
Taking chantix with other medications

Common Questions and Answers about Taking chantix with other medications


Avatar n tn my wife is taking chantix to stop smoking and when she finishes the first month of chantix can she then take welbutrin as it is not as strong. The chantix is giving her bad dreams.
Avatar f tn My friend just quit taking Chantix due to the inability to handle the side effects. She has noticed that since quitting the Chantix alcohol has effected her differently. While on the Chantix she noticed the effects of alcohol tokk in quite quickly where now she seems to have a tolerance that was not there before. Is it possible that theh Chantix caused her intolerabilty to alcohol?
444932 tn?1273980797 Read the post by Joanna564 dated 3/11 titled "Is itching a symptom of nicotine withdrawl." It's hard to say what is or isn't normal but I'm quite sure that it does have to do with with your cutting back or the Chantix even though it isn't listed as a side effect. I had itching also but mainly my nose and scalp. I had finished taking Chantix by then so I didn't think to blame it on that. You said that you were having headaches a few days ago. Have those subsided?
Avatar n tn Breast pain can be caused by alot of things including hormone imabalances which some medications can cause. I wouldnt think chantix could cause that reaction,, but every persons body is different and even the makers may not be sure, although they may say no because its not been reported in to many folks yet. I hope you figure out the cause, and Id definatly consider seeing your prescriber about it to see if you need bloodwork to check your hormone levels.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm taking chantix along with other meds, sertraline, is another anti depressant in the same category with no problems. I think (but dont quote me) that it is the MAOI's and Trycilyic anti d's that chantix is not recommended.
Avatar n tn Chantix worked like a miracle for me. I wasn't that heavy of a smoker, about 1/2 pack a day, but I couldn't seem to quit for anything. Had been a 2 pack/day years ago. My dr perscribed me Chantix and I took and kept smoking, but the cravings got less and less until on Feb. 1, 2007 I took about 3 drags off a cig and put it out. That was the last one I had. Took the Chantix for a couple more weeks until the cravings were completely gone and I've been fine every since.
984138 tn?1359813073 He has to be on a high dosage of vit D and lexapro for atleast a year, and with the help of a therapist to rewire the other nerves in his brain that chantix affected. The urge to smoke was gone but so was his energy, will and personality. NOT WORTH IT. Try some other way - if my son could turn back the hands of time he would have tried other methods and never attempted chantix.
Avatar f tn I started having problems in Oct 2008 after taking Chantix for about a month. I quit taking the meds because I had a really bad reaction to it. I was angry, very emotional and thought of suicide. I have never been this way before and didn't like so I stopped the med. About a month later I had an episode where I was having slurred speech (alot) and I would drive to work and then sit there and think "how did I get here". I couldnt remember driving. This lasted or about a month.
Avatar f tn I took chantix for 1 1/2 months and experienced a little gas but that was all. I quit taking chantix 3 days after my last cigarette and that was 9 months 1 week and 4 days ago. I think I should consider myself one of the lucky ones as all I hear on this board is how bad chantix was for them! Outside of this board, I knew a dozen or so people who took it, and none of them had anything more serious then gas and bad dreams! I hope you start feeling better real soon and I hope that you have quit.
444932 tn?1273980797 I'm on day 4, and having the same trouble. I've managed the nauseau by taking the morning pill with oatmeal but today I start the pm pill also, and am very wary due to headaches. No the pfizer folks dont list it as a side effect, but my pharmacy did, in fact the boxes were labeled warning may cause head ache. I'm already a long term migraine sufferer (atypical-post traumatic/injury) so I am hoping the headaches go away from the chantix.
Avatar m tn The doctor does not understand when she tells him she cannot live with those medications and the feelings they bring along with them. He continues to say take it. One time she went in to get her ativan refilled and he refused. This set her off into a bad mood because it is the only thing she has taken that would calm her down. All her doctor could do is threaten to commit her to a psychiatric hospital, basically saying he thought she was abusing the drug.
380558 tn?1309042387 Hi! I just completed my 120th day of non-smoking! I did it with Chantix. Nothing else ever worked until now. I would highly recommend doing the online support thing. It is the only way to understand what is happening to you. I went through many sleepless nights but trust me, it is well worth it in the end! Good Luck!
