
Triamcinolone for scabies

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone for scabies


Avatar f tn They prescribed me permethrin cream and is safe for pregnancy. Other dr prescribed me triamcinolone acetonide and hydroxyzine hcl. Are those two safe for pregnancy? I mean I look it up and some say it not safe for pregnancy.
Avatar m tn Okay, so this problem has been going on for about a month now. It started in my groin area, They looked like mosquito bites, red raised bumps on the skin. They were itchy too, so at first i thought they were bug bites. They were on they head and shaft of my penis, as well as the area around my genitals. I went to 2 different doctors to figure out what it was. The first one told me it could be sexually transmitted and had me take blood work and a urine sample.
Avatar n tn t an infection because of the rapid onset and he perscribed me triamcinolone. He thought it was an alergy and diagnosed it with idiocratic penile edema (unknown penis inflammation) Three days have passed and the swelling is gone, and the area only is itchy when I masturbate. There are no other side effects, urination is normal, no bumps or sores on the penis and no discharge from the penis. My concerns are a male yeast infection or scabies, but I have no signs of either.
Avatar f tn Dec I had chicken pox but they went away and in jan until now I have strange itchy bumps and sometimes welt bumps that comes and go away an some lady said dryskin bumps an gave me triamcinolone acetonide cream that didn't work but made me itchy more an the man who own the place I told him,he look at me like I was crazy,I don't know what these strange bumps/welt that come and go ..
Avatar f tn Hello, These symptoms can be due to body lice or scabies bite which is extremely contagious. Treatment for both is the same. Wash the Clothing, bedding, and towels in hot water and dry them in sun after machine drying them. Topical permethrin or Lindane cream may be needed which are available by prescription only. Please get investigated for these two possibilities from a dermatologist. I hope it helps.
Avatar m tn I have a derm appt for January 15th, and cannot see waiting that long. I have been to 3 doctors already with no positive results. Red bumps, about the diameter of a pencil eraser and smaller. No puss, no pimple like head. The main areas are inner thighs, butt, pubic region and on the head of my penis. I itch more at night. I have scratched until I am bleeding and scabbing. I was tested for std's and results came back good.
Avatar m tn For over a year I have been suffering with a changing rash. Several months before this all started I was stung fifty plus times on each arm by Asian Tiger Mosquitoes. two to three months later the rash broke out on my arms and legs, I had what appeared to be poison which went away and then reappeared. I did have contact with some bushes in the yard a week before the outbreak.
Avatar f tn My son, at 8 months, was given the aformentioned med for treatment of excema. The warning my doctor gave was to ensure it doesn't get in his face.My husband and I deployed leaving my mother in law to care for our son. She mistakenly put the med on his face and the area around his mouth is now discolored. He's a brown skinned baby with a huge white patch around his mouth. She applied this med over a year ago and we have been told by other doc that the color would come back in a year.
Avatar n tn Does anyone have any idea? Thanks for your time. Oh yea I have this cream called Triamcinolone Acetonide But not sure if its safe for Me to use it.
Avatar f tn I have the same issues, doctor gave me Triamcinolone but can only use for two weeks because it will thin my skin. Very frustrating, Im going today for the lab to draw some blood to see if something is low in my system to cause....its about to drive me MAD!!!!
1717105 tn?1309167192 Could Scabies mite produce a false postive as an allergy to Dust Mite on an allergy test?
Avatar n tn Hi there, I have read different quotes of people who have rashes in the genital areas. I started this rash probably six months ago while I was on vacation in Florida. It wasn't much of a big deal. A little itchy here and there to one side of the sack. I didn't pay much attention to it and sometimes I wouldn't notice it for a few days. It began like so many others I seem to read about. In between my thigh and sack. Over the past few months it has gotten worse.
Avatar m tn Thank you to both of you for your posts. I am 46 and have never had this skin problem before so it is very frustrating. I go to Kaiser and I don't feel they have been very good at diagnosing this. The first doctor tried to treat me for scabies if you can believe it. I protested and she didn't like that. My primary care doctor referred me to dermatology and the first appointment they have is in 7 weeks.
Avatar m tn He has been treated for everything from ringworm to scabies. Many trips to doctors and have tried every cream, ointment and everything from oatmeal to clear finger nail polish. We are at our wits end. Please advise me on what to do. Thanks. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/240582'>rash on entire body</a>.
Avatar m tn Hello Dr. HHH/ Dr. EWH, I'm a straight male. I have taken a HIV I & II Antigen and Antibody Screening Test 12 weeks after my exposure, which should be considered low risk as I read some of the previous threads here. Unprotected Oral Sex and Protected Vaginal Sex, both insertive to a commercial sex worker. Result is non-reactive. During the window period, I have stopped smoking. I'm quite prone to mouth ulcers and quitting smoking made the mouth ulcers happened more frequent.
Avatar m tn Thanks for responding. I am aware of its purpose, however l have used it for 3 years and it stops the bumps from appearing. As soon as l get tingling, l start to use it and l do not get an outbreak. I am just healing on a lesion that l did not use it on. I have had this lesion for 8weeks and on valtrex the past 2.
Avatar n tn I get poison a lot so thats what the doctors first thought it was so they gave me Prednisone, after 2 prescriptions of that they gave me a shot of triamcinolone acetonide. neither did anything. then they thought it might be scabies so they gave me permethrin cream, I did that twice and for some reason after I used that, The rash really spread to cover most of my back and sides. a lot around the upper arms and legs and the armpits.
Avatar m tn I go to this weird Korean skin care place for my bacne. A few months ago, they injected triamcinolone+lidocaine into a few specific acne spots. I started itching like crazy, breathing was difficult, and they let me go home after injecting me with an antihistamine (I imagine). Rash went away after my 3 hour nap.
Avatar m tn I have since moved to another state bringing along my past medical records for my new doctor. He said his program does not provide him with Kenalog and so he gave me a shot of Decadron 4 mg every three months. It has been a week since my shot and my allergies are starting to return. What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? Should I seek another doctor or can I go to a clinic and get my shots there since I have my past medical records with me?
Avatar m tn I have been itching for 6 months my fiance has been doing the same we do not have bed bugs, fleas, or any other bug in our home. I have been taking claritin, and benedryl, they do not work. The only relief we get is soaking in baking soda and that only last for about 15 minutes. We have tried hydrocortizon cream from the doctor this does not work. Can you help us. We also can't sleep very well because of this.
482850 tn?1215066002 The remaining small intestines are still configured in the gastric bypass formation. Then in June 2007 I had to have a blood transfusion and then iron by I.V. infusions for 2 months as my hemoglobin count had gotten down to 6 (it should have been between 12.5 and 15.5). In October 2007 the bumps on my thighs showed up, they then spread to various areas of my body and they hurt. I am now down to 140 lbs.
Avatar n tn So does my boyfriend and my boyfriends 3 year old son. We have all done the treatment for scabies and it did not help at all. Then the pediatrician said impetigo. Well that isnt working either. It is very frustrating to itch all the time, worse at night and not be able to do anything about it. It doesnt get worse, per se, just pops up on different parts of the body, mainly where clothing rubs. HELP!!!!!
Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old. I've had 3 ringworm outbreaks in less than a year, but I'm still not sure if it's ringworm. It always starts out with 1, 2, or 3 small red bumps. All the bumps have a white head and can be ruptured. If i scratch it or rupture the bumps by applying cream, it spreads. It is itchy, but only sometimes. But it never forms a circle. The bumps itself is in a circular form, but it is just a cluster of small raised bumps, not a ring with a clear center.