
Tekturna and sweating

Common Questions and Answers about Tekturna and sweating


406399 tn?1201884300 and I was put on a beta blocker from that point on.. as to stop the palps and control the b.p. / the Toprol xl and diovan both lowered b.p well and stopped the palps for me.. but iv been living life in pain and suffering for 6years now.. as the side effects from toprol and diovan are very harsh for me! I cant understand why a Doctor would go backwords and put me back on a medication that caused me problems before? seems strange to me !
Avatar n tn t smoke, do exercise, am thin). My doctor put me on a diuretic, Tekturna and Bystolic, and within a week I had completely lost my sense of taste! Anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if it's a side effect that will wear off if I just stick it out. The combination seems to be working well to lower my bp and hr but I'm losing weight (a bad thing) and really, really miss food!
Avatar n tn Lisinpril can cause a chronic cough and you should stop this medication to see how the cough changes. It may be replaced with valsartan or candesartan which do not usually cause this side effect. The verapamil usually does not cause this side effect. This may not be related to your medications, and chronic cough or ' bronchial asthma' may actually be cardiac in nature ( e.g. CHF). Make sure your physician takes this other consideration into account.
Avatar f tn t matter where I am, all of a sudden i will get a hot flush and start sweating. I also get anxious for no reason which makes me start to sweat even more :(. I've been hypo for 9 years and I'm guessing its down to that, it's really frustrating. Anyone else gone through this?
Avatar n tn Like JW, I've experienced sweating sometimes as a sign of being low, but what you describe sounds to me like a pre-menopausal symptom. From what I've read (I'm also not a doctor), pre-menopause often begins in our 30s altho' many docs/women don't think about it in women under 40. At I found a product called a Chillow that has been helpful for me when I'm uncomfortably hot.
974371 tn?1424653129 I wake up almost every morning around 5:00 AM sweating and have an upset stomach. The stomach upset pretty much continues through the day. I think I have had about every test done. I actually have a monitor on now for a capsule endoscopy. I have Zofran, which does nothing but make my mouth and throat drier and gives me a headache. Ginger tea helps a little. Why would I wake up sweating and nauseated when I am sleeping?
Avatar m tn Hello, i'm taking about 3 months propranolol 10mg for migraines - twice a day, morning and evening. I suffer from social anxiety, but the doctor does not know .. The problem of migraines is separately When i have Anxiety attack i am sweating a lot, especially the plams. But in normal circumstances I would not sweat, but lately I'm sweating all the time and from places that I was not sweating before - legs, underarms, back, hands-like all the time !!!
Avatar n tn hi i'm 29 male and for the last couple years i have a problem with i'm always hot and sweating and feels like sometimes i feel like i'm on fire. the heat just rad off me feels like a heater to my wife.alot of times i get nausea when i get this way.this happens in the winter or summer makes no diffrents.this is all the time not a hot flash it stays that way until i cool down i have to keep heat in winter time at 60 to keep me from burning up.
4133020 tn?1350310377 If a person is used to a sedentary lifestyle, and suddenly starts exercising, they will notice profuse sweating, and edema in the hands and feet. I would start slowly, and work up to a walk, then to a run-walk, then to jogging... Begin with simple stabilization exercises. Balancing, short walks, etc, and speak to a trainer, and a dietitian. Often swelling, and temperature variations (Hot Flashes) can be the result of diet. Drink plenty of WATER!! NO SODA, SWEET TEA, or anything Manufactured!
Avatar f tn On May 12, I stopped taking HCTZ. I had read that some had had problems with HCTZ and sweating. Gradually, I seemed to have less sweating. Also, the feeling of being hot most of the time seemed to lessen. It is summer, and I do get hot, but others are hot, also. When I do sweat, it seems like a more normal sweat. I don't have sweat pouring down my face and into my eyes as much as I did, and my clothes don't become as wet.
Avatar n tn I was wondering what the best medications are for stopping excessive sweating and anxiety. I think the anxiety causes the sweating. But the sweating affects my life more than the anxiety. Is an anticholinergic drug the best choice? I thought that might help my chronic stomach pains too.
Avatar f tn feel like lead all day and then had horrid insomnia...rinse and repeat. I am currently taking 2mg lunesta ($9 with copay and lunesta discount card), which helps me sleep..and ~sleep~ is needed for weight loss, good feelings and such. I have had intermediate night sweats, which I found out today from my endo ~is~ a part of being hypothyroid.
175861 tn?1428182413 Hi phix95, I just came on line and saw your post. It sounds like either a virus or food poisoning due to a virus or bacteria. In any case I would go to the ER because by now you would be very dehydrated and will probably need an IV, and since you haven't gotten better and have a fever. They may need to give you antibiotics too if it is a bacteria. You will need to be tested by a stool culture to see if it is a bacteria and if so which one. Having a lot of gas sounds bacterial.
6789572 tn?1395629939 I drink mostly water maybe every now and then a pop or juice but man I'm at school right now and I've gone through both my shirts and sweatshirt
443862 tn?1237999439 Hi there, I'm waiting as patiently as I can to see the Professor endo that my doctor got me into - April 21st. In the meantime I've developed this other symptom - excessive sweating and hot flashes - I'm not sure if it's from the thyroid, because hyperthyroid says intolerance to heat. I'm not intolerant to heat, it's 68 in the house at night and yet I go to sleep and wake up sweating and really hot. pins and needles in my arms and chest.
Avatar n tn Exercise raises endorphin levels, aids the hypothalamus, and decreases LH and FSH - all of which helps you avoid night sweats. Try to be stress and anxiety free before going to bed. In case the symptoms worsen then pls get your thyroid hormones evaluated and consult a physician. Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted in case you have any additional queries.Kind regards.
Avatar f tn If i took my last dose for the day too early i would wake up around 2-3 am and be sweating and in full wds. I sometimes had to take another smaller dose just to stop the wds.
Avatar n tn did perscribe it for me (it was actually made for people who sweat) it did help the pain but NOW I FIND MYSELF WITH TERRIBLE SWEATING OF JUST MY head!!! and SOAKING WET!!! SOAKING like i just got out of the shower. it happens all day long pattern just happens. EVERY morning i awake and my pillpw is wet and it feels like i have a faucet on my head. it is so wierd. i think it has to do with the sympethec nervous system. i am a mess and have been since that auto accident.
1168718 tn?1464983535 Hi guys, I have yet another question LOL Has anyone experienced severe sweating while taking Copaxone ? As most of you know, I have been on it now for about 10 days, and the sweating is getting quite bothersome. Today, went out for breakfast with a good friend, and when I stood up from the chair ( yes I was there for about 2 hours LOL) , but, it felt like I have peed myself. My jeans stuck to me, and my undies too, I even ended up doing the CLEAVAGE wipe during our breakfast.....
Avatar f tn Anyone else wake up in the middle of the night sweating and have to sleep with the fan on???
Avatar n tn I am a 23 old male and i don't sweat normally and i don't worry about it, but when I walk a litter faster for 15-20 min my lower back gets really sweaty, and my shirt wet, but when I do normal things around house or sit I never sweat, unless it's summer and really hot...Do I have Hyperhidrosis?
6207205 tn?1389773318 You were tested fairly recently although you could have been exposed within a more recent time but since you have no other symptoms I doubt it. And yes you are right the BCG was the vaccine for TB. Maybe the sweating is just a transient hormonal thing. You don't have any other symptoms at this point so it is hard to determine what else it could be. If you had some other infection you would have a fever or other symptoms.