
Throw up in a dream

Common Questions and Answers about Throw up in a dream


Avatar f tn Is it normal that im past my first trimester & I still throw up A LOT? Is their anything I can do?
9571159 tn?1419571005 When did the vomiting stop? I'm 14 weeks and still throwing up daily.
Avatar n tn I get them too sometimes and it freaks me out. It happens a few times a year. The dizzy spell starts in my dream. Suddenly the spinning gets so violent it wakes me up and I want to go throw up. After I sit up for a few minutes it will slowly go away. What is going on???
Avatar f tn You sound very dehydrated, especially if your throwing up bloody bile. I threw up so much I actually threw up both the lining in my stomach snd esophagus. Very painful. I finally broke and went to the er, and they told me the first or 2nd time I saw blood I shouldve come in to get it under control.
Avatar f tn it not only happens at night but also during the day like when i am taking a nap. i wake up more than once a night if my husband is snoring or if its a random noise and it scares me. i automatically wake up in panic and my heart starts racing like crazy. my minds starts going haywire. i start to think of everything and begin to worry. its hard for me to fall back to sleep because once i start thinking about things i cant.
Avatar m tn So I'm throwing up almost everyday my moms says its allergies but it started in winter and my only allergy is pollin so the throw up is stuff like normal just small but it's getting bigger like the one where u must stop get a trash can or toilet and be there for a while someone help idk what's happening.
Avatar n tn You are very understandably lonely. Both of you made the decision to essentially separate. Not a good idea under the best of circumstances. Before you throw away everything going after some other man, get yourself physically back together with your husband and TALK! You say YOU made the decision to choose family over career a long time ago, and now it isn't working out the way you imagined it would. Was your husband involved in that initial decision, or was it all you?
4456535 tn?1355894638 I've had that for weeks now!
Avatar f tn I was woken up to a gunshot in the dream. I sprang up to see what happened and when I looked down the hall in I saw a good 200 feet was not a hospital but was a cliff with water raging below. At the end of this segment the hospital resumed. I was jerked back into dream bed before I could find out what happened. In the dream I woke up again and sensed danger.
Avatar n tn Do those happen while sleeping I have been stressed at work lately. Sometimes these episodes happen when I wake up from a dream. I had a sleep study done last week but only sleeped 1 hour do to all the crap hooked to me. I did have an episode but the people haven't called me about the results. Any opinions?
Avatar f tn i have very bad morning sickness in my first trimester and it eased up in my second i would only throw up like once every 2 weeks. and now that im in my third i throw up at least 2 a week. i know they say your sick with girls and you breakout more with girls and you carry high with girls but thats the old tales. They are all true in my case. and congrats and i really hope you get your little girl they are so much fun shopping for.
1269044 tn?1393189903 Those dreams are very common and very troubling. In my last dream i was holding up a pharmacy. Get yourself busy today. These dreams will lessen with time. You are doing great and congrats on that clean time!!
Avatar f tn Sometimes I really am, sometimes is just a dream, but for any of this I dream again, a different dream this time. And this repeats for like 10 time in some nights. And when you are at 5th dream, I'might just terrified to go to sleep again. I just do some work out just to use all my energy for having nothe enough to dream more.
Avatar f tn I step outside trying to catch my breath and this where I realize that this umis a dream and I blink a couple time trying to wake up and outside of my dream, I gain feeling in my body again and this is where I wake up. These dreams also sometimes become inception dreams where the second one is more intense and when I'm trying to wake up I'll wake up into another a dream, bit not as intense and usually happier just before waking up.
9498641 tn?1411576331 I was this way with my first pregnancy. I actually didn't mind it. Cause throwing up made my tummy feel better. And it made the nauseous feeling go away. But I just ate little bits of things. I knew most things I craved would make me throw up but I didn't care. I just ate and went by the bathroom. But things that kept me fine and I didn't throw up was fruit and I like tuna sandwiches. And crackers. It wasn't much. But I was fine.
823825 tn?1265071431 hi i just throw up a lil of blood is that okay during pregnancy is it because i didnt eat nothing but i wasnt hungry anyone help plz?
4254325 tn?1355663975 I always tried to hold it in, I hated throwing up, but it was better to throw up then hold it in all the time. At least you are trying to feel better if you throw up, holding just made me feel worse. I hope you get over this soon. Maybe call the doctor and get on some meds.
Avatar f tn Ya you may not need to throw up it may just be a sitting feeling in your stomach try some crackers and drink sprite from a straw
9877471 tn?1410981088 So I was attempting to throw up and with my spit it looked like blood came out. Is that normal III t wasn't a lot but I'm concerned. Should I be?
Avatar f tn Invest in some antacids. Personally Tums do just fine for me (: also laying on your left side!
5028514 tn?1366828456 I had a dream I had my baby and I was gonna let me son hold it and i realized it was in my arms not breathing and stiff. It was a very freaky dream and it scared me but I know it was just a dream. Everything will be ok.
Avatar f tn Thats happen to me twice once a couple weeks ago I had a dream I was in my old body and woke up like my belly wasnt there lol.
Avatar f tn I actually liked the taste of it from my last pregnancy
Avatar f tn The cause is the mind, the question is how do you stop it, or would you rather communicate/engage? In a dream, and I think this is an extension of a dream, one can try to resolve mental conflicts/concerns by first recognizing they are dreaming, then engaging the dream. Here you know you are awake, check on that - see Lucid Dreaming on the web (I like a book by Stephan DeBerges - think that the name, Stanford U) to see how to determine if you are dreaming or awake.
579258 tn?1250649343 Exercise, while it can start out to be a dreaded word, becomes a way of life and one that we look forward to as a new adventure in experiencing all that life has to offer. Just as President Obama called for each of us to be part of the change in our economy and our future, I ask each of you to be a part of the change in the health and well being of our futures. Let's use this historic day as a landmark to join together and slowly change our own opinions of what is possible.
5615074 tn?1378316840 t remember every single thing we dream. Maybe the person just happened to be in a different dream before that one and they just kind of blended together that way. Yeah they say dreams are supposed to mean something, but I think if we sit there and try to decipher every weird dream we'd drive ourselves crazy trying to find an answer, when there just might not be one.
Avatar f tn thankz for ur comments i juss called the doctors office and i have an appointment on the 19th to get a blood test done im tired of feelin the way i feel and not knowin if i am pregnant of not i took hpt 2 weeks ago it said negative but its didnt ease my mind i still feel sick to my stomach last nite i even had a dream that i was pregnant almost about to give birth it was lyk it was so real i would wake up during it and when ever i went to sleep it would pick up right where i left off at and als