
Sleep apnea heart attack

Common Questions and Answers about Sleep apnea heart attack


1615999 tn?1307461942 s sleep was much like you describe, but it was back before sleep apnea was even on the radar. Sometimes longstanding sleep apnea can cause changes to the heart that might be evident on autopsy, but is not always the case. Sleep apnea does increase risk of a cardiac event or a stroke when the oxygen levels drop in the blood due to lack of air intake for which the heart tries to compensate. Big stress on the body.
Avatar m tn This has happened a few times during the day too. Is this sleep apnea or an anxiety attack, and how do you rule out one over another? Prelim. results of a 30 day event monitor show no arrythmias beyond normal PVCs.
Avatar m tn t have to be overweight or be male to have significant sleep apnea. Young, thin women can have severe sleep apnea. Ultimately, it's an anatomic issue, and weight gain comes in much later. She should undergo a sleep study.
Avatar m tn Did you mean that he stops breathing 40 times every hour? If he has obstructive sleep apnea, and stops breathing 40 times every hour, it's in the moderate to severe range. Untreated, it can aggravate or lead to a variety of medical conditions such as high blood pressure, depression, obesity, heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Unfortunately, this condition is a structural problem and needs to be dealt with in a physical manner.
Avatar f tn It sound like his brother had a major complication of sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can cause heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. In most states, documenting that you are being properly treated for obstructive sleep apnea should be enough to prevent you from losing your license. Check with your sleep doctor regarding the specific details, since laws vary by state.
Avatar f tn If this always happens as you are going to sleep and/or wakes you up from sleep, my first thought would be sleep apnea. Before I was diagnosed and began using a CPAP, I had become very afraid to sleep, and avoided it till I collapsed in exhaustion. Much of what you describe is what I experienced. Since I got my CPAP working well for me I have not had one episode of the sense of choking or difficulty breathing.
Avatar m tn Mom2four85—thanks so much for your response! Sleep apnea sounds right -- though I think it's being caused by my heart condition, so i don't know whether or not it's sleep apnea per se, since i don't know if sleep apnea is caused by arrythmia or not. Regardless, it's worth looking into, and I'll *definitely* try your breathing technique and try to sleep on my side (I tend to sleep on my stomach). Probably should get back to bed now.... :).
Avatar m tn He sugested that it might be acid reflux gave me some meds and had me do a sleep study and found ou that i had sleep apnea he gave me a cpac machine and told me i would have to wear it for life. Has there been anyone who had sleep apnea and been able to get rid of it ?
Avatar n tn I'm not sure about the seeing things, but your heart rate being up could be linked to why you feel scared. And it could possibly be sleep apnea. Waking up frequently may also be a sign of sleep apnea, though one does not have to do this in order to have it. A reason you may be waking up could be because your brain is realizing that you are not getting enough oxygen, and this causes you to wake up. Your heart rate being up could also be due to lack of oxygen.
1580703 tn?1651904887 Not to detract from meds but three reasons I would suggest additional water may help. My son has asthma and tells me it is helped greatly by the intake of extra water. Secondly, I have sleep apnea and tongue swelling which can be caused by dehydration and has been helped by drinking appropriate amounts of water for my weight.
422425 tn?1307992990 If he has sleep apnea, then treating it will take care of the snoring. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. As Curtis 1960 recommends, dental devices are available over the counter (or over the internet - two products that come to mind are puresleep and somnoguard). Dentists can make better fitting and adjustable models that work better.
11109734 tn?1415374795 The first thing that would come to mind is either Obstructive Sleep Apnea or possibly Central Apnea. I've been through the former and had symptoms very similar to what you're describing.
Avatar m tn Hello If your blood pressure is remaining high like that, it is dangerous and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. It is very possible to be in excellent health and have a blood pressure problem. Things that can contribute are hormones, sleep apnea, smoking, alcohol, salt intake, weight issues, lack of exercise, some medications etc.
Avatar n tn I really puts a lot of work on your heart. Sleep apnea can cause hypertension which then can cause enlargement of the heart and then heart failure. Your oxygen levels drop when you stop breathing. I forget the number, but a high percentage of patients with heart failure have sleep disordered breathing. If you have sleep apnea and have been physician-ordered to use CPAP, then you really need to do so.
