
Tekturna and hyperaldosteronism

Common Questions and Answers about Tekturna and hyperaldosteronism


406399 tn?1201884300 and I was put on a beta blocker from that point on.. as to stop the palps and control the b.p. / the Toprol xl and diovan both lowered b.p well and stopped the palps for me.. but iv been living life in pain and suffering for 6years now.. as the side effects from toprol and diovan are very harsh for me! I cant understand why a Doctor would go backwords and put me back on a medication that caused me problems before? seems strange to me !
Avatar f tn I went to mt Endo today to follow up on blood work she did because of episodes of high blood pressure plus headaches, fatigue, numbness, thirst . . . I sat for 10 minutes before sitting blood draw. Aldosterone, serum 14.1 ng/dL Renin Activity 0.4 ngmLhr Vitamin D, 25 OH 28.4 ng/mL (range 30 - 60) previous results from blood work earlier this year: Potassium 3.3 3.7 3.7 4.1 meq/L (range 3.5 - 5.
Avatar f tn one believes I have Liddle Syndrome and another group believes I have hyperaldosteronism. I have elevated sodium levels,(I follow a low sodium diet) and occassionally have very low potassium levels. I am currently taking the maximum dosage of Toprol, clonidine, spironolactone and lisinopril. This worked fine for several weeks but now my pressure is climbing again, does anyone else have this problem?
Avatar n tn t smoke, do exercise, am thin). My doctor put me on a diuretic, Tekturna and Bystolic, and within a week I had completely lost my sense of taste! Anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if it's a side effect that will wear off if I just stick it out. The combination seems to be working well to lower my bp and hr but I'm losing weight (a bad thing) and really, really miss food!
Avatar f tn You have hyperaldosteronism, because you have high blood pressure and high aldosterone. You may also have low potassium. Did you already have the CT scan - and it was normal? With CT scan they want to see if there is a benign tumor (adenoma or hyperplasia) in your adrenal gland. An adenoma which originates from the outer adrenal cortex can secrete excess aldosterone. Rarely an aldosterone-secreting ademoma can be elsewhere in your abdomen.
Avatar f tn I was tested for hyperaldosteronism and my levels were normal. I have been taking a magnesium suppliment for a few years so I am not sure. My mag levels are always boarderline normal. I dont use liqorice or diruetics. They were reimplanted near the bladder. I don't drink alcohol and I am not anorexic or bulemic. I have been asked that by the doctors because of my blood work. My tests were also normal for sed rates, cortesol, RA, and adrenal problems. My reflux was untreated from age 7 to 21.
1569091 tn?1295808551 primary and secondary. Primary hyperaldosteronism is simply when the adrenal glands produce too much aldosterone. "Most cases of primary hyperaldosteronism are caused by a noncancerous (benign) tumor of the adrenal gland." "In secondary hyperaldosteronism, the excess aldosterone is caused by something outside the adrenal gland that mimics the primary condition. Secondary hyperaldosteronism is usually due to high blood pressure.
Avatar n tn Lisinpril can cause a chronic cough and you should stop this medication to see how the cough changes. It may be replaced with valsartan or candesartan which do not usually cause this side effect. The verapamil usually does not cause this side effect. This may not be related to your medications, and chronic cough or ' bronchial asthma' may actually be cardiac in nature ( e.g. CHF). Make sure your physician takes this other consideration into account.
Avatar m tn SOunds to me -- only a thought--- that this is related to a hyperparathyroid not involved with the thyroid itself. I would go to and read through the material - see the symptoms involved. With high calcuim - low PTH and VIT D you fit the profile. What kind of doctor are you seeing at this time?
Avatar f tn Dr Lupo, I went to mt Endo today to follow up on blood work she did because of episodes of high blood pressure. I would like your opinion on one of the tests: I sat for 10 minutes before sitting blood draw. Aldosterone, serum 14.1 ng/dL Renin Activity 0.4 ngmLhr Vitamin D, 25 OH 28.4 ng/mL (range 30 - 60) previous results from blood work earlier this year: Potassium 3.3 3.7 3.7 4.1 meq/L (range 3.5 - 5.
415923 tn?1257277949 potassium loss could be due to hyperaldosteronism (adrenal problem) -- that would not increase FSH and having an FSH above the normal menopause range usually is not a pathologic problem, but would check with GYN about that.
Avatar f tn I have edema in my ankles and my face. I can go on and on with the different types of infections I have had. I have diabetes controlled with diet. My blood pressure was really low, but is back to normal. I have three lesions on my brain that indicate MS but the doctors don't think it's MS. I've had Lyme disease and was diagnosed with Rickets last summer. I passed out and sustained a closed head injury which caused vertigo.
489808 tn?1209049408 Hello.....I hope someone can relate with all of this.....cause I am tired of being sick & tired! First off I guess I'd like to give a little background. Starting in October 2007 my family has been hit with some pretty hard blows. 2 deaths, aunt's cancer came back, my grandma (who practically raised me) was diagnosed with breast cancer (she had a mastectomy & is recovering quite well). I had a miscarriage on 3/9 & had a DNC on 3/11.
