
Second hand smoke deaths per year

Common Questions and Answers about Second hand smoke deaths per year


Avatar f tn No. You can't get high from second hand weed smoke unless someone literally sits there and continuously blows smoke right in your face for countless hours....
2006603 tn?1331329327 There are many risks with second hand smoke exposure even for ppl who are not pregnant. Second hand smoke can cause under developed lungs, increase the chance of sids, low birth weight, baby can develop asthma and a bunch of other things too. Its good your fiance doesn't smoke in the house or around you but he should get into the habbit of not smoking in the car either. The nicotine can settle into the fabrics which is the same as smoking a cigarette while being in the room with the baby.
Avatar f tn Look if you're that worried about your baby then seriously just stop going over there. Think about it if you will. You either be alone or go to your grandma's where you will inhale second hand smoke which is way worse than smoking itself. It's terrible that your gma is like that but if she is indeed like that then just stop going over there. She obviously doesn't care to stop so just stay home and try to stay occupied. Your babies health is of the utmost importance.
Avatar f tn he want smoke around me. So just look up the facts on second hand smoking then present your facts to your family & let them know your concerns regarding your unborn child.
Avatar n tn t tell they were until this lady literally exhaled the smoke almost in my face as she walked by and I definitely inhaled some second hand smoke -- it was that strong. I literally had to get off the phone and ask them were they serious. I just got a new job and will be expected to take a drug test next week. I normally wouldn't think much of that episode, but am somewhat concerned because I definitely inhaled some of the second hand smoke as they walked by.
Avatar m tn 8,000 per year, 666 per month, 153 per week, 21 per day, 0 per hour, 0 per minute, 0 per second.
1117137 tn?1345227905 i hear you on the second hand smoke, and i used to be a smoker too, i quit the day i found out i was pregnant - and it wasn't hard cuz i had noticed a week before we found out they weren't doing anything for me- and actually making me turn "green" But my husband still smokes... and i can't stand it!!
Avatar m tn Smoking is number one reason for getting it.. Second hand smoke #2. But their are people who have never smoked that also get it. According to what type it is, doctors can do surgery and then have chemo and radiation treatments. What Stage is it? That also makes a huge difference in treatment options.
184674 tn?1360860493 Alcohol use accounts for 3.5 percent of all U.S. cancer deaths, or between 18,000 and 21,000 deaths a year. Lost years: About 18 years of potential life are lost per cancer death. That means a person who died at age 60 from alcohol-related cancer would have otherwise probably lived to 78. Number of drinks: The majority of alcohol-related cancer deaths occurred among those who drank more than three alcoholic beverages a day, but about 30 percent occurred in those who drank less than 1.
393685 tn?1425812522 Ok .. second hand smoke .. both my parents smoked the first 5yrs of my life until my mom got double pneumonia and almost died .. this was late 60's ... she stopped cold turkey in the oxygen tent and my Dad stopped then, too .... that was a good 35 yrs ago .. but who knows what that smoke did to us kiddies back then?
Avatar f tn its jus smoking & second hand smoke you jus gotta worry about. more of second hand smoke tho.
1580703 tn?1651904887 I too have developed asthma at 57 years of age, or maybe earlier and didn't know it. I too like you thought it may have been from second hand smoke, but I don't think you can get this from second hand smoke after researching the subject. COPD on the other hand is associated with smoking. My condition on the other hand may be due to a hiatal hernia or either allergens, which I plan on getting checked out soon.
Avatar m tn Willy, I was wondering how many people died from the flu, the flu of any kind, per year. Thanks for letting me not look it up. I figured the numbers would be high. The swine flue has not touched those numbers which is what I figured.........Although the year is not yet halfway over. Frank, I watch like a hawk for the hand washing & glove changing and won't hesitate to point it out. The mask...........
Avatar f tn Now that a lot more is known about second-hand smoke, I'm really curious if when I got married to a smoker if that didn't bring on my allergies. Within 1.5 years of being married and living with a smoker, I all of sudden developed severe allergies where I was waking up every 30 minutes because my nose was completely closed up. I became allergic to the world, there's no place I can move to alleviate it.
Avatar n tn Ive tried explaining to him that second hand smoke can be just as harmful but he doesnt wanna believe me. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it in his head that its important that he stops? Has anyone been thru a similar situation? How bad is second hand pot smoke?
Avatar f tn My partner still smokes and I get his second hand smoke I tell him not to but he says its hard lol I'm early on in pregnancy like 14 weeks and find it kinda disrespectful at times so I can totally understand where you are coming from hun
Avatar f tn s kinda frustrating actually because not all states use the same format for their data. Some count deaths per 100,000, some per 1000, and some per million. As far as the auto deaths vs drug deaths go, that may well be for the one particular state, but it don't hold true nationally.
1801781 tn?1461629469 So,to make it to #1 is pretty bad depending on how they figured this out. No one said if the number was per capita or how the data was obtained but there are only 2 million people in the entire state. I sure don't believe anyone can get a very accurate figure on abuse unless I was the only one lying all the time!
Avatar f tn Like i dont want this to effect my baby. Aint second hand smoke suppose to be worse?? Idk it gets me so mad. How could this effect my baby is the question? Am i over reacting. anybody else have the same problem? Iv been trying so hard to make sure my baby is going to be healthy & then people be smoking around me & i have no say once so ever . Its not like i can get out the car & be like imma walk from here. Im sorry im just mad right now.
Avatar f tn t make her do nothing while living under her roof, I mean she could atleast be considerate knowing you can get second hand smoke and may cause problems for your baby. I suggest you find your own place that's on your budget or get a hotel.
Avatar f tn Second hand smoke is ALWAYS worse then doinq it yoursef. If youre around it a lot I would say yes there's a chance. I personally can't stand the smell of it and always leave the place or say somethinq if some1 is smokinq but like u said u can't prevent it .