
Tarceva and breast cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Tarceva and breast cancer


Avatar n tn did she have lung and rain cancer to or just lung ? my doc said no to tarceva cause it spred to brain i was wondering maybe was this the same as your mom?
Avatar f tn Edema (fluid accumulation in any body part, resulting in swelling) has been reported as an adverse event in 37% of pancreatic cancer patients taking Tarceva, although this side effect has not been reported in lung cancer cases. However, the type of edema associated with Tarceva use is either generalized or involves a swelling of both legs. Swelling in only one leg may not be due to this drug. Unilateral leg swelling may be due to a local infection (cellulitis) in that area.
Avatar n tn Asians, women, non-smokers, and those with adenocarcinoma histology. This drug still has been found to benefit males, smokers, and those with squamous cell histology, but to a lesser extent.
365470 tn?1232747095 We are praying with you. God Bless you and your family. Stay positive.
Avatar n tn When the words first-line and second-line are used- this is usually in the setting of known (and usually measurable) disease. So if the liver lesion represents cancer - we are looking at first-line chemotherapy for advanced/metastatic disease. This means that the chemotherapy that would likely be recommended would be conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy with or without avastin. Drugs like Tarceva do have known benefit in the 2nd-line setting.
Avatar f tn Hi There... I have had a upper right lobectomy on Sept 14 2001.Stage 1A BAC lung chemo or no radiation..clear margins and no lymph node involvement..'s been a little over five years now. cancer free. PRAISE GOD...and thou I realize that 5 yrs is maybe the magic number for most lung cancer survivor' it also meant for BAC Lung Cancer...I have heard not so.... Thank you for any information you can give me....
Avatar n tn My husband was diagnosed with a Pancoast tumor on his lung. He went thru chemo/ radiation and finally had surgery to remove the tumor. It was successful. He had more chemo for precaution. After one year, the cancer came back into his Adrenal Gland. It is also in his Lymph Nodes. They put him on Tarceva( a pill he took everyday) And after 6-7 weeks, he had tests done which showed it didn't do anything.. the tumor has grown. They said there is no other options..
Avatar n tn If the patient improves with the radiation, or maintains adequate strength or performance status(sufficient strength is usually defined as able to remain up and about at least half of the waking hours), you may wish to discuss other options aside from tarceva - such as the original plan of cisplatin and etoposide. This is because there is a known benefit for these drugs in terms of survival when used as first option among good performance status patients.
Avatar f tn Hi. Which particular "chemosensitivity test" are you referring to? There is no single laboratory procedure which can test for the sensitivity to chemotherapy of all types of tumors. In breast cancer, there's the Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Progesterone Receptor (PR) assays to determine sensitivity to hormonal treatment. There's also the HER-2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) assay for determining sensitivity to Trastuzumab.
Avatar n tn Have you come across any cases of rashes caused by Tarceva and further treatment? Or do you have any recommendations for what to do? My next dermatology appointment is not until September but I feel like there should be something more my team should be doing.
Avatar f tn It has already spread to the spine, both lungs and the lymph system. Doctors triede Tarceva for 3 weeks but her body had a very bad reaction. For the spine they did radiotherapy. But since she was diagnose 3 months ago she has lost aalmost her voice. she is using oxygen for the major part of the day but doctors don't wan't to talk about time. no more medes will be given and she was reffer to hospice....
Avatar n tn He has been through several chemo and radiation treatments and is now starting on Tarceva. It has been a long road so far and he has his good days and bad days. I don't think there's any way even the doctors can tell us how much time they have left specifically. His doctor said it could be a year, 5 or even 10, but of course we are all hoping and praying for at least 20 more with him.
Avatar n tn hi my husband has just started on Tarceva also.....dont understand thou why they are not doing radiation, he has one lung and the oncologist said that radiation does not responsd well to SCLC squamous cell, hang in there, I know its card.
