
Tekturna and seizures

Common Questions and Answers about Tekturna and seizures


406399 tn?1201884300 and I was put on a beta blocker from that point on.. as to stop the palps and control the b.p. / the Toprol xl and diovan both lowered b.p well and stopped the palps for me.. but iv been living life in pain and suffering for 6years now.. as the side effects from toprol and diovan are very harsh for me! I cant understand why a Doctor would go backwords and put me back on a medication that caused me problems before? seems strange to me !
Avatar n tn t smoke, do exercise, am thin). My doctor put me on a diuretic, Tekturna and Bystolic, and within a week I had completely lost my sense of taste! Anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if it's a side effect that will wear off if I just stick it out. The combination seems to be working well to lower my bp and hr but I'm losing weight (a bad thing) and really, really miss food!
Avatar n tn Lisinpril can cause a chronic cough and you should stop this medication to see how the cough changes. It may be replaced with valsartan or candesartan which do not usually cause this side effect. The verapamil usually does not cause this side effect. This may not be related to your medications, and chronic cough or ' bronchial asthma' may actually be cardiac in nature ( e.g. CHF). Make sure your physician takes this other consideration into account.
Avatar f tn I have many of the symptoms and lesions on MRI and am seeing an MS specialist the beginning of December. My question is really about seizures and MS. Monday I had a couple of Grand Mal seizures, they were not the first in my lifetime, but there haven't been many. Since the seizures on Monday (today is Thur.) my legs are VERY weak. Could the seizure been the beginning of a relapse? The seizures happened after a horrible bout with cluster headaches.
309199 tn?1237500652 I thought I was having seizures, but I think now they're something else (see below post!) Complex seizures can involve blacking out. I know that SunnyToday has seizures, and she's being evaluated to find out what's causing her neurological problems. They don't think she has epilepsy - it's just another manifestation of a disorder.
Avatar f tn Complex partial seizures can develop into larger seizures (generalized seizures) and cause you to go unconscious. Again, I hope you can see your doctor soon. Try posting your question on the epilepsy forum. You will probably have better luck getting your questions answered.
Avatar n tn I had my thyroid removed for cancer in 2006 and starting experiencing simple partial seizures a month later and have been dealing with them ever since. I have had two tonic clonic seizures and the auras I have always revolve around my menstraul cycle even with being on birth control and two seizure meds. I know for certain the seizures are in direct relation to having my thyroid removed.
Avatar f tn Will medication help depression that is not continuos. I am an epileptic and 99% of my seizures occur when I am depressed or worried. Things depress me about twice a month, for two or three days. I believe if I didn't get depressed my seizures would be under control. Does depression medicine help ocassional depression?
Avatar f tn it is a good question i started having seizures just a couple months before i turned 30 never a sign or any indication that led up to my first g mal but ive been diagnosed with bipolar borderline personality disorder and ptsd and for my seizures ive been tested and tested to see where they might be comin from ive always have joked sayin its my mind short circuiting cause i just process way to much at one time but after readin up on my mental diagnosis im really beginning to wonder because im now
Avatar m tn which occur in my temporal lobe in my brain (I believe that is the part of your brain near your eyes). When I have a seizure, I get a strange feeling, and nothing else. No twitching or grand mal seizures. When my seizures are strong, I have a feeling that everything is fake, almost as if someone told you that you are in the Matrix. My doctor started me on 250mg of Keppra once a day, 90 minutes before laying down to go to sleep.
Avatar n tn I have. My daughter has epilepsy and she doesn't sleep well at all. She is currently on Magnesium and Calcium and Melatonin and she is doing well. It has decreased her seizures. If she doesn't sleep well her seizures increase. I also found diet works as well. No sugar, wheat, dairy or gluten.
Avatar m tn For some reason it makes me stop having seizures and the exact opposite if im not having seizures... weird but I would personally take her advice on this matter if I were you Candy.
