
Stomach pain from heart

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain from heart


Avatar f tn I have been having upper middle stomach pain right below breast and top of rib cage. The pain is like a dull burning sensation that comes and goes. May last 15 minutes to an hour. My mid back also has a dull ache at the same time. Usually laying flat on my stomach tends to relieve the pain some. It does occur after eating sometime but not with any particular food. It could be cereal or steak it does not seem to matter. I do not have any nausea or fever.
Avatar f tn o I've been dealing with the worst stomach pain, I wasn't able to eat, sleep, or even do anything. I went to the doctors and they put me on medication for ulcers. They sent me to another doctor to give me a ultra sound but ended up not taking the tests because I said I was feeling better with the medication I'm on already so they saw no point because I'm already on medications for ulcers so the test really wouldn't have done anything but just tell us what they know already.
Avatar f tn Hi Ireneo yep its me from the heart forum thought that was you. Well with the ultra sound they checked my pancreas I was pretty worried about that as well my ex sister in law had panreatic cancer so i was worried about that. I do have chostochrondritis have been diagnosed with that. But this pain is usually below the v part of the ribs. I do have a prescription for prilisac or previcid side effects can cause irregular heart beat so i dont take it.
Avatar f tn Im 22 weeks 5 days and was curious if anyone else has suffered from horrible heartburn and bad stomach pain. My stomach pain is like gas pain or something. It has lasted all day. I was up most the night from the pain.
Avatar n tn Possibly something about the muscle movement involved (for you) is causing muscle or heart pain? You could test this by giving him an out-of-the-body experience (so to speak) with your hand, and then tucking some of the semen into your vagina, and then wait and see if the same chest and stomach pain happens. If it does not, you could then try to mimic some of the body movements you do during sex, and see if *that* gives you muscle pain.
Avatar f tn Hi AZVic, I, too, am from AZ not to terribly far from you, Anthem. I want to Welcome you to the Pain Management Forum and tell you how glad we are that you have found this Forum. You need to understand that there are NO Doctors on this Forum ONLY CP (Chronic Pain) Patients that help each other with our expertise and knowledge that we have accumulated over time from our own battles with our Pain. I'm so TERRIBLY sorry for what your Daughter is going thru.
2008858 tn?1343844041 I'm 25 +5 pregnant and have been having stomach pain, spesh if I sleep on my back. But also when I turn over. Does any one else have this. I also find it uncomfortable to breath when in on my back.
2141290 tn?1349033141 he checked my cervix, looked at the u/s from last night, listened to the heart beat and said everything is perfect he said i have irritable bowel syndrome.. told me to take Imodium and to take one for the team lol he said im having a really healthy pregnancy so next appointments not until next month &; then we find out if its a boy or girl then!!!
Avatar f tn I don't know if my case was normal or not, either, but July 2013 my former doctor started me on 60 Armour because she said it was the equivalent of the 100 Synthroid I'd been on previously for 22 years. Unfortunately, 60 Armour was much too low of a dose for me and my hypo symptoms worsened, so my medication was increased to 90 a month later, and then to 120 and just recently to 180 which is an increase that makes me nervous.
4333769 tn?1360537961 When you awoke, did you have any sudden onset of dizzyness accompanied with chest pain? Were you anxious at all, or stressed out? Sometimes when some people get air trapped in their stomach, it can cause palpitations sometimes because the air in your stomach can press on your vagus nerve. Other than that, the fact that you had a fast heart beat for five minutes could be because you were nervous when you woke up to a fast heartbeat. Have you had any reaction to the ibuprofen?
Avatar f tn I had an ultrasound done 6 weeks and saw a strong heart beat . But I still get nervous every little pain I get . What should I be concerned with and are my chance of miscarriage dropped because I saw a strong heart beat . Please help !!! I love having these groups .
Avatar n tn I have over the six years i have suffered stomach pain but recently it has become worse. it is in my chest and between my shoulder blades; it radiates up into my knock and Jaw. I went to A & E at the weekend as the pain was so bad, they checked out my heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas; they all came back clear.
4385446 tn?1353798268 I cant help but think i have somethink wrong with my heart the pain is just to much,can anyone help or do you have what i do???please let me know.
Avatar n tn My family doc says she thinks I have anxiety from my stomach pain. Well that was months ago and my gi doc said he wants me to have my fast heart beat checked out. I am confused to how do you know the difference between anxiety or something else going on? Is it my heart? Does this sound like I need it checked out or just sound like anxiety? I feel like I don't want to waist money or time when It is anxiety and nothing medically is wrong. Is there anyway to tell without the heart test?
