
Safety of percocet in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Safety of percocet in pregnancy


Avatar n tn Here's a link for Percocet & pregnancy - Percocet is category 'c' - little or known studies have been conducted for safety for pregnant women. The best thing to do is ask your dr about it - he's the best person to advise you because he knows your situation - I wish you good luck!
Avatar f tn Under these circumstances where you do not have knowledge of his status I think it is better to err on the side of safety.
Avatar f tn I have a serious back injury and am in alot of pain most days with or without pain pills. I dont want my baby to be harmed at all and my doctor said to only take them as needed. I want to completly stop taking them all together while I am pregnant. But I am worried if I stop cold turkey I will have a misscarriage. My pain doctor said to slowly take myself off of them about 7 months, but I'm affraid I wont be and I'll have an addicted. Baby. What should I do?
1932244 tn?1323292210 For this reason, you should be sure to consult with a high-risk pregnancy specialist or other experienced OB/GYN early in your next pregnancy and ideally before conception. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn I would recommend you waiting till your in your second trimester to start exercising cause the baby's so small and fragile any wrong move could cause your body to try to expel the baby but it is safe as long as your body is excepting it & your comfortable don't push yourself to hard or lift to heavy I'm 25 weeks & still work out like a champ every other day
Avatar f tn most ob/gyns advise the use of condoms as well as the b/c pills to help even more with the prevention of pregnancy.
Avatar n tn You can sleep on right side as well . You can try doing it now though to get used to it . Later on in pregnancy if you wake up on your back just roll over baby is ok . He or she will most likely make you uncomfortable before anything bad happens your body will signal a response to you most likely . I had thos worry and sometimes I still wake up on my back just get used it your side sleeping now while its still comfortable for you .
Avatar f tn Normally it is safe thru your whole pregnancy but it would be best to talk to your doctor since you did have spotting! Need to make sure the baby is ok.
Avatar f tn I'm wondering if anyone has taken narcotics early in pregnancy.. Ie.Percocet/dilaudid. Long story stort, I was diagnosed with kidney stones septemper 18th and found out I was pregnant a week later. The baby was planned but the stones were not, haha. Anyway, after finding out I was pregnant I attempted to stop using the Percocets, but the kidney stone pain was too severe to be controlled by Tylenol Alone and I resorted back to taking Percocet for pain maganement.
Avatar f tn In general, drugs such as Ultram (or tramadol) are not recommended during pregnancy or during breastfeeding because there is a lack of safety information. This does not mean that it will necessarily cause problems for the fetus or baby, but since the information is not known, it might. Animal studies have shown that the drug crosses to the developing fetus, but the danger to a developing human fetus is not known.
Avatar f tn And congratulations on wanting to get your life back and to the new life you have in you. Lots of great people will give you mor advice and are more experienced/knowledgeable. From other posts I have read I would say see your dr and be honest with him. He can help you with what you are going threw. There are others how have gone threw this pregnant and can tell you there stories. I read others say that the withdrawals you feel your baby can feel also.
Avatar f tn Im taking one percocet 10-325 wih three 300mg of gabapentin every 6hrs.Its not helping with chronic arthritis that has taken over my body,sciatica,carpal tunnel on both hands(had surgery on one already) restless leg syndrome.Also,had knee replacement on one leg(2 yrs ago) and have to get one on the other. What can i use instead? .. I've taken the highest mgs. of percocet and vicodin switching between both and weaning between both.And done that,did that on the cortisone shots.
Avatar f tn Xray of ankle is fine and most pain killers are safe in pregnancy including Tylenol 3 (codeine) and vicodien, percocet too. I have a fractured spine and pelvis and I am 29 weeks pregnant and take vicodein every day for pain. My dr is aware and both dr and OB are completely fine with it. They said it's better to control the pain that not bc your bodys reaction to pain can stress the baby.
Avatar n tn Because saying Percocet is the only safe drug for your fetus makes no sense to me at all Percocet is still an opiate and is infact the exact same as the 30mg oxycodone you have been taking. The only difference is that the Percocet is a lower dose of oxycodone and it contains Tylenol but its the same narcotic in both meds and is no different except I would think Percocet would be worse because of the Tylenol which can be DEVESTATING to the liver.
Avatar f tn no she is not pregnant.
Avatar f tn Please anyone i need help and answers i am scared please can someone tell me what is going to happen to my baby i have been stuck on pain medication vicoden and percet first it was for my back and migrains doctor gave mr tylenol 3 it didnt work well so i went back to my vicoden and percocet so someone please tell me my baby is still going to be normal and healthy and let me know what you have been on in pregnancy or if anyone is in the same spot or has been and how much u were taking i am scared
Avatar m tn Hi and welcome! It's really great that you're aware of the potential of the percocet addiction because it's a valid concern. With your health issues it's important to keep an open dialogue with your doctor and to keep him posted on your thoughts and feelings (both physical and mental). It sounds like you're very aware of the possible complications that go along with daily use of pain pills and that's great! Please talk to your doctor and keep us posted!
Avatar f tn You need to talk to your Dr. for the safety of your unborn child.There is so much that the medical world can do these days even before birth to fix problems.PLEASE talk to a DR!!!!!!!!!!!
1536087 tn?1292526415 See the suboxone freaks me out just the thought of taking it because of what had happend in my previous pregnancy. However i never heard of subutex. is it the same thing?
Avatar m tn m hesitant to answer this because no one can guarantee the safety of any medicine, no matter how well-known or understood that medicine... however...opiates by themselves don't do "damage" persay...aside from the obvious stress on your liver and addictive potential, they don't get in there and permanently damage your systems. They do screw with your endorphin production but I really don't think it has anything to do with what you described.
Avatar n tn using microwave in preg is really dangerous esp if ur warmg thgs.don stand in frnt of it.the waves hav bad effect on the all of u b careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn I dont know... It might depend on the gun... But I could be totally wrong. What I do know is that early on in your pregnancy you're most prone to losing the baby so the most important time to take precautions is now. Definitely check with a doctor...
Avatar f tn My husband and i have recently decided to try and get pregnant and were both very excited however i had hip surgery a year ago and because of this i have extremely bad back pain and take percocet because of it, is it safe to take percocet while trying to conceive, and will it lessen my chances?
Avatar f tn Every woman and situation is different.. Most doctors recommend some form of moderate exercise during pregnancy(as long as there are no complications) and if you have been exercising regularly you should be fine. I would suggest doing light exercises and see how your body reacts. If you have any bleeding, cramping etc... I would stop. Congratulations.