
Thumb pain after fall

Common Questions and Answers about Thumb pain after fall


Avatar n tn I sprained my thumb 4 weeks ago after a fall in which I bent my thumb backward. I held off going to the doctor for a week, since I didn't have any signs of bruising, just some swelling.After a week, I still had pain on my palm side right under the metacarpal joint, on the outside part of my thumb. So my dr took x-rays which were negative and checked my range of motion of my thumb and said it was sprained. He told me to use a thumb spica splint for a week or two.
Avatar f tn My doctor says the stabbing pain I get in the base of my thumb on the fleshy palm part is probably osteoarthritis, This came on quite suddenly several months ago - I had on occasions put my hand out to stop my elderly husband from tripping over. The joint at the base of the thumb is also quite swollen in a boney sort of way. I mainly get a short sharp stabbing pain on the fleshy part but on resting the hand it does not hurt that much. Could this be a ligament problem?
Avatar f tn A week after the fall I noticed that my left thumb would bend in the middle and I experienced very bad pain. It would get stuck in that position bent. I had to manually put it back. Since I was able to move it all around, I knew it was not broken. I started taking tylenol and massaged it with aspercream. Then I would bandage it with elastic bandage for a few hours a day to relieve the pain which is very bothersome. Now my thumb does not bend I keep massaging it but I cant bend it.
Avatar f tn It is kind of like a dull ache now (Throbbing after fall) but i have lost some motion in my thumb and my hand/thumb hurts a lot when i try to use it or move my thumb. Any ideas what it could be??
Avatar f tn I personally sucked my thumb until I was 13. My thumb was fine I never got fungus and my nails didn't fall off. My teeth are also perfectly fine I never had to have braces and I have zero overbite! I dunno maybe some kids are just gonna have messed up teeth regardless. For me I was just gonna stop when I wanted to. And I did eventually. You can try working with him if it bothers you that bad...
299912 tn?1341623100 45 Year old male. Healthy, quite active as it relates to working on ladders, physical labor on a farm, etc. I should preface this by saying that I DO plan on seeing my doctor about this but was just curious as this type of stuff fascinates me and I like to be informed. Anyway, about 2 months ago, I was working on a small step ladder, about 24" off the ground.
1524304 tn?1326396974 For a while I'm experiencing something weird about my left wrist, thumb side. When I wake up at night or after some period of not using my left wrist it feels stiff and when I put weight on it (like when getting up from sitting in bed) there's sharp pain at the base of the thumb/below thumb. And usually accompanied by loud snapping/popping sound.
Avatar m tn which I could use as therapy but am afraid that I might damage the ligaments again, if I move the thumb too much. The pain has subsided but not completely. My thumb is stiff.but I work on it daily. How long does it take to cure a painful thumb.
Avatar n tn mainly on middle, ring, little finger for both hands and on my left hand the thumb. Also, my hands fall asleep when i am sleeping that has caused me to wake up. Also, I have be awoken by both of my ring fingers spasmed closed, which was very painful. This started about 1 month ago. No new medication or change of habits have occurred. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia December '06. There has been no trauma or change of work habits either. Please advise as this is very upsetting.
903476 tn?1242237037 Very helpful thank you, I did go see a doctor and shes 99% sure it's tendonitis and this is just the first time it has ever become inflamed. She has has sent me for X-rays I will be getting tomorrow and she wants me to see a physiotherapist. She wont tell me 100% till she runs more tests but between the ice and heat sand of course the Tylenol the pain is gone but now I'm feeling pain in my left thumb.
Avatar n tn At cheer practice yesterday I had my flyer fall and her back hit into my thumb. It went in then snapped back. I had a shooting pain and it was so bad I began to cry. I continued with another hour of practice then went home and iced it and took advil. It's been over 24 hours and I still can't move it but it never swelled or bruised. I can barely touch it. What could I have done to it?
Avatar f tn The shoulder is healing just fine, hardly any pain, but the hand is killing me. I have a hard time finding a position that allows me to fall asleep. And moving the hand is painful, can't write or eat or do my artwork. All the professionals say give it tie, it takes times, the arm was vigorously"manipulated" (i.e. Tortured) in surgery. PT helps with message but that is only temporary. Can't do the exercises for the shoulder too well because the hand and arm hurt.
Avatar m tn Yesterday I picked up a cup of coffee out of the microwave using my left hand. Immediatly after my wrist got a 1 to 2 inch lump on it. Didnt hurt really. The next day my entire palm side of my wrist is bruised. It isnt painful but it is a bothersome feeling when typing at work and driving. Let me also add that I am 23 years old in good shape. I also have only been working at a job where typing is an everyday occurance for 2 weeks and 1 day.
Avatar f tn Another thing to consider is the time that has lapsed since your fall...the rule of thumb for monitoring after a fall is four hours. It looks like you made it past that might just let your midwife know what happened and let her make the call.
Avatar n tn Initially there was only discomfort, however after a month or so the discomfort turned into pain. It got the the point where I sought out medical help. In the first instance I saw an OT who indicated I'd torn a ligament in the thumb and provided me with a splint. The splint exacerbated the swelling and the pain was consistent while wearing the splint.
Avatar f tn I have done the carpel tunnel wrist test positions that my general prac taught me when I was having neuropathy and urgent care tried to say it wa carpel tunnel. Anyways long story short, no pain when I do this position. Only pain when pressure is applied. I did nothing to injury it and I'm right handed so I'm unsure what to think of it. The only thing that is different is that i have been sick with a flu bug that turned into a cold. I don't have a fever anymore just congestion.
Avatar m tn My thumb is not bruised or swollen but I have shooting pain when I bend it. I can bend it all the way but it shoots pain and it hurts in between the two joints. I have tried icing and wrapping it but nothing has helped and it has been nine days. My hand is also very cold but like I said before it is not bruised or swollen.
Avatar f tn I accidentally stabbed my thumb on the outside (right) side partially on the "pad" of my thumb and to the side on my right hand on 6/14 with a very small knife while in my fiance's car. I think it went relatively deep, but I'm knit entirely sure. I just immediately pulled it out and put my thumb in my mouth for a few moments (Not good, I know) because it began bleeding severely and I couldn't readily access the napkins.
1444278 tn?1416856415 I used to suck my thumb, stopped at 16 :( but when I decided to quit smoking I woke up sucking my thumb. Maybe I never stopped, at least in my sleep, but waking up that way reminded me how pleasurable it was so I decided to try it when I got cigarette cravings. It worked! When people see me I just tell them I'm quitting smoking and most of them understand. If you ever sucked your thumb, try it.
Avatar n tn I was dragged by my calf at about 35-40mph in the water before I slipped my leg out. After the incident my calf was very sore but I could walk on it with some pain. This occured over a week ago and just two days ago it started to bruise. I have the most pain when my leg is straight and when going down stairs. I get a burning pain in my upper calf neer the back of my knee. Is there any reason it took so long to bruise and should Is it possible I tore a tendon?