Avatar f tn I hope by now you have stopped taking the chantix. My son took it for 3 months and although he did quit smoking, the side effects have nearly put us over the emotional edge. He had mild side effects while on it, the dreams, slight stomach ache, manageable headaches, but... when he went off it, the whirl wind began. He began with terrible hives, then numbness, dizzy, foggy, moody and the latest is he has been diagnosed with panic and anxiety.
Avatar f tn Before Chantix came along Wellbutrin (bupropian) was used with fairly decent results. I am not sure of the stats but Chantix is more effective at 44% quit rate. More then anything, you really have to prepare yourself for your quit. What helped me a great deal was reading all of the articles at whyquitdotcom My experience with Chantix wasn't bad at all. There are some who weren't as lucky so you might want to read through the forum and see what everyone has to say about it.
Avatar f tn Last night I looked up Chantix side effects on the web and found HUNDREDS of people with problems like mine that persist long after they stopped taking the pill. Many people in their thirties that just had a heart attack one day out of the blue (this is what I am most afraid of happening to me) Does anyone know how to undo the damage that chantix is causing?
407029 tn?1253992623 does anyone know if chantix is hard on the liver? im taking it to stop smoking before TX? anyone knows of anyone who took it does it work?
Avatar m tn CHANTIX should not be taken with other quit-smoking products. You may need a lower dose of CHANTIX if you have kidney problems or get dialysis." It looks to me like it's the kidneys but ask a doctor to be sure about that and any other problem we might not think about as patients.
444932 tn?1273980797 I just started taking Chantix yesterday. I have heard lots of great things about this medication and how much it helps, but I've also heard lots of scary things - bad dreams, depression, suicidal/homicidal thoughts, hallucinations. Obviously, I chose to ignore all those things and take it anyway b/c I know me and I know that I need something pretty powerful to help me quit. I also quit taking pain pills four days ago.
Avatar f tn I've been off Chantix for over 3 years and I'm still dealing with depression. Sure you can quit with the drug as it worked for my husband but if totally RUINED my life. I had a severse adverse reaction and had to stop the program in my 2nd last week when I was down to one cig every 3 days. I was extremely impulsive, hostile, agressive and suicidal and I had almost no control over myself. I had the crazy dreams along with the other typical side affects.
Avatar m tn to get a drug called Chantix to quit smoking. Was taking it the week I was taking the Norcos...that second week (this week) I'm out of Norco and quit smoking.....and I FEEL GREAT!!!! I mean seriously, minimal withdrawls, felt foggy this morning but otherwise feel just chills...NOTHING!!!! AND...I'm not smoking either!! Ok so I'm on my 3rd day of no Norco and no smokes....feeling perfect and I'm excited!! Could the Chantix be helping me with the Norco addiction?
393419 tn?1228447393 If you have nausea in the morning be sure to drink juice or eat some fruit with the pill. I had a full glass of grapefruit juice with the Chantix and it stopped all of the nausea. Without the juice I tossed my cookies. Taking one more medication was a pain but it was worth the results. I have been about 10 months smoke free.
Avatar f tn Thank you both so much I feel if i dont quit they will kill me as my bp wont seem to regulate yet and my heartrate isent right either and my doc had me on to much meds i know because today i cut back on them and im not having the heart arrithmias and my bp is in the normal range it was dropping to low and it dosent help my docs on vacation while im stuck trying to get the right amount of meds to keep my bp right,Iv been near tears all day because last night the heart irrithmias were so bad even
Avatar n tn I am also experiencing sore breasts while on Chantix. This is actually the 3rd time I have quit smoking with this drug. I did not experience this the last 2 times. I have now discontinued taking the medication after having quit smoking for 8 days. I know that the recommended dosing is for a whole month to three months. I have found that taking it until the general nicotine withdrawl symptoms have gone works for me.
Avatar n tn We are not medical doctors so if you want to know about the side effects then you should call them (chantix) directly at 1-877-CHANTIX. Also, there is something that comes with the prescription that tells you about the risks. You had better read up on it. Sorry to hear that you are having seizures. I took chantix with very little side effects. Good luck with everything and if you need support with your quit, then we are here for you.