Strattera and adderall

Common Questions and Answers about Strattera and adderall


Avatar m tn I've been prescribed adderall for the past 4 years, I currently take 75mg per day. A couple months ago my Dr. started me on strattera in conjunction with my adderall. I have not noticed any improvement in my ability to concentrate or remain organized since starting the strattera, however my anxiety is gone and I am finally happy. A couple weeks ago my Dr. left and I was given a "temp" to take her place.
Avatar f tn I have a real sensitive stomach and immune system, and am allergic to a lot so I would think that you can handle most of these. The best working were the Daytrana, Adderall XR, and Vyvanse, and the Adderall you are taking may be different than what I take(XR) The other Adderall hurt my stomach and made me sick if I didn't eat, but I have no problem with the XR.
990354 tn?1307132886 I have been on both strattera and adderall. Adderall is very addicting to this (me) addict. The strattera didnt give the buzz adderall did. ALSO many people have reported adderall increased depression. I hope this helps. Congrats on getting off the opiates. YOUR AWESOME !!
Avatar f tn t had a chance to read all the responses but we too had issues with adderall, cocerta and strattera. They all increased his ticks tremendously. We switched over to vyvanse and that seemed so much better for the ADHD and the tics were still there but not nearly as bad. He also has been diagnosed with ODD and so at the Tourette's clinic they prescribed him a low dose of risperidone. This not only helped with the oppositional behavior, the tics were barley there.
Avatar m tn I am suffering so bad with concentration and focus its affecting my work BAD... Is it safe to take lexapro and strattera? and is it safe to take lexapro and ginko biloba untill i get insurance to get strattera ...God i feel like a mess. Cant read a sentence without forgetting what i just read. My mind is racing constantly. any info would help...
Avatar n tn The first thing my Doctor said to me was that Strattera was known to cause heightened aggression and mood swings. He also said that due to the fact that I am super-sensitive to any medication it could make it much worse. Is this possible? I didn't even realize that my behavior hadn't gotten that bad.
Avatar m tn m unable to take Provigil which is a new-ish med for Narcolepsy. My doctors then prescribed Adderall XR, slowly and carefully titrating to a safe level (pretty low dose actually) along with a single 5mg tablet to take as needed (for those after work activities on occasion like parent teacher conferences, those type of activities. Fortunately, I did not SUFFER any effects like the Ritalin, I just have the body makeup that I cannot take it.
889551 tn?1416184483 Hi! I was diagnosed with ADD recently and I'm waiting to get back in to see my psychiatrist. My last office visit we spoke about the possible medications I could choose from if I completed ADD testing with another Psych. He mentioned Strattera (but he said he didn't feel that it worked), Adderall, and Ritalin. I'm currently on abilify and wellbutrin for depression and these meds, along with adderall and ritalin lower the seizure threshold.
673186 tn?1225983925 I personally tried severalk times my first two years if college and I never had taken more than 30 ngs and that seemed like a very high dose and i gotwith very jittery and a huge efffect. A few months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD and instead of Adderall I tried Strattera knowing my addictive personality and past with drug abuse.
428176 tn?1205555587 Serequel really helped me. I have ADHD too so after 4 months on Serequel, they put me on Strattera first. I still seemed spaced out. Then I begged for Adderall after taking 3 30mg for 3 days my girlfriend got for me as a test. The Adderall has made me a different person. I use to be called ADD boy by my friends parents. LOL The only thing I have to watch is my blood pressure. I'm 42 and the adderall has the reverse affect as that of a normal person. It calms and focuses me.
Avatar f tn I currently take Levothyroxine 88mcg(μg) in the morning and 2 doses of Adderall (instant release, not XR) 20mg - one in the morning before classes and the second one whenever I need it depending on my classes that day or things I need to work on. I also later added Celexa 20mg which helped a lot with the anxiety and mood swings - especially from the "crash" of the Adderall. But with ADD meds, no one can tell you what will work best for you, or what dosage, before you try it.
Avatar m tn My son has ADD, not hyperactive, and was prescribed Adderall after Strattera quit working. The label says it can cause dependency after just as few weeks. How can this be a good drug if he needs to be on it long term? The dose is only 10mg and he is 16 but his dad has an addictive personality (recovering alcoholic) and it scares me. I have only gathered up my courage to give him 1 dose. I know about drug holidays and that is fine but if he doesn't abuse it, can he still get addicted? Thanks.
