
Thumb pain exercises

Common Questions and Answers about Thumb pain exercises


Avatar n tn crushed thumb in car door and also rentched it as i went to walk away as did not realise what i had done it has been xrayed and no break but 5weeks on i cannot bend it from top joint into my palm without severe pain, when tried exercises, advised by A&E department,. cannot even hold light pen between thumb and for finger without severe stinging pain and swells up again as soon as start exercises,..
709686 tn?1277432159 All blood tests come back negative for cancer, diabetes, fibro, high blood pressure..etc. I am in constant pain and my anxiety comes and goes. It seems that the more sugar I consume the worse I feel and the worse it makes my anxiety. I do not drink soda, eat mcdonalds or consume large amounts of refined sugar. In would be difficult to find someone that eats better than I do...SO WHY DO I FEEL LIKE CRAP?
Avatar n tn My husband was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabeties. Just recently he's been having this pain in both of his eyes where it makes it so he won't open them anymore. This pain comes with a headache that he says is like a throbbing sensation in the top and front of his head right above his eyes.Now for some reason this only happens like one to two hours before he gets ready to go to sleep, on occasion it will happen during the day but not usually.
Avatar m tn The other possibility is Scalene Myofascial Pain Syndrome. When scalene muscle is the cause of pain, the pain is referred chest, inner lining of scapula, shoulder, posterior and lateral sides of the arm right up to the thumb and index finger.
Avatar f tn t swelling anymore. I still have pain in my hand, on the top of my hand (mostly between my thumb and pointer finger) and under my thumb on the side of my wrist and hand. It also aches on the opposite side of my hand. I am able to use my hand and wrist to do most things. My hand is still slightly swelling at night and I wake up with a stiff hand. I am noticing the most pain when my hand and wrist are at rest. Could I still have a fracture somewhere and not know it.
Avatar n tn I have been having severe nerve ending smart pain periodically in my finger. It almost takes to the ground it is so painful. Sometime it takes 30 - 40 minutes for my finger to feel better. Is it normal for a tendon to be remove to fix a clicking finger? If so, is the pain normal? Thanks!
Avatar f tn Hi, Why were you taking the pain killers? I would also advise you to start with some light exercises like walking etc and then gradually go to the strenuous ones. Regular breathing exercises, eating regularly, maintaining hydration will also help.
560935 tn?1216047092 Do these pranayam exercises and your headache will gradually disappear.Allow at least one month. Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute. Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for upto 15 minutes twice a day.(Max 60 min/day) Not for pregnant women.
Avatar m tn there is a friend of mine she is 20 years old and sheis type1 diabetic.she gets stomach pain after eating anythink and her sugar level get's high after eating any thing is there any permanent cure for this problem????
Avatar f tn The Yog Pranayam (breathing exercises) will help with asthma control. Build up your timing gradually. If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute. Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose. Duration upto 5 minutes.
Avatar f tn 100 days practice for Good Health, Better sex and long life has given 4 exercises for tongue, one of them is like flipping like a snake. All this exercises can be used to stimulate nipples. You may find this book review in It is an informative book on Sex.
Avatar f tn The neck is now ok. I continue to get a tingling pain in my left upper arm with numbness in my thumb and 1st finger.(sometime my should feels tensed) I am now taking flexiril but the pain is still here. This has been going on for 2 weeks now. I think I may have developed this from my fitness class exercises. What do you recommend? Tanlks so much!
Avatar n tn Some discomfort and immobilty , i feel better after surgery more whole.
Avatar m tn I have shortness of breath/asthma. When I have a flareup I develop pain throughout my airways, breathing becomes more difficult, and I even display a red rash on the skin in the area above my airways (this redness ends at the diaphragm margin and my arms. My flareups are not like typical asthma in that the do not end unless I go on symbicort and or take prednisone. I am currently taking advair but it does not seem to be helping so I have to take advil to manage the pain.
1140344 tn?1266547759 Do this pranayam and some light exercises and you will start to feel good, once the body systems start working better.The timing of the pranayam is important to feel the benefit.Your feedback will help others. To to get relief from headache/migraine naturally, the full pranayam exercises are described below. Initially do Anulom Vilom (as much as you can) for the fist few days and then start the full set of pranayam.
Avatar m tn To to get relief from headache/migraine naturally, the full pranayam exercises are described below.Do it seriously, regularly and at the suggested duration, and you can call it a cure or control without medication.It will take 4 months to get rid of the headache, but you will start to feel the effect of pranayam in 11 days.Your feedback will help others. Initially do Anulom Vilom (as much as you can) for the fist few days and then start the full set of pranayam.
Avatar f tn also using a wrist splint to prevent wrist extension you should think about when you are lifting any thing you should not see the back of your hand you should see your palm this helps by useing the wrist flexors to stableize the wrist and allow your extensors the rest that are needed to heal.
Avatar n tn Since then my wrist has become weak and more recently I developed a trigger thumb in same hand, my right hand.
Avatar n tn My concern is that I am still completely incapable of bending the thumb on my own. I can move the entire thumb, but it will not bend. Is this normal or should I be able to bend it some by now? I had the surgery 4 days after the accident.
Avatar m tn For about two years I have been experiencing a pain in the area of my left kidney only when I ejaculate. It starts a seconds before I ejaculate. Thebpain then dulls and it's not enough to keep me from sex or anything. I have tried a kidney detox program over the counter with no affect.
Avatar m tn He told me to hold my thumb and arms length and then slowly bring it forward until the boundary where it starts getting a little unclear (he said make sure it's not double vision). Then stare off at a farsighted area for a little. Repeat. First he told me just to do this for a couple minutes a day. When I went back to him and I told him it hadn't helped yet he said that I should have been doing it for 4-5 minutes 3x a day.
Avatar n tn Hi, Pleurisy is inflammation of the parietal pleura that typically results in characteristic pleuritic pain with virus being the most common causes. This may cause an alteration in residual lung function. Breathing exercises can help and use the full range of your lung function. Yoga and other meditation methods often use techniques to enhance breathing. Exhaling deeply forces us to breath deeper thus increasing oxygen uptake in our bodies.
1348302 tn?1286575703 Have has provided two most important pranoyams which will help anyone in many ways.If visulize the pain leaving you while exhalatioon, it will be more effective as pain healing pranayam. for in depth study, you may visit it procide free ebook on meditation,Asanas(postures),Pranayam( brething exercises),Mudras( finger psoitioning along with asanas). It also provides videos. All are free. It sends News letter as well.
Avatar f tn a bit of cellulite. I dont want to gain so much weight, I want to know what exercises are safe during pregnancy? Im 30 weeks.
Avatar n tn I have seen 2 neurologists, 1 local and 1 at the Houston Diagnostic Clinic. I had MRIs With and without contrast of the brain, the entire spine, the abdomen. I get the usual migraines 2-3 times a month and they last 1-2 days. They do not effect my work. For the past 4 years I have experienced atypical migtaines with the following symptoms: abdominal pain and my stomach feels very "empty", chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Avatar f tn The other possibility is Scalene Myofascial Pain Syndrome. When scalene muscle is the cause of pain, the pain is referred from neck to (either all or a combination of) chest, inner lining of scapula (shoulder bone), shoulder, posterior and lateral sides of the arm right up to the thumb and index finger. Treatment is by physiotherapy that involves indentifying the trigger points, and massaging them, and other exercises to relieve the muscle tension.
Avatar f tn These pranayam exercises will help control the headache.Build up the timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume later(after about a minute).The benefits will be noticed in days. Drink warm water. Come back to report progress. Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically.