
Synthroid missed dose

Common Questions and Answers about Synthroid missed dose


427555 tn?1267553158 If someone missed synthroid for 4 days, is it ok to take all the missed doses together? A friend went away and forgot their synthroid medication at home.
Avatar n tn I strat to realize it is gone in the afternoon after my first missed dose .. I get tired. They say you have stores and shouldn't feel after one missed dose but many here say they do!
Avatar m tn org/posts/Thyroid-Disorders/Do-you-feel-any-different-skipping-just-1-dose-on-the-Synthroid--I-ask-bcz/show/17885 You should never double up on medication when you miss doses, due to the risk of overdose. Since synthroid takes a long time (weeks) get into/out of your blood, you should be okay for this time, but if it happens again, don't try to make up missed doses; just start taking your med daily, like you normally would.
Avatar f tn hypothyroidism can definetly affect menstration and fertility. Are you taking synthroid at 250mgs?
168348 tn?1379357075 I've gone 4 days without my Synthroid (not on purpose) and the only difference I felt was my bloated puffy face (lol). I looked like Mike (Tyson) and I 'rumbled' when I go without my Synthroid. Oh and a little weakness which is understandable after going without for 4 days. It's happened only twice in the 10 years I've taken Synthroid. I think all the 'mental stuff' people describe here is 'all in their heads'.
Avatar m tn I'm on 200mcg. I missed my Synthroid dose two days in a row. Anyway I took the Synthroid today finally, but right now and all day yesterday I've been feeling iffy. Libido is low, feel slightly down/depressed over absolutely nothing, energy isn't great. Way more tired in the mornings and at night than usual. Can I really get acute low thyroid levels this quickly? Or is it something that won't take effect for weeks?
Avatar n tn Hi. I know that they say it takes 6-8 weeks for a specific dose of Synthroid to stabilize, but I have a question. My TSH was 16. I was on Synthroid 100, and my doctor raised it to 112 mg. My TSH after two weeks is 7.6. I know that it has ONLY been two weeks, but is it still possible that my TSH will continue to drop on the 112, or is this already a sign that I may need 125 mg. Thank you for your input.
Avatar n tn I have heard of people without the disorder taking it to lose weight and I assumed there might be some nasty consequences to that. I'm happy that my small dosage won't effect me.
Avatar n tn I just flew to USA from Australia and that was 14 hour flight with a 7 hour time difference for 4pm at home is 11pm here the day before! So here it's Monday back home it's Tuesday afternoon. I decided to take the tablet at the same time for the first few days as at home then started to move it back by a few hours till now I take it at 8am....I think if you took a dose at only 6hours difference to normal then missed one you will still be ok.
Avatar f tn Thank you in advance for your advice. I am very sensitive to ANY change in Synthroid. When my TSH goes much below 2 or so, I do not feel good. I was taking 112 mg of Synthroid and my TSH was .79. I was feeling overstimulated, which I do when I am on too much medication. I did something stupid and did not take any medication for a week. In just 1 week, my TSH, with no medication went from .79 to 5.4. So, I started slow and began taking 50 mg of Synthroid.
Avatar m tn I am on Tecfidera 240 mg dose. It just occurred to me I missed the morning dose. I have a call into the specialty pharmacy for direction. I didn't find much on the web except "take it as soon as you remember and if close to your next dose take it then but don't double up". This is the first time I missed since starting therapy last month. I feel terrible. Is this incredibly bad?
Avatar f tn Do I still take the ribavirin pills since I missed the dose? After 4 weeks I was tested and no virus was showing so I am worried that this is going to be a set back. I am anemic as well. Just need to know what to do??? Hep clinic closed for weekend as is doc office and pharmacist had no clue. Anyone been through this?
1352348 tn?1315550254 There are no "silly questions", but we will need more information. Dosage is (should be) based on your actual thyroid hormone levels and any symptoms you might have; the actual thyroid hormones are Free T3 and Free T4. Have you had any recent blood work? If you are starting to feel "slumpish", there's a chance that you are under medicated, but we would able to tell that only from seeing your lab results.
996946 tn?1503249112 I had taken myself down a notch on the Synthroid a year ago because I was having increased a-fib/tachycardia and blamed it on the dose. Just really don't want any arrhythmia episodes. I think I'm already experiencing those three side effects that Bruce mentioned. I do have a stable thyroid nodule that was the original reason for prescribing the Synthroid in the first place about 3-4 yrs ago.
Avatar f tn Thank you in advance for your advice. I am very sensitive to ANY change in Synthroid. When my TSH goes much below 2 or so, I do not feel good. I was taking 112 mg of Synthroid and my TSH was .79. I was feeling overstimulated, which I do when I am on too much medication. I did something stupid and did not take any medication for a week. In just 1 week, my TSH, with no medication went from .79 to 5.4. So, I started slow and began taking 50 mg of Synthroid.
Avatar m tn When my dose was increased from 112 to 125 mcg, I gained 14 pounds in a short amount of time. I had horrible headaches on levo (125), so I switched to Synthroid. I started running and have lost 17 pounds. I now have brief heart palpitations when I exercise hard. I say brief, since I immediately start walking. I also have horribly long and heavy periods. My last TSH test was 2.485. My doctor said I could go back to 112, in case I am over-medicated, but my numbers are good.
Avatar n tn I had my synthroid dose increased to 112 mcg from 100mcg. I have taking it for a little over 2 weeks. Since than my lips have been burning. My toes feel tingly. My doctor checked my b12 and said it was okay. Ihave been playing phone tag with her snce she does not want to see me. She said she does not know what is causing my lips to burn or why my toes feel tingly. I am disappointed in the doctor's response.
Avatar m tn with few changes in dose at the beginning I have been on 200 mcg synthroid for the first 15 years...felt great. I have been rididng the TSH line for all that time and have been asymptomatic. Almost two years ago I had a new internist see my low levels and decide to change my dose to 175 mcg. Now I knew from experience that I would get dizzy if I missed a dose for just a few days, but hoped that would not happen with a decrease.
Avatar n tn OH .. my apologies .. you are so correct .. they are one in the same. I misread the orig. post as 175mcg's per day ...
1139187 tn?1355706647 I appreciated your comments to Bruce - I've been adjusting meds for over a year now (post RAI for toxic nodule), and have always just managed to get euthyroid when I have to adjust up again. I have to plan for any big days of excertion, and find myself tired for a few days afterwards. It's been great to get the good days, because I know I'm getting closer to them being more often.