
Triamcinolone and scabies

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone and scabies


Avatar f tn They prescribed me permethrin cream and is safe for pregnancy. Other dr prescribed me triamcinolone acetonide and hydroxyzine hcl. Are those two safe for pregnancy? I mean I look it up and some say it not safe for pregnancy.
Avatar f tn Dec I had chicken pox but they went away and in jan until now I have strange itchy bumps and sometimes welt bumps that comes and go away an some lady said dryskin bumps an gave me triamcinolone acetonide cream that didn't work but made me itchy more an the man who own the place I told him,he look at me like I was crazy,I don't know what these strange bumps/welt that come and go ..
Avatar m tn The first one told me it could be sexually transmitted and had me take blood work and a urine sample. They tested this and there was absolutely nothing wrong. I don't have genital warts or anything of the sort. I'm 100% clean. Since then the inchiness has spread to other parts of my body, thighs, and torso, as well as my back side. In these areas it looks red and irratated, more like a rash, with some tiny little red bumps too. Its in key areas and not ALL over my body though.
Avatar n tn t an infection because of the rapid onset and he perscribed me triamcinolone. He thought it was an alergy and diagnosed it with idiocratic penile edema (unknown penis inflammation) Three days have passed and the swelling is gone, and the area only is itchy when I masturbate. There are no other side effects, urination is normal, no bumps or sores on the penis and no discharge from the penis. My concerns are a male yeast infection or scabies, but I have no signs of either.
Avatar f tn Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn I stopped eating sugar, I use windex, the doctor gave me triamcinolone and cream and nothing worked, using mouthwash, vinegar and borax. They are a little better but still getting into my head and on my feet and the same on my husband. Also I cleans myself at night and feel free, however they are so bad in the house, when I move about in the house they get back on me. The doctor act like I a loosing my mind.
Avatar m tn I now will have spontaneous eruptions of a red itchy rash with small raised bumps mostly on my torso or arms. My dermatologist did test for scabies twice and it was negative. He also preformed a bunch biopsy which showed and allergic reaction to either food, medication or arthropods. A month ago before going on Minocycline and after the shots had worn off, My itchyness was nearly gone even though I still had the small raised bumps where I had itched before.
Avatar f tn It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar n tn A new medication, a new detergent, anything you can think of? I use Triamcinolone. It is a steroid ointment and it is too much to use all over your body! You can't use that much. You can such down your adrenal glands. Definitely don't ever use steroid on your face unless directed by a doctor and then you will have to taper off of it because the cells on your face are different. And, don't get it in your eyes. So, you could try calamine lotion but it may sting in the genital area.
Avatar f tn Hello, Since the itching is uncontrollable and mostly at night, so the possibility of scabies needs to be ruled out. It is characterized by intense itching, usually at night and by small insect-type bites lesions on the skin. Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs. For that you need to consult your dermatologist.
Avatar n tn then they thought it might be scabies so they gave me permethrin cream, I did that twice and for some reason after I used that, The rash really spread to cover most of my back and sides. a lot around the upper arms and legs and the armpits. but a big surprise there is next to none around on my private's. after that failed, they thought maybe just a bacteria infection. so they prescribed me a 10 day supply of terbinafine and doxycycline.
Avatar n tn also for the jock itch and pubic itch. if you all like the sand and warm areas. it might be scabies. nothing to be ashamed of. it is not becuase you are dirty pa and warm beaches is where these critters live. it is more common than you might think. once they are gone you will have itchy itch that you cannot scratch which is a allergic reaction. and the itch will continue for a few months. it is an itch scratch itch cycle.
Avatar m tn He has been treated for everything from ringworm to scabies. Many trips to doctors and have tried every cream, ointment and everything from oatmeal to clear finger nail polish. We are at our wits end. Please advise me on what to do. Thanks. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/240582'>rash on entire body</a>.
Avatar f tn so i took her to another pediatrician (not her normal dr) and he told me to treat the red bumps for scabbies. soooo i did. and well here we are today. the rash has not gone away and its spreadding all over her body EXEPT for the creases on her elbows and knees. it is also not on her belly, back, mouth or fingers. her inner thighs seem to only have a few of these bumps. but i am getting fed up with the doctors here in town. i would love to know what this rash sounds like.
Avatar m tn Unfortunately it would recur within about a month. Visited derm dr. recently and he diagnosed as herpes. I have not used the cream and have had a lot of pain and outbreak in the same 2 sites. Slow to heal and feels like I have been kicked in the crotch, sore nerve pain. I understand from what I have read that Triamcinolone cream is not to be used on genital herpes. However if the experience I have had without the cream is terrible.
Avatar m tn Scabies is an infestation by the itch mite. Scabies produces small red bumps and blisters and affects specific areas of the body. Scabies may involve the webs between the fingers, the wrists or other folds of body. Even the genitalia can be effected. It is a contagious disease and may infect all household members if one person has scabies. That is the reason that the whole family has to take the treatment.
1183962 tn?1264196049 Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but the symptoms are suggestive of scabies. Scabies presents as small insect-type bites and a burrow and track may also be visible. Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs. So my advice would be to consult a dermatologist and get this investigation done to rule out/ confirm scabies.
Avatar m tn ) But how serious is an allergic reaction to triamcinolone? Or is it the combination of lidocaine and triamcinolone that caused the mess?
Avatar f tn Also permethrin has to be used head to the bottom of the feet, paying special attention to skin folds and the webs between fingers and toes and this cream has to be left for 10-14 hours. Sometimes itching of scabies persists for a few days after completion of treatment also. I sincerely suggest you to get this evaluated from a dermatologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided.
Avatar n tn A few months ago I developed a rash on my outer arm (white bumps). The dermatologist and UC doctor both said it wasn't scabies. A biopsy was done and at my follow-up the results just showed dermatitis. I actually went to two more UC doctors as it got worse, and they both said it wasn't scabies. I saw PCP and my derm during this time and they said it looked nothing like it as they did before. For a second opinion, I went to another derm who agreed it was not scabies or mite related.
Avatar m tn When will the symptoms of crabs and scabies usually show up? And, if they do not show up, when can I safely I do not have crabs or scabies related to this usage of new towel incident 3 days ago? Thanks again, Dr. Hook. You have helped me a lot.
Avatar m tn What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? Should I seek another doctor or can I go to a clinic and get my shots there since I have my past medical records with me?
Avatar m tn It is characterized by intense itching, usually at night and by small insect-type bites lesions on the skin. Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs. My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist. I hope it helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts. Kind regards.