Avatar n tn I developed seizures as a full adult and Pauli Girl was too damn good to give up just because of all the damn new pills added to my diet. After some real scares from continued seizures despite multiple medications I left the Girl. Out fishing I still occasionly think of cold beer but haven't had a seizure since stopping. Is that what stopped them? Don't know but it's not worth it to me to start experimenting.
Avatar m tn I personally don’t think she has epilepsy but she started having seizures and was put on seizure medicine to control the seizures. That was about 5 months ago and her seizures have just gotten worse and more frequent. I am concerned that her primary Dr.
2208876 tn?1339010332 I believe you can have seizures whilst heavily influenced by alcohol, I would also advise that you consult a doctor if you have experienced this or would like to stop drinking.
Avatar f tn The phases of zapping our or spacing out could be petit mal seizures or better known as absence seizures wherein the patient is physically present but mentally cannot recapitulate the events and thoughts later. These come in brief phases without any physical signs of seizures like tonic clonic activity. This needs ruling out by an EEG and MRI brain to search for any focal lesion particularly temporal lobe.
Avatar m tn Hi my name is Luke and I am 24 years old and an Iraq veteran. I spent 4 years in the marines and have been out for about 3 years but have recently been afflicted with seizures, two in one day actually. This is the first time that I know of that I have ever had this issue so it is a bit alarming. I was put on keppra for the next year but I read on another ptsd related seizure post that for non epileptic seizures such as mine, anti seizure meds are pointless.
Avatar f tn I recently found out I am about 5 weeks pregnant, I have an appt to see my OB in 2 weeks. I am also an epileptic with complex-partial seizures, I am not on any meds for it right now and I know anything I could take would be unhealthy for the baby. Does anyone know what I can do to try and help? Having seizures and preggo symptoms is just too much and I feel awful all the time. I can't sleep, I have constant headaches, and I throw up when I have a seizure. Please help!!
506273 tn?1260138781 Hi and thank you for your response. To answer your questions, I have been on dilantin since April 1 or 2 , 2008. There is no family history and I'm not sure what kind of seizure I had, I was never told. All they said was it was my full brain and not a specific point so they ruled out a stroke, or brain tumor. I haven't been cutting back on the dilantin I take 300 mgs. a day, which I was told is a low dosage. I don't know because I know nothing about this kind of thing.
Avatar n tn I am on a combination of Tegretol and Topamax and my seizures are mostly under control. However my family and friends continually blame stress as a major cause of my seizures. I dont ever feel very stressed and I feel that this is a simplistic understanding of what epilepsy is. Please help... is stress a major / minor cause of epileptic seizures?
Avatar f tn He is toldly soaking wet after and so tired he must sleep. He can talk and answer questions and is aware. The length of the seizures varies. He is constantly nauseaed. He is 25 years old and had just lost his job then these seizures started. He's very tired all the time. Before this came on he was very active, almost to active. Never still. Now he lays around all the time. If he gets to tired he has a seizure. His moods go up and down. He has problems sleeping.
Avatar f tn im sure some one who knows more about it will come on....but i have seizures and i smoke pot and it dosnt make it worse, it actually helps thats about the only time i smoke it is if i am stressed and feel like i might have one...but am not a doctor..
Avatar f tn Are tremors and seizures normal in pregnancy? They've ruled out abnormal brain activity and also possible pre-eclamsia. What could it be?
Avatar f tn In regards to video games and computers it all depends on what triggers the seizures. I am unable to stay exposed to video games and computer screens for long time periods due to the bright, counter-connecting waves which for unexplained reasons trigger my seizures. Once again, that's something to discuss with your doctor. I would suggest observing your seizure activity while on the computer. Does it seem like they occur more excessively & rapidly after a certain time? More than normal?
Avatar m tn Three years ago, I had two tonic clonic seizures from unknown causes and was diagnosed with epilepsy. I had many neurological tests done and it was determined that my seizures were NOT a result of a head injury (my EEG tests were also normal). Without any hesitation, I was allowed to continue playing football for the rest of my high school career. Since my seizures, I have been put on Keppra and have been completely seizure free.