
Synthroid and heart rate

Common Questions and Answers about Synthroid and heart rate


Avatar f tn When I work out or do physical activity, I now get dizzy and my heart rate spikes up to 180. This happens while running half a mile. I use to work really hard to get my heart rate to 170 before the surgery and notice it easily surpases that rate now. Does anyone have insight to whether this could be a symptom of the synthroid? Thanks.
996946 tn?1503249112 Why did your doctor take you off the synthroid? Rapid heart rate is often a symptom of hyperthyroidism; do you have any other symptoms of hyper, such as weight loss, diarrhea, depression, etc? You do need to have some blood tests done, but TSH is the least important. Make sure you get Free T3 and Free T4 along with TSH. FT3 and FT4 are the actual thyroid hormones and will tell you much more than TSH does. You should also have thyroid antibodies tested...
Avatar f tn I had radio active iodine in March. On October 29th, I started taking 112 mcg of synthroid and having problems keeping my heart rate down. It runs in the 90's to 105 even after taking propanol three times a day. Am I taking too much synthroid? My doctor is 80 miles away and hard to get in to see him.
558632 tn?1303471125 i do however from time to time have tightness in the chest the other day in the shower was a little scary but went away, the graves caused a heart murmur and had echo and no significant changes since my last echo all in normal range, question is… normal or not normal?
Avatar f tn I am in no way at ALL dissing ( i cant believe i said that word) but for me.. synthroid and armour really did a number on my heart.. probably due to different fillers.. or perhaps. too much of something in them. i ended up at the heart hospital once with severe pvc's due to one type. talk to your doc.. they should know what to do.. it could be just the formulation.. as your thyroid controls just about every thing in your body. best wishes to you .. hope that you start to feel better..
Avatar f tn i was wondering if anyone with underactive thyroid was experiencing heart palpitation due to slow heart rate? i have fluttering in my chest and it feels like my heart stops for a beat and then continues. do you know if maybe my meds are too strong or weak?
Avatar n tn I agree.. I am going through that exect experience. Anxiety and the heart palps occassionally. I was on too much of the Synthroid and had my labs done.. too much medicine.
Avatar n tn I started taking synthroid on May 2 and was suppose to have a period around the 19th of May but never did and here it is June 9th. The strange thing is that periodically I feel like I am going to start, (symptoms that I usually get before I do) but I guess I just wish I knew if this was normal or not.
Avatar n tn ve never had anxiety, but since I had my partial thyroidectomy and have become borderline hypo, I get anxiety which sets my heart rate up above 90. What can be done about this, aside from beta blockers? I'm off synthroid too since my endo thought that was causing it (though cardiologist says heart is fine, thyroid is causing my heart rate/palps). I'm ready to go back on Synthroid just to get my over all self back to normal, but the heart rate will still be high. HELP!!
Avatar n tn It's true that a normal thyroid produces both T4 and T3; it's also true that if your thyroid isn't working, it produces nothing and if you're only taking Synthroid, you're only getting T4. It's also true that Synthroid does not produce T3 because it's a T4 medication. I have no idea how someone decided that your conversion rate is normal under those circumstances.
Avatar f tn I'd suggest that you get a complete heart work up to make sure there are no issues there, and if not, you might have to ask your doctor for a beta blocker to help with the rapid heart beats. 50's is not a "normal" heart rate...... normal heart rate is considered to be between 60 and 100 bpm. Your old heart rate of 50 was probably when you were hypo, since that does cause slow heart rate. I had a very similar situation when I was dx'd and after being put on cytomel.
Avatar n tn Synthroid may cause a number of heart related side effects include abnormal heart rhythms. Also, nutrient demands increase when metabolic rate speeds due to thyroid medication. SVT may be due to a nutrient deficiency state. Electrolytes in particular need to be checked for an imbalance. Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, phosphates, bicarbonate.
Avatar f tn Blood pressure and heart rate are normal. I have an upcoming EGD and Colonoscopy as well as a possible gallbladder surgery in December. I am concerned about feeling this way for so long and taking propofol for these procedures. My symptoms are so bad that I have been in bed for 6 weeks because the symptoms are overbearing. Would anyone be willing to share their experiences?
