and condition of rosacea skin, especially in the rosacea subtype 1 erythemato-telangiectatic phase. The action can be considered multicentric and multiphase because of the direct modulating action on cytokines and angiokines normally involved and up-regulated in the case of such skin condition. http://www3.interscience.wiley.