
Tekturna and headaches

Common Questions and Answers about Tekturna and headaches


406399 tn?1201884300 and now that im on the stuff, im haveing all the bad effects again -shortness of breath at times, and dizziness and fatigue, massive headaches ! and cramping everywhere.. b.p dropped down but its not under control yet.. as it spikes.. My Doctor did tell me, to expect alot of bad things, when switching off the old stuff and going on the new stuff.. well I cant stand this ! and I called him.. but like all doctors he was off Golfing - cant blame him.. wish I could be like him !
Avatar n tn t smoke, do exercise, am thin). My doctor put me on a diuretic, Tekturna and Bystolic, and within a week I had completely lost my sense of taste! Anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if it's a side effect that will wear off if I just stick it out. The combination seems to be working well to lower my bp and hr but I'm losing weight (a bad thing) and really, really miss food!
Avatar n tn Lisinpril can cause a chronic cough and you should stop this medication to see how the cough changes. It may be replaced with valsartan or candesartan which do not usually cause this side effect. The verapamil usually does not cause this side effect. This may not be related to your medications, and chronic cough or ' bronchial asthma' may actually be cardiac in nature ( e.g. CHF). Make sure your physician takes this other consideration into account.
489808 tn?1209049408 t feeling any better....still had major fatigue, headaches, back pain, spells of near fainting, nausea, vision disturbances, foggy feeling, can't concentrate. I went to see an endo & they have performed blood tests & 24 hour urine tests which have both come back as normal. Endo did believe that I had chemical imbalance so he put me on Lexapro. 2 days later BP spiked...168/111 the first time I took it but spiked to 200/126 by the time everything was said & done.
483733 tn?1326798446 I was on a med called Azor (also Norvasc) and those pills are known to have that affect. So I switched to a new pill called Tekturna, and it is working well for me. I take it at night, and it seems to minimize the swelling during the day. Be vigilant... it would be terrible for you to be dealing with so many issues that you don't fully understand. The more you learn, the more you can help yourself. I'm still having swelling, but I don't think it's related to the hyst.
Avatar f tn t getting any better. He also has a strong sensitivity to light and is always cowering away from it and covering his eyes. Please guys is there anyone out there who recognizes these symptoms or can offer any advice. I am actually writing this from along side his bed in hospital where they are telling me it's a gastro bug ! (I don't agree).
Avatar m tn I have be diagnosed with a high reumatoid factor count but do not have any joint pain at all. I do suffer from dizzyness, headaches, memory loss, and blurred vision. No other results are coming back from my blood test besides the high factor count. Wondering if anyone has had these same issues.
7827642 tn?1396958758 I'm 10 weeks 4 days and for several weeks now I have headaches that come and go everyday as well as backaches (lower and higher). Has anybody else experienced this?
7922624 tn?1396424978 iv had pressure before but this type was and is completely new. I suspect it has something to do with either my spine\ nerves or\and the aorta artery. sometimes like these last couple of days it feels like there is a kink in the aorta right where the neck and skull join. Then there is my allergy to wheat. Again since I was about 12 years old i have had problems with wheat however i did not know then that is what it was.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm cue 19 Feb and I get heads his seems like every day and I just started getting heartburn about 2 weeks ago and I can sleep for days if someone would let me.
Avatar f tn I'm 11 wks and 5days and I've been having frequent headaches and even migraines. I was in the emergency room because of a migraine, I was bearly coherent. Does anyone else ever get this bad?
Avatar f tn But I went in to my doctors today all my labs came back normal and my blood pressure was normal too.. she I was told its really just a symptom of pregnancy and a sign to take it easy.
Avatar f tn Im 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant and this headaches been killing me. And also i cramp but i dont bleed or anything .
8744246 tn?1413295094 Doeas anyone esls have that need of burping all the time and constant headaches ?? Mine started like 3 days ago and it feels like somthing is in my throught and that I need to burp what could this be!??
Avatar f tn There are somewhat serious conditions where viruses and bacteria can cross the barrier and impact the brain causing headaches. This is rare in the first instance and even rarer for HSV2 to be the cause. Hence this will be extremely likely to unrelated to HSV2. I would still have your follow up IgG testing at 12 weeks to identify whether you do have HSV2, which also remains in doubt.
Avatar f tn I will be 16 weeks this Tuesday, and for some reason I am feeling worse then I ever did during my first trimester! I have headaches every day, severe fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. I have an appointment next week but am wondering if anyone else has felt this in their 2nd trimester and what was wrong? Thank you all so much!
Avatar f tn I'm 15 weeks pregnant and for the last week I've been struggling with dizziness and severe headaches during the day. Every time I get up, no matter how long I've been sitting or what position I've been sitting in, I feel light headed, dizzy, and the blood rushes to my head. My head will throb and pound so bad I have to stop what I'm doing and wait for it to stop. I've tried everything to getting up slowly to sitting in different positions.
494669 tn?1275362475 i usually get pain one day and wake up with af, but no. i dont feel pregnant but could be due to trying so hard and for so long i gave up emotionally, i am at a loss with this. i have a lot of **** going on and cant talk to my husband or tell him as my friend asked me not too, and now i feel like im with holding from him. i would never betray my friends trust but this is my husband and we talk about everything.
Avatar f tn I am reaching on this one but I feel so bad for her because of the pain she has to go through everyday and she is such a good girl and so sweet and loving and I just want her to feel good and not in pain all the time. She is so special to all and I want so bad for her to be well so please help her somehoe.
4402502 tn?1355342665 Ugh I only experienced vomiting and headaches once and I was sobbing in pain. Glad I haven't felt that again.
Avatar n tn Almost 2 weeks ago, when sitting at my computer at work, I started getting an intense pain in the lower back of my head on the left hand side which seemed to intensify when I stared at the computer. I also noticed what appeared to be tightness and soreness in a muscle about 6 inches below my neck on my back left of my spinal cord. I assumed I just tweaked a muscle, but it's been 2 weeks and the muscle pain and intense headaches continue and neither has subsided in the least.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking it as well, I am on my 7th day and my headaches start day 5. the headaches are very very mild all day long and when it comes to night time i get severe headaches followed by tossing and turning, making sleep impossible. also the dizzy thing for me last about 5-10 min and i just sit down relax and do something else. after the 5-10min dizziness i get "the munchies" but not like pot munchies more like wierd cravings.
Avatar n tn Migraine is just one possibility. There are cluster headaches and tension type headaches also. Though not commonly seen, an individual may have a combination of these types of headaches.
285848 tn?1219092313 When you're pregnant and you get headaches...where are they? Are they in the front of your above your brow? Or are they everywhere? Do you get them in specific areas. I have been having a few headaches a day for the past week or so..and theyre right above my browline...if you know what I mean? And if you do have an answer how far along are/were you?