365470 tn?1232747095 he has one lung, which was removed 3 years ago, this has come back as a secondary cancer, they have started him on Tarceva and then chemo, but the oncologist said no radiation, as this type of cancer does not respond well to radiation. But thats not what I am seeing on the net, the mass has encased the veins of the aorta.
Avatar n tn In 2005, he had Tarceva. In 2008 they discovered metastasis to the liver (3 lesions) and he underwent chemo again (I think Avastin) and he finished the treatment in March. The doctor said the tumors in both the lungs and liver were smaller. For the past 3 weeks he´s been vomiting, but sporadically. There is no pattern. It doesn´t matter if he eats lightly or heavily. Some days he vomits once, some days nothing. He went to see a Gastroenterologist. They did a sonogram...
Avatar n tn She is not a candidate for treatment and is refusing even palliative tx such as Tarceva. PET Scan showed no evidence of cancer in brain, liver or bone. Because she is experiencing no symptoms she is hesistant to participate in a home hospice program. What symptoms are generally experienced and if possible a general timeline for disease progression.
Avatar m tn He started Tarceva this January but it seems it did not work as the cancer spread to brain…. 9 mets were identified in the initial MRI 2 weeks ago but the subsequent MRI right before yesterday’s gamma knife procedure (which removed 7 mets) evidenced numerous other tiny/small tumors spread all over the brain….He has been in relatively good condition (eating well, no weight loss) until these new mets emerged (which affected his walking and reading ability)….
Avatar f tn We are 28 Months down the road and have been through Tarceva, carboplatin/paclitaxel/avastin, a phase II trial and are setting off on the next stage. I think there are too many variables to give one answer, but the thing that has made a difference is good morale and a willingness to wage absolute war with the disease. We are not done yet and are going tomorrow to choose from an array of options, some of whom were not available 6 months ago.
Avatar m tn s CARE) done between 1994 and 1998 showed there was no increased risk of breast cancer in current or former users of birth control pills. Two newer studies (2011) confirm that oral contraceptives are not associated with breast cancer–specific or all-cause mortality. In general, most studies have not found an overall increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of oral contraceptives.
Avatar f tn Residual infiltrating lobular carcinoma of breast. fibroadenoma of breast, fibrocystic changes of breast including fibrosis and apocrine metaplasia, Estrogen and Progesterone positive and HER2/Neu positive. Predictive marker at 2+ and fluorescence in situ Hybrization fish report not amplified. Biopsy pathology said: Insitu and invasiave well differentiated carcinoma with mixed features of ductal and lobular differentiation.
Avatar f tn Two nights ago I started to get a pain down my left arm and tingles in my left hand. My mum has both breast taken off to breast cancer. I am very frightened that I have this. What do you think?
Avatar f tn Congratulations on your eight years! I hate to be the one to say this but there is no such thing as "out of the woods" with cancer, I wish there was. What you've done is reduced your risk for another estrogen positive breast cancer and ovarian cancer. But that doesn't mean you won't get a different type of breast cancer in the remaining breast tissue or another part of your body. But you know as well as I do that each year we are NED with cancer is better for our odds.
Avatar f tn I am 55 years old had recttal cancer removed 4/o8, and luckly no bag and no treatment. I have dense breast with micro calcification. Had a biopsy of right breast 2 years ago and was fine. Went for mamo and sono this past Monday and they saw microcalcification that they say is suspicious. So next friday I go to the hospital for yet anothet biopsy. My question is, for my surgery in april for the rectal cancer I had a chest cat scan and a full body pet scan. Both came up good.
Avatar f tn m really scared. If I do have breast cancer how much will the treatment cost and how long do I have to be on treatment? What is breast cancer exactly? Please help!!!
Avatar f tn What is the difference if any, between BREAST CANCER STAGES and BREAST BIOPSY GRADES I, II, III. Are Breast Cancer stages the same as Grades? Thank you all !