1701959 tn?1488551541 The severe pains lasted for a couple of days but it took months for this discomfort and lump feeling in my stomach. Soon after the pain went away I started to get numbness down my arms and legs. It took 8 months of going back and forth to the doctor to finally get a referral to a physical therapist who immediately diagnosed the spinal misalignment. Once I went through the therapy and got my back straightened out the numbness went away.
1179553 tn?1263931134 I had a gastric bypass about 6 years ago, for the last 2 or 3 years i have been suffering from severe abdominal pain, no one was able to tell me what the pain was, finally yesterday a gastroenterolgist came up with a prognostic, twisted stomach! what is that? I have never heard of a human having such a condition, someone told me horses die from such things, so what can i expect? Can someone, anyone please tell me what is a twisted stomach and how do i get rid of it?
Avatar n tn For the past few months I have been having chest pain on and off I have started taking daily Bayer asprin and every once in a while I'll have a pain in my arm or leg but it dosen't last long. Tonight I woke up with stomach ache and mild diarrhea what could this mean?
Avatar f tn So I've been dealing with the worst stomach pain, I wasn't able to eat, sleep, or even do anything. I went to the doctors and they put me on medication for ulcers. They sent me to another doctor to give me a ultra sound but ended up not taking the tests because I said I was feeling better with the medication I'm on already so they saw no point because I'm already on medications for ulcers so the test really wouldn't have done anything but just tell us what they know already.
Avatar f tn gallstones can cause the issues you speak of even the heart palpitations. What makes the heart race when you have stomach issues is that the heart and stomach are on the same artery. So, a lot of times people who have heart problems cant eat much because of the issues it causes and people with gastritis, acid refluc, etc get sick and nauseous have a racing heart. Yes, it's weird but it's true.
Avatar m tn So I get acid reflux, along with dull pain in stomach that intensify s and radiates up into my esophagus, with heart burn, throat pain, and into back, chest, and even right shoulder and arm, and when the pain is intensifying more, then my head hurts above my eyebrows. I have tried telling doctors, and they've done a few blood test, and all they do is give me all forms of Stomach meds that are crap to me!!.
Avatar f tn t know what medication should I take, something for stomach or pain killer for chest pain? How About you? What do you do for you chest pain? Are you under any medication, does it help? How long have you suffer from anxiety??
Avatar m tn Do you have these exact symptoms often? The radiating pain to your jaw and shoulder? How long do the pains last? I know with my pvcs my chest can hurt for a bit but it doesn't last hours and is generally mild as opposed to the crushing pain of a heart attack. Do you try to do deep breathing to calm and slow your breath down when you start to feel panic? Does it help? I would say to please go and get checked out if these are new or worsening pain.
Avatar f tn I also have had severe bouts of abdominal pain over the last year. Only on the left side and pretty much directly across from my belly button. I am scared to death. I have had two miscarriages and now I am being told after a year of hearing my heart is fine that they think there might be something wrong. Idk. I am at a loss. Did anyone else have any pain like this and then delivered okay?
Avatar f tn I have been given numerous reasons from stomach pain to muscle pain to nerve pain. I have been told anything definitive by a doctor or anything, though. If you have pains in your chest and left side you should go to the ER and get checked out or see a doctor as that is one of the symptoms of heart trouble.
665587 tn?1265946924 I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this or not, but here goes. My husband is laying in bed with severe stomach pain and refuses to go to ER...he says "it's the stomach flu...eveyone has it" My concern is this...he had this for 1 day in November, another on Christmas day that lasted 30 hours, and again woke him up at about 1 am and been hurting since. Now he says it's getting better. The only other symptoms are nasea, no diarrahea, no fever..
Avatar m tn I have post nasal drip, so im sure that that is building in my stomach and causing my stomach to be upset. Does a heart palpitation and stomach palpitaiton feel somehwat the same? When my stomach feels upset/gas it seems to be when i have these "flutters". I tried to take my pulse when they happen to see, but i cant feel these palpitations in my pulse. Would this be a stomach palpitation, or just related to the gas? its on the left, right by my rib on the low side.
Avatar f tn Heartburn is basically acid reflux. Its when stomach acids come back up from your stomach and burn yout asophagus giving yiu pain in the centre of your chest. That's all it is, there is no definitive proof it has anything to do with the baby.