
Sad songs kids

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362249 tn?1441315018 s Concrete Angel every SINGLE thing about that song makes me soo sooo very sad i just hate child abuse!! What song makes you sad?
Avatar f tn I sing songs to my two kids (1&3). Let's them know I'm not abandoning them, but then I don't have to pat backs or lean over a crib. I just have somewhere comfy to sit/ lie in their bedroom and hum while resting. I actually really enjoy this since I get a break while hubby cleans up dinner. ;) works for me. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Songs, movies, seeing beautiful moments out in public like parents with kids, kids playing and laughing, sad stories on the news... everything is making me cry. Lol I had a moment in the car today and couldnt control my feelings when I heard that song from PINK- PERFECT .. my boyfriendwas cconfused.. Lol has anyone experienced any emotional moments like these? Just curious to hear some of your stories.
4411499 tn?1356051765 Aint u got any songs that remind u of sad things?
541953 tn?1262586226 LOL! I think the leg lamp was from "A Christmas Story!" What a hilarious movie. A lady I work with told me her kids bought their father a "leg lamp" for Christmas last year as a joke. She said it was hilarious!!!!
1692167 tn?1327539457 No fighting kids. We want to SEE you every day and you can help us welcomd MR back.
Avatar f tn My mother always used to sing "Stay Awake" from Mary Poppins to me and my sister ...
Avatar f tn My son is academically very bright-he memorizes street direction within 1-2 trips, he knows his right from left, he can spell 3-4 letter words, he memorizes songs and book within a few times hearing/reading them. He has always preferred books to toys. He is very emotionally intelligent-he is extremely empathetic and states, while crying or upset, that he is mad/sad/worried/scared. However, he is not potty trained. I have been trying for about 6 months.
7476354 tn?1391460990 This is my 3rd pregnancy, in each pregnancy I had weird things I would cry about for no reason. With pregnancy #1 I cried every time a fast food place messed up my order, With #2 I cried every time something sad happened on tv or in a movie, and with this pregnancy I cry when I'm craving something and have to wait for it! This morning I woke up wanting lasagna for breakfast (weird I know).
4902332 tn?1360761227 So ive recently started crying over everything! Movies, Songs, Seeing family. . Everything lol. If I'm talking to my partner and he gives me good or bad news I break down into tears . I just can't control myself lol.
Avatar f tn Have u girls heard songs that you can dedicate to your baby?...I was hearing some n thought I'd share some with you girls...whenever I'm having a bad day listening to these songs help me..makes me think of my future with my son who is due march are a few ill post more as I hear them...
5141429 tn?1379904822 I don't know what songs he's singing but I like his songs too. This will be my first concert and I'm 19, its sad to say haha.
518031 tn?1295575374 Glenn Miller: Moonlight Serenade Maynard Ferguson: Invitation
Avatar f tn With the mixed cultures, I can understand the restrictions at school, or on government property even. Do we want christian kids singing songs of other religions when we raise them christian, no. Nor do the parents of other religions want that it either. Prayer is allowed in school, just not as a group, the bible can be taught in school as well, but bus as a class and not used to over ride the others beliefs of others. But as for my house, we shall serve the Lord.
Avatar f tn Yes. It is normal I'm guessing because for me it's not only for kids but for dogs also. I just get irritated.
266539 tn?1281402152 It depends on what type of music your into and what you dont like :)
Avatar f tn I don't think you should be distancing yourself from his kids. The grandmother yes its drama and you don't need that. But it's not really the kids fault. I think you should be supportive from afar and maybe try to include yourself with things to do with his kids when they are visiting as well. You did know he had children before so you basiclly accepted that fact. The kids are going to be your child's siblings as well.
2048234 tn?1330814100 Hey all. I am trying to put together a little book of positive notes for my sad days. Do any of you have songs that help you get through the tough days or quotes? I just want something I can keep with me whenever things get tough. I really want to go home, or atleast go outside.
1536705 tn?1324329047 I never specifically played music to my bump but i can tell you that certain songs that I listened to frequently during my pregnancy would calm my kids after they were born. With DS2 It happened to be 2 five for fighting songs. Whenever he got really cranky I would play them on my phone or on youtube and he would just get quiet and listen.
Avatar f tn I was told by 4 different mom's that playing classical music to babies helps stimulate their brain...3 out of the 4 mom's said there kids speak 5 different languages none of the kids are over 6...One mom said her new husband didn't agree so she didn't play it with last kid and he is not as smart as his brother. ...idk anyone heard of this?