1274654 tn?1270932948 Coffee is a stimulant so it is likely it will make you more hyperactive. I used to drink a lot of coffee and had fast heart rate, and a very dry mouth. Only now when I drink say a Diet Coke, and I am now on thyroid meds does it make me go hyper-hyper...but I think it is to do with the fact I do not drink it regularly enough, so my body is more sensitive to it now I am on the medication. That's just my experience!
599170 tn?1300973893 I went to endrocrinologist for reg appointment and my blood work indicates I am on proper amt synthroid, endo took my pulse by hand and then with pulse ox, abd my heart rate was 120 which is still high, Imthinking of posting this in ask a dr. ifcat Im going to Id like another drs opinion, Id hate to screw up my heart, we can live without the thyroid gland.
Avatar f tn What are the actual results of your T3 and T4 and are they Free T3 and Free T4 or are they Total T3 and Total T4? They aren't the same tests and don't give the same information... Please provide reference ranges with any lab results. Is it safe to assume that the "13" is your TSH value? It's not unusual for symptoms to worsen or for new symptoms to appear when changing medications or dosages.
Avatar m tn Hopefully when you are on the right dosage of meds it will all even out and your elevated heart rate will subside for good. Finally if you are going pee a lot during your period it is very plausible it is causing a bit of dehydration that needs to be replenished. But focus intently on getting your thyroid issues under control and hopefully you won't have any more issues with your heart as a consequence. Take care.
Avatar f tn Bladder and waste elimination shutting down, eyelids not responsive while awake, rapid weight loss (muscle mass) digestive system shutdown. (If I ate anything my heart rate would shoot sky high). I was on 100 mcg of Synthroid and crying out to my doctor to do something. I finally did my own research and discovered that sometimes with extreme illness and/or surgery the bodies ability to convert T4 to T3 in impaired.
196896 tn?1189755821 I noticed about 7-10 days ago my resting heart rate is pretty high. We have a bp machine that gives the heart rate and I dont think I have seen under 100 in all this time. Theres times when my heart just pounds in my chest and when I check the rate its usually between 109-117. Hubby thinks my synthroid levels are out of wack and I've gone hyper. I really dont have any other symptoms.....
Avatar m tn Hey guys, I'm not too sure if I'm asking the right group but. it's worth a try. Lately I seem to be having problems waking up at midnight with a high heart rate. I can't get back to sleep without taking klonopin, I think it makes me sleep but isn't doing anything for the heart rate. I am only taking 1/2 tablet of synthroid (25mcg) low dose and I still have a TSH of 6.6.
Avatar f tn Some times my heart rate is fast. and I dont have any problem sleeping once I get to sleep. Its getting to sleep thats the problem. I have always been very sensitive to any medication. Even tylenol makes me loopy. So perhaps it is just my body getting used to the medication. I have called my doctor and am awaiting a phone call to see what we are going to do about this. My doctor also stated that my TSH level was high to him as well.
Avatar f tn I checked for drug interaction between Synthroid (levothyroxine) and nortriptyline, but there is only minor interaction reported. However, a potentially life threatening condition called serotonin syndrome may occurred with nortriptyline, either taken alone or with MAOIs (or monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and/or other serotonergic drugs, such as triptans, tricyclic antidepressants, tramadol, and etc.
Avatar f tn About a week ago, I felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest so I went to the doctor and they did a cardio stress test and said all looked great except my heart rate was way too high and they wanted me to stop taking the synthroid for a month to slow my heartrate down. He told me meds would stay in my system for roughly 6 weeks. Since then I feel awful. I am exhausted and feel faint and week, but still feel my heart racing at times.
Avatar n tn I monitor it pretty regularly, although I do hate to have to go get checked. I am on 125 mg of synthroid, and I find I really do put on weight still pretty easily. See I am in the bodybuilding/figure world, and compete, so I have to get my weight and bodyfat pretty low. I am a testament that it is possible to do so. However, I do really have to work hard at it. I do have an of season though where my eeight is supposed to go up and i am supposed to put on muscle, but mine skyrockets.
1027416 tn?1252355428 Ranges are specific to your lab and have to come from your own lab report. High heart rate is not usually a symptom of hypo, and many of your other symptoms can "cross over" and be symptoms of both hyop and hyper. Does your doctor have someone covering for him who might order labs if yours aren't recent?