367252 tn?1204397591 More concerning is the BP - would look at the arteries leading to the kidneys to see if there is any narrowing (renal artery stenosis) and look at aldosterone/renin levels to look for hyperaldosteronism (cannot be tested if you are on spironolactone or inspra for BP control) and check for lupus damage to the kidneys to see if this is increasing BP.
Avatar n tn I think - and this is only speculation - he ignored the ratio as your sodium and potassium were normal. My thinking for this is that renin and aldosterone control sodium and potassium, so I was thinking they would have to be somewhat off for the ratio to be off like that... so I find the ratio to be strange - I wonder how it is computed! I have had a couple of friends that lose K for *no* reason and pass out from the same.
Avatar m tn I went to my family doctor and he took my blood sample and sent it to a Lab. 3 days later he calls me and says that he cannot see anything wrong in blood readings, every single thing looked normal. Therefore, he could not give me any medication to lower the blood pressure. I went ahead and cutted off salt completely for 1 week and took readings and yes it was still high. Then I thought maybe I'm stressed, but taking readings on when I'm happy were still high.
1398693 tn?1343684738 Diuretics lower blood pressure by helping your body eliminate sodium and water, which reduces blood volume and decreases pressure on your artery walls. When your body excretes excessive amounts of water, it also loses potassium. This can lead to low potassium levels in your blood (hypokalemia). There are potassium-sparing diuretics that don't cause this problem.
Avatar m tn By bedtime systolic is high again (196, 204, 199, 214 etc) and continues all night and is much the same on waking. (Don't drink or smoke, am not overweight, cholesterol checked OK, kidneys checked OK).
Avatar f tn So recently I had a CT scan which came back clear, apart from micronodules in my liver (all smaller than 5mm and a 2cm mass in my ovary). Adrenal glands clear. Came back to the doctor, and when I asked what else could cause this hormone to be higher she said: NOTHING, only an adrenal mass. Imagine my disappointment in, again, not knowing what I have.
483733 tn?1326798446 I was on a med called Azor (also Norvasc) and those pills are known to have that affect. So I switched to a new pill called Tekturna, and it is working well for me. I take it at night, and it seems to minimize the swelling during the day. Be vigilant... it would be terrible for you to be dealing with so many issues that you don't fully understand. The more you learn, the more you can help yourself. I'm still having swelling, but I don't think it's related to the hyst.
Avatar m tn The final diagnosis was a lone case of SVT that progressed to A Fib. Since then, I have completely eliminated caffeine, smoking, and most alcohol just to be safe. In the last couple months, I have begun to experience short cases of a rapid heartbeat (not sure if it is regular or irregular). My heart will very noticeably race for a few seconds, then return to normal. I do have a flushing feeling in my face when this happens.
203342 tn?1328737207 The first time they said she had bronchitis and slight pneumonia and sent her home. Two days later she was worse and was scared because she's had Meningitis before and said it felt just like that with the head and neck pain. This time they told her she did NOT have bronchitis or pneumonia but ran some tests including a spinal tap and cat scan of her head (to rule out brain tumor) and everything came back normal.
Avatar f tn If you are unsure, get a home bp cuff and just take your bp two or three times a day max and write down the numbers. Important to put your feet flat on the floor, relax, visualize something calming to you, have your arm resting heart level. You will have different readings each time. You'll get a general feel after a month or so of what is your 'normal'. My doctor has had me do this to understand if I have hypertension that needs treated or not.
Avatar m tn I hardly go out now because for no reason I feel a prickling sensation on my forearms, neck and head, followed by the same all over my body including my legs and huge drops of very salty sweat pour out of me, soaking my hair and dripping off my eyelashes and chin. Strangely my skin feels icecold while this is happening, whether it happens day or night.
Avatar f tn Since serums are salivas are point in time tests, it is sometimes hard to get a hit on them anyway, and I used to fail urine average tests as my highs were high, but my lows were so low, it dragged the average down. It took testing over and over, and doing different types of tests, at different times, to figure out how I was high and when. It is not a disease anyone wants - it was featured in a magazine of the 10 most horrible disease or something like that (as a joke, but it was pretty true).
Avatar n tn s and I also recently took an adrenal stimulation test and was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. I am currently taking 2 grains of nature-throid and my doc just started me on a low dose of cortef. My confusion is regarding the adlesterone numbers on my test. Before the stimulation, my aldesterone level was 43.9, which is really high. After the stimulation the number went down (?) to 28. I was told to drink saltwater, and when I did I had sever edema and felt very shaky.
Avatar f tn Thank you, after many tests, referrals, and more bills than I'll probably ever be able to pay I finally found some answers and assistance dealing with all of this. It has been found that I have epilepsy (something I've suspected since childhood but was never taken seriously for), hypothyroidism, Hyperaldosteronism, kienbocks disease, and multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Avatar n tn Was tested for diabetes, kidney and liver function. All were within normal ranges. Was given antibiotics for possible UTI. No change in thirst. Frequency of urination better. Any comments are appreciated. Where do I go now?