
Superfoods you should eat daily

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Avatar f tn I have a mostly healthy diet with a day or two in the month where I eat junk, like popcorn and apple pie with ice cream I recently started mixing Amazing Grass Superfoods and Wheat grass in my morning smoothies. My smoothies include a helping of berries: blue, black, and strawberries with banana and grape juice. Not sure if the superfoods have causes this grainy stool, but I am concerned since it lasts for a couple of days.
Avatar n tn There is only a handful of multivitamins on the market taht are any good at all.
Avatar m tn t know, but one thing you can do now is start eating superfoods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, organic, fresh when possible, unprocessed, and eat pumpkin seeds every day. They have been shown to fight prostate cancer.
15355684 tn?1440035790 hi...i must warned you...cerrtified...????i think you should not risk your body and health just on seeing that "certified" label...rely on natural resources....after all every product other than natural thing has side effects..that the company will not tell you ...
Avatar f tn Thank you and yes im taking it easy slow walks an hour a day. I eat all the pregnancy superfoods. And vitamins of course. Not craving junk.
Avatar f tn Once in a while it is ok to binge eat. You can make allowance for that while planning your daily calories. Reserve some calories daily into a calorie bank—which means you eat slightly fewer calories everyday than recommended according to your BMR and weight loss goal and then use up these calories while you binge eat. On the days you are prone to overeat—throw in a little more exercise to compensate. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar n tn Help, My Son is now 16 months and just refuses to eat most finger foods, he even is starting to not eat stage 3 which is what we give him now to get some nutrients in him. He will chew and mash it but refuses to swallow and spits it out. Most of the time as soon as he sees a fork or spoon before taking the first bite he's already throwing his arms up and screaming. This is every meal now. He appears to be hungry because he will point at it when he wants it but to no luck.
Avatar f tn Hello there, Multivitamins are ok be they usually are low on vitamins dosage which means you should buy them to get the essential minerals but you should also buy other important vitamins too.
1007532 tn?1332767926 Girl, eat whatever you can keep I'm a Seafood LOVER...You just have to watch how much of it you eat. It's the mercury they want us to avoid. With my first pregnancy, I just ate whatever I wanted (Mind U I gained 55lbs...) I was 23 and didn't know any Anyway, I know now that as long as you are eating as healthy as possible, you'll be fine. Tuna is one big no, no, I've heard to stay away from. But once in a great while I don't think would hurt.
2175366 tn?1337651654 Some people get good results with "superfoods" such as bee pollen, royal jelly, spirulina because they are so highly concentrated with nutrients. Adrenal aids such as eleuthero and rhodiola can be helpful as well.
1141699 tn?1261501160 Then if you have almost no exposure to sun and have no good source of vitamin D in your diet you should consider buying a vitamin D to help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin A, E, K are not to be considered and are found in sufficient amount in your diet and they don't have a strong impact like the vitamin C and vitamins B. One thing you should also consider to help with depression is a natural antidepressant called Rhodiola rosea ( Golden Root, Roseroot, Aaron's Rod ).
Avatar n tn If you would like to follow me I eat low carb I eat 30 carbs a day bc I had JD and my dad died at 53 from complication to diabetes so if I eat 30 or less carbs a day my A1C is 5.3 when I eat carbs it's about a 8 so that's my happy number.
Avatar n tn Why wait? If you gas gauge needle in your cars is on empty do you wait until you run out of gas before you hit the filling station? Please go see your Dr asap and get well.
445362 tn?1206965718 Here are some things I urge you to consider. If you rarely eat full rounded meals, or are not taking supplementation to replace what you may be losing in your daily life, then maybe it is time to start considering what foods and nutrients need to be added to your Daily Bread. I can pray for my Daily bread to be provided, but the original breads made years ago by early settlers and the kinds made in other countries where things are not so processed, are much more healthy that what we buy today.
1655866 tn?1320498966 Take your measurements before you start (and your body fat % if you can) and use them to compare; you should find you lose an awful lot of fat in a relatively short time. Best of luck, and if you do decide to use this feel free to message me with any questions! Soggymoggy.
1299272 tn?1312476830 I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight and I want to follow a proper diet. I hear that it's best not to eat after 7:00 pm if you're trying to lose weight. But I'm not sure if that's true. I'm looking for tips on foods I should'nt eat and and foods that I should eat. Does anyone have any helpful tips?
Avatar m tn My diet consists mainly of vegetables, healthy fats, meat and fruit and I have cut out dairy, processed grains, sugar (mostly-still treat myself every once and a while) and have started taking probiotics, daily vitamins, drinking more tea & water and am utilizing superfoods as well (acai, camu, ultra cleanse, cacao, etc). I use natural facial products and gentle soaps (cetaphil) and try to do a mask every once and a while.
7406493 tn?1453999212 I eat all day long if I am not sleep. Honestly it is ok for you to eat another sandwich. Dont starve yourself eat all you can.
8793709 tn?1409594060 but I have been so nauseous and it temporarily helped. Try doing something while you are eating. If you are sitting watching TV you will eat way more than if you are moving around like snacking while cleaning....