2174403 tn?1337429182 CPAP will save you from possible stroke and/or heat failure later on in life., Stay on it! the more you use itm and easier it will be for you.
Avatar m tn And my sleep apnea was mild to moderate. Sleep apnea has also been associated with heart problems in various research studies. So, get a reliable doctor who will make the necessary referrals.
Avatar f tn ve read that a large percentage of chiari patients suffer with sleep apnea and was wondering if this is what is happening to me? Should I go to the hospital?
Avatar f tn There is a correlation to degrees of sleep apnea and heart problems. I recently went through sleep testing (positive for severe sleep apnea with low oxygen) and I really had no typical signs of sleep issues except for awakening at night with increased heart rate.The study was able to confirm the low oxygen at the time of the increased heart rate. Joan.
Avatar f tn s experiencing Central Apneas? This is different that Obstructive Sleep Apnea which I happen to have. With Central Sleep Apnea, the brain's respiratory control centers are imbalanced during sleep. CO2 levels in the blood, and the neurological feedback mechanism that monitors them, do not react quickly enough to maintain an even respiratory rate. There is no effort made to breathe during the pause in breathing: there are no chest movements and no struggling.
Avatar m tn it sounds crazy but it feels like some one jabs my heart, sometimes it feels like my brain is shaking i can see a little but cant totally come out of my sleep. ive been to the ER thinking i had a heart attack the told it was anxiety. i think it is more than that. i have done some drugs in the past but never been an addict diet pills, cocaine, extacy. none to recently.
Avatar f tn I know because I have mild sleep apnea and would occasionally wake up out of a sound sleep because I had stopped breathing. Sleep apnea is nothing to mess with, but is also easily treated. I highly encourage you to have a sleep study done to help you get to the bottom of what's going on. In the meantime, try not to sleep on your back. I wish you all the best!
Avatar f tn I have sleep apnea and after using CPAP I still have exhaustion, daytime falling asleep, heart racing. Is the heart racing and feeling of restlessness, due to sleep apnea or something else? I also have high blood pressure, and blood in my stool, GERD, gastritis, asthma. Does it take a long time for CPAP to start working? I was taking some sleeping pills and melatonin. Should I use a full face mask or standard nose mask with CPAP? Thanks very much!
Avatar f tn An EF of 65% should give you a lot of confidence that your heart is pretty healthy. It sounds to me that you are worried about your pulmonary artery function, something that is best diagnosed with an Echocardiogram. An ECG is a great test to determine a heart attack, but not a diagnostic tool. Smoking, being overweight, taking drugs, diabetes and certainly sleep apnea can all cause problems with the pulmonary artery. I'd reduce risk factors. Keep us informed.
1838627 tn?1318468631 oh my god, now i am even more afraid ! do you think that i have apnea ??? i am so afraid of apnea! coz i heard if u have it , u get heart problems and bad things in the future !! :( god i hope not !
Avatar m tn hi drs/ experienced people i was just wondering if there is connection between sleep apnea and nocturnal panic attacks, i have been having these episodes that 30 mins to 1 hr after i sleep i wake up in panic with my heart racing, i have the cpap and have been trying really hard to use it. i just figured out how to use the EPR feat on mine hoping it would be a good help. i am very scared that these atacks will make my heart worse.
1571776 tn?1296348020 org/posts/Chiari-Malformation/Just-a-quick----/show/1446889 It is possible u r dealing with a sleep apnea issue...then again it could be that u r gaging on post nasal drip going down ur it can get think...(sorry).... But this is something u do need to discuss with ur dr as sleep apnea is a chiari issue that is often overlooked.
Avatar f tn If you have sleep apnea, alcohol can make it worse. When one stops breathing due to apnea and the lungs are not taking in oxygen, the heart tries to compensate and pumps harder. If the event lasts long, the body ends up in extreme stress with an adrenaline response, which can be mistaken for a panic attack or anxiety. It may be that the alcohol has brought to your attention a medical condition you might otherwise not have been aware of till it had done some damage.