Avatar n tn 15 yr old daughter was diag with adhd 2nd grade - although was family "joke" adhd long before. 1st on adderall with explosive behavior - had to try before could take straterra, insurance. Strattera was fine for sev yrs - although only limited imp - just enough to tolerate her. Problems with social interaction and her mouth - she's constantly argumentative and I believe ODD. After menstruation began, strattera appeared worthless.
Avatar m tn ask your Dr. about Strattera. It is prescribed for Attention Deficit disorder, but is not a stimulant. It is non-addictive and not a controlled substance. It also has some of the same properties as SSNRI's. Since it affects neurotransmitters it is a very useful drug.
Avatar n tn I've been on strattera for two weeks and the only strong side effect I seem to have is that I get really tired or fatigued around 2:00pm. Will this side effect subside over time? Is there anyway to lessen it? I've tried other ADD medications however because they are stimulants I tend to get really agitated or even a little paranoid when I'm on them so I am hoping that Strattera works out ok. Are there any other non-stimulant ADD medications?
Avatar m tn Then, about 2 ½ years ago I had a near-psychotic meltdown, mostly about the devil and evil spirits, and was diagnosed with OCD and prescribed Anafranil and Zyprexa, which helped with the irrational thinking and obsessive thoughts a little. Between now and then, I have been diagnosed with OCD, Social anxiety disorder, GAD, major depressive disorder, ADHD, and most recently, aspergers/high functioning autism.
Avatar m tn * Stimulant medications, such as dextroamphetamine-based drugs (Adderall, Vyvanese) and methylphenidate-based drugs (Concerta, Daytrana, Ritalin). They are also available as generics. * Nonstimulant medication, such as the antidepressant bupropion (Wellbutrin and generic) or atomoxetine (Strattera), which is not available as a generic.
Avatar m tn I am not a doctor but first you should stop the marijuana usage. adderall and concerta can cause side effects, and if you go to stop them you need to ask your doctor how you should stop taken them,because if you stop taken them the wrong way you can cause more health problems to your self. a lot of people on the street take these drugs because they are like speed to them and give them as rush.
Avatar f tn i feel like i am being treated like a liability to these doctors and not getting proper treatment as i have told them the vyvanse worked! i have never abused anything other than opiates and have taken adderall and vyvanse plenty of times in the past on certain occasions when i had important deadlines. never abused them, never got a high, just was able to slow my brain down and pay attention to things. so with all that said, i don’t know what to do at this point.
Avatar f tn AADD what medication can you take if you had heart surgery when you were 5 yrs. old and now your 20 yrs. old - diagnosed late in life while in college. Adderall???? bad on heart??? could be habit forming.... Strattera ??? I'm a mom that needs some help with son.
Avatar f tn i dont want to stop the meds if they are going to help him. he tired adderall and strattera with the same side affect. can anyone recommend something that will work without him getting sleepy.
Avatar m tn t expect the same feelings you got with the Adderall. Everybody is different and its all kind of a trial and error to find what works the best for you. Keep in touch and let us know how things are working out. I still think you should send your doc that article just to see what he thinks. The author, Dr. Charles Parker, is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist with an expertise in this field.
Avatar f tn I recently had to switch my add meds from adderall xr to vyvanse and I am on day 2 and I feel like I havnt taken anything. I am extremely tired, have anxiety with everything going on around me at once, and I cant concentrate at all, I walked around my kitchen for 15 minutes not knowing why i wass but knew there was a reason then finally got my car keys that i was needing to get in the first place. Is this normal?
Avatar f tn The most frequent combination is a psychostimulant to treat the ADHD and an antihypertenisive (like Clonidine or Tenex) to addres the oppositional behavior. One thing you might consider is employing Strattera ( a non-stimulant) to treat the ADHD and to divide the Clonidine dose over the day to address the oppositionality. In other words, ask the doctor about giving some at night (he might not actually require .
Avatar f tn d goes into adulthood, belive me it does! I have it extreamly badly, and after a disastor with Rittaline im now on Strattera (atomoxetine, which is not yet licenced in u.k.) is there any other adults out there that have been, like me, misdiagnosed for years because . .. when I was a child a.d.h.d hadent been recognised. Then when I was older it was only recognised in kids, and not in adults?
Avatar n tn Is it safe to take Adderal XR and Strattera at the same time? I only have a two week supply of Strattera remaining and I'm very much dreading going back to my old self. If it is safe to combine both medications, what should I say to my doctor?
Avatar m tn Not fully true, i failed this morning for amphetamines after starting strattera a week ago and having clean drug tests before today.. After doing some digging i found theses http://www.ehealthme.