
Speech therapy oral motor exercises

Common Questions and Answers about Speech therapy oral motor exercises


Avatar f tn I'd get her evaluated. Sometimes delayed speech suddenly just "clicks," but starting early is a good idea if you do need to get her into speech therapy or other assistance. My nephew went through this and did go in with a speech specialist weekly for a while, and it really helped.
Avatar f tn Is your son receiving speech therapy? I think that is the most important thing for him to improve his language. If he is already getting speech therapy, maybe he needs it more often.
Avatar f tn Just curious as she may have some motor planning issues. My son has motor planning issues and it involved speech as well as other things. Speech has three parts to it------ receptive (does she understand what others say to her), expressive (can she formulate responses) and articulation (actually saying the words clearly, making proper sounds). To speak it takes great coordination of many things including executive function/motor planning.
Avatar n tn Does she likes lining stuff.... She plays with other kids... My baby girl love playing pretend.... Her brother has speech delay and his in autistic class he gets speech and ot occupational therapy ....he still doesn't express him self very well but his doing might take a while for your girl to start talking...I put my son in preschool when he was 4 1/2...he didn't say much and he would get really frustrated..... Now his 6 years and his doin much better...
Avatar m tn If he shows that he is delayed by a speech patholigist, they begin speech therapy. This includes much more than just speaking but eating, oral muscle stregnth, etc. And . . . drum roll, it is free! By law, early intervention is provided for kids who qualify. So in your city, there is an agency that handles this and your pediatrician or local children's hospital can hook you up with this. I'd do it.
Avatar f tn It involves many things and kids that have trouble with it show early to have speech issues and tripping frequently. Speech can be affected by motor planning in that it first the brain has to organize what is being said to him and make sense of it, then the brain has to organize what the response should be and then the brain has to send the signals to the oral motor muscles to articulate the sounds. All three parts are motor planning issues. Organization of thought is a big one.
Avatar n tn Hm. Well, a speech delay can be very frustrating for sure. It can interfere with all kinds of things in a child's life from peer interaction to how a child expresses emotions to self esteem. Good for the parents for recognizing that getting help with speech is important and having her in speech classes. I'd practice all the things she does in speech therapy at home as well.
Avatar n tn Two useful interventions will be (a) evaluation by Speech/Language pathologist to investigate oral motor structure and function, and (b) Occupational Therapy Evaluation to investigate the possibility of any Sensory Integration problem.
Avatar m tn (every city has this under federal grant----- they evaluate kids birth to 3 for any issues they may have and then provide services such as speech therapy to help overcome them). Most likely your son will start speaking any day.
667445 tn?1230750538 A child between the ages of 18 months and 3 years will generally mispronounce many words. There are many speech therapy exercises or activities kids which help to improve their communication such as Flashcards, Mirror Exercises, Frog Hop, Guess Who? And many more. If the problem is not pronunciation but rather that your child isn’t talking or is talking very little, you should act a little more quickly.
Avatar f tn Hi. It is hard to say if it is more than a global delay. I am so happy that you are looking into ways of helping her. Here in the states, we have a specialty called occupational therapist that really help kids with their challenges. My son has a developmental delay called sensory integration disorder. One area of sensory integration disorder that can cause late walking, speech issues, etc. is in the area of "motor planning".
Avatar f tn s pediatrician about this. Some kids have difficulty with their oral motor muscles and spit and saliva/drool happens. My son has had this issue due to motor planning in the toddler years. We did exercises to strengthen his mouth muscles. Does he have any speech issues? Trouble chewing anything like meat? Trouble with fine motor things like hand writing??
676912 tn?1332812551 He doesn't have speech therapy. He's five years old. He speaks clearly, and has a huge vocabulary, normal for his age. I'm not 100% sure about all of it, but I know it has more to do with his brain and comprehension.
Avatar f tn They evaluate your child and look where they may need some help such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy (often employed for feeding issues of infants) and begin to set up appts. Some are in your home and some you go to their office but it is offered to every citizen to help their children. So, this is a good option for you if you are in the US. If not, do see a developmental pediatrician. Your child could have some motor planning issues or dyspraxia.
Avatar m tn The longer you wait the harder it will be for him to get control of his eating problem. Speech therapy to deal with his oral motor problems will make all the difference. Good luck.
Avatar f tn Now left him with the problem of right side limb movement. His speech is also affected and is slowly picking up. Now is under rehab exercise. Any one has any idea how the chance is to regain the mobility of his right limb ?
Avatar m tn Problem: - Can't speak loud/ Can never scream - Vocal cord completely gets tired even on speaking normally for just 30 minutes - Have to speak slow in order to pronounce words correctly - Problem worsening because now when the vocal cord feels uneasy I can't pronounce words with difficult phonemes clearly - Due to this problem I'm having to loose my friends and I'm not being able to do my job properly as I'm a consultant who has to speak for at least 4 hrs a day History: -
Avatar f tn He could have motor planning issues which are part of the sensory system. My son has motor planning issues. Motor planning is how the brain and nervous system organizes itself and communicates to muscles needed to accomplish something. This goes from everything to walking to chewing to speaking. And . . .it is further involved in speech because it is how the brain organizes thought.
Avatar f tn To understand a question and respond---------- a child must be able to organize what is said to them and then organize a response and then send the message to the oral muscles to articulate it. That is the three parts of speech that all must be there for effective communication. Receptive speech, expressive speech and articulation. Even a slight problem will cause a child to be slow at responding or not respond at all. My son has issues with motor planning. His hearing is perfect~!
Avatar f tn Well, my 2 1/2 year old son, has developmental delay. He has been tested, but he has not been diagnosed with autism or adhd or anything.His pediatrician has stated he does not have autism, because, she has done the tests she needed to rule that out. So, now he's going through speech therapy and cognitive therapy. I feel he is just as smart as any other child his age, however, he cries and whines constantly, if he's not watching T.V. He moves his and fingers strangely.
1667595 tn?1303333906 my 4 year also had a speech delay after speaking to her pediatrician she was put into a pediatric speech therapy session twice a week for 30 mins a day it has helped her so much she has completed her therapy and is now speaking in full sentences that we can actually understand speak to your pediatrician there is alot of local county hospitals that offers this pediatric therepy and they are wonderful with kids thats all they deal with is kids with problems in speech i hope this helps you
Avatar f tn Hi, my son is almost 3.5 yo. He was diagnosed with speech delay 6 moths ago, so far he finished 6 weeks Intervention program and 6 weeks of speech therapy. He's doing great, now he has around 100 words and likes to sing songs. He has troubles expressing his emotions and wishes, and does not play with kids in preschool. He's great with fine and gross motor skills, really good climber, knows all letters, counting till 100, likes to write numbers and letters, has good eye contact.