
Triamcinolone for herpes

Common Questions and Answers about Triamcinolone for herpes


Avatar m tn I have an appointment with the urologist in about two weeks. It will be 9 weeks after potential exposure. I will ask for a blood test to check for herpes type 1&2. Should I ask for a specific test? And is it worth to get tested after 9 weeks? It's driving me crazy not to know :-( Thanks in advance for your help.
Avatar f tn I recently noticed I had a small razor-burn like bump on my bikini area, and some red bumps on the rear, though they weren't like my usual razor-burns. Everything was on outer areas only. I found out my boyfriend cheated on me with multiple people, got tested for STDs, and came back negative for everything. It's been about a month and the bumps did not spread, hurt, blister, etc. They look like pimples but with nothing inside them- just raised skin.
Avatar n tn I was tested by Herpes Select 10 1/2 to 11 weeks later and was negative for herpes type 1 and 2. I have been in a monogomous relationship since and had no symptoms (nor has my partner) until October (no sex since October). My derm PA did not think it was herpes because he felt it was lasting too long and he said with the steroids and all the meds we treated it with I would have likely formed more classic herpes lesions by now. Is it still possible this is herpes.
Avatar f tn My son, at 8 months, was given the aformentioned med for treatment of excema. The warning my doctor gave was to ensure it doesn't get in his face.My husband and I deployed leaving my mother in law to care for our son. She mistakenly put the med on his face and the area around his mouth is now discolored. He's a brown skinned baby with a huge white patch around his mouth. She applied this med over a year ago and we have been told by other doc that the color would come back in a year.
Avatar f tn 5 years prior, I was diagnosed with mild psoriasis.Prior to herpes infection, I had a big psoriasis outbreak on legs, arms, abdomen. After herpes diagnosis, I only had mild herpes nodules on side of penis and in rectum area. Two months ago, I developed two pink spots, approximately 1 inch in diameter each that will not go away. very mild to no sensation. If you rub the spots or place warm water or warm air on them, they get darker, or reddish..but then back to pink.
Avatar f tn Three days later felt pain in lower abdomen and trouble urinating(no burning, slow flow) went to ER, they put me on cipro and the stuff that makes your pee yellow, during the course of cipro my glans looks red and cracked, tender at times, went to ER 4 days later with a feeling of numbness all over the body Fast forward to now, diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction (not prostatitis) treated for the red glans with kenalog shot and triamcinolone acetonide .
Avatar m tn Sorry for reposting. I thought STD's and herpes were two different forums. And I didn't see an option just for yeast infection. Nevertheless, thank you for your response. Is yeast capable of growing underneath the foreskin, instead of just on the head of the penis? Is anal itching a symptom of yeast infection? So if another spot does not develop, or if the existing spot doesn't get worse, I shouldn't seek medical treatment?
Avatar f tn I did a full STI test and everything came out negative. the collected sample came out negative for herpes. I got a UTI went to an urgent care got prescribed Ciprofloxacin went to an OBGNY again cause i had a heating sensation when taking the Ciprofloxacin again I did a STI screening took urine sample and Nitrite was detected as well as Leukocytes but i was already treating for the UTI again everything negative.
Avatar m tn Have you or anyone else in this forum found out what is the cause of this 'red scrotum'? I had protected sex and received unprotected oral from a girl with Herpes 2. 3 days later my groin started burning and developed into a rash, but no blisters. the rash has persisted and seems to be popping up in random places on my body (wrist, stomach, inner thighs) but primarily on my scrotum and a little on my shaft. It varies.
Avatar m tn Hello Dr. HHH/ Dr. EWH, I'm a straight male. I have taken a HIV I & II Antigen and Antibody Screening Test 12 weeks after my exposure, which should be considered low risk as I read some of the previous threads here. Unprotected Oral Sex and Protected Vaginal Sex, both insertive to a commercial sex worker. Result is non-reactive. During the window period, I have stopped smoking. I'm quite prone to mouth ulcers and quitting smoking made the mouth ulcers happened more frequent.
1372757 tn?1305916571 Besides lysine supplements you can avoid acidic food, and eat lots of parsley, high in lysine. If they're really problematic you can get a prescription for triamcinolone acetonide dental paste. It's expensive but works well.
Avatar f tn I had intercourse yesterday 5/10/11 and used a latex condom the condom broke and intercourse was partly unprotected for a couple of seconds until I took the broke condom off. While it was unprotected the girl was kind of dry and the friction sort of hurt during that time. Now a day later I have been having an itching sensation on the head area of my penis and also it is irritated. I went to my doctor she gave me triamcinolone cream.
Avatar n tn I've never had a rash nor an allergic reaction in my life but about 4 days ago I started noticing my right armpit was becoming irritated. About 3 days ago I noticed it getting red and rashy looking. The rash is near where the pectorial and arm meet and it's got small red bumps inside the rash area. I've uploaded 2 pictures to show what they look like.
Avatar m tn I go to this weird Korean skin care place for my bacne. A few months ago, they injected triamcinolone+lidocaine into a few specific acne spots. I started itching like crazy, breathing was difficult, and they let me go home after injecting me with an antihistamine (I imagine). Rash went away after my 3 hour nap.
Avatar m tn I think u should go for a herpes serology as well
Avatar m tn I have since moved to another state bringing along my past medical records for my new doctor. He said his program does not provide him with Kenalog and so he gave me a shot of Decadron 4 mg every three months. It has been a week since my shot and my allergies are starting to return. What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? Should I seek another doctor or can I go to a clinic and get my shots there since I have my past medical records with me?
Avatar m tn culture of the virus, direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) studies to detect virus, skin biopsy, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to test for presence of viral DNA. I sincerely advise you to consult a dermatologist and get it ruled out if you feel that the blood tests can be inaccurate. Hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar m tn I had a recurring sore to clarify...for 3years. Prior to being diagnosed with herpes, l treated my genital psor.and the sore with triamcinolone, . It would go away but return within a month. The sore that l currently have was not treated with anything and has remained a sore for a month until taking valtrex. I had a swab for herprs but came back negative. Dna and bacterial tests also neg. I have had oral cold sores so l would probably test positive for 1.
Avatar f tn 28 days ago I had a possible STD exposure. Unprotected oral sex was performed on me by 2 men. 3 days later I developed a small, flat, pink spot that turned into small, non-itchy, red bumps on tip of my penis, near the urethra. This was accompanied by a very weird lower right abdominal spastic discomfort, near the groin. This was diagnosed as a yeast infection by my DR. The bumps lasted about a week, but had more very mild aches/cramps/soreness on both sides of my groin (crease).
Avatar f tn I was percribed Triamcinolone Acetonide cream by my doc but i dont think its working because they are still very painful.
18966962 tn?1472601945 The issue has persisted for 10 weeks straight and i tested at 8 weeks for all STDs (10 panel with trich test added) and have been negative (I know herpes/hiv is around 12 weeks but my symptoms are not indicating of herpes) Doctors have prescribed me antibiotics (azithromycin/rocephin, and doxycycline) for any bacterial infection, diclucan for two weeks (for potential yeast) and ketaconazole cream for potential yeast and triamcinolone (steroid cream).