
Restasis smart start code

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis smart start code


Avatar f tn Hi. Last week I started Restasis for dry eyes. I tried temporary collagen plugs but they did not help.. My dry eyes just seemed to come out of the blue last month. (I've had minor dry eye problems for many years). Now, it's all I think about. My main problem is a windy feeling to my eyes, even in my own home. I am actually dealing with that right now. My eyes actually feel better when they have a dry feeling, if that makes sense.
Avatar f tn Filling out paper work to get refund on a ski trip.
431319 tn?1209751979 I have a 5 year old girl who's extreemly smart although she is struggling in school with her behavior... I'm speaking with a child pshycologist at her school and am getting her examined... they've given her a a code "42"... Any idea what this is saying about her?? Is a code really necessasry??
Avatar m tn I have a moderate to serious dry eye. I am going to start my Restasis today and I know that I will not see the result till 2 months or more from now. I am also planning for a cataract surgery in 1 to 2 months. I also foresee that I will use some steroid or antibotics for a few weeks after the surgery. Do I need to stop Restasis once I start the steroid ?
Avatar n tn Pred Forte is a ultra stong steroid with many possible side effects. It is not a long term treatment for either dry eyes or blepharitis. You should try and get off it as soon as you can and see an Eye MD ophthalmologist for treatment. Also read below: General Information on Dry Eyes a Schirmer test of zero indicates that you have severe dry eyes.
233382 tn?1193658141 This morning I found out that he tested himself using the wrong code. THe glucometer was set at 25, but the strips were code 17. What is the real difference? Is the result way off or is it giving me a minor differential? I understand that it needs to be the right code and 99% of the time it is but I am just curious to understand how much the code affects the results.
Avatar f tn Before doing anything that is permanent, have you considered using Restasis for your dry eyes? I had no luck at first with Restasis, but it turned out I had not used it long eneough. Now, after using it for 2 months, I am noticing a dramatic improvement. I now do not need any eye drops or eye ointments. My bottom ducts are plugged.
Avatar f tn Refresh PM gel, Systane Ultra lubricating drops and Restasis. Optimologist prescribed Restasis 6 weeks ago. Still not sure why eyes are red all of the time. Suggested allergy testing, which I have scheduled now. Optomologist says that he still isn't sure what is going on and wants to put plugs in my eyes. My eyes now feel better than they have for quite awhile but still red like no sleep (I get 8 hrs daily) I have 3 questions; 1. can plugs be used with Restasis?
Avatar f tn I'm on restasis, my wife is on restasis, I use restasis in my practice. the medicine does not cause floaters. Floaters can occur at any time. If they start and you are doing something else like mowing the yard, reading a book or starting restasis the relationship is COINCIDENTAL. On the other hand if you are hit in the eye with a fist and note floaters the relationship is CAUSATIVE.
Avatar m tn For the permanent, easy to remove plug, is it the same as smart plugs? There are several types of permanent plugs. Which one do you usually use? Thank you.
Avatar f tn I put my Restasis drops in at 8:30 this morning and then again at 9:30 am. Just a goof. Cannot get ahold of my doctor and info about this on the web says - Call Your Doctor! So.....two hours later - what do I do - not do? Thank you.
Avatar m tn I have said many times on this forum both my wife and I have very bad dry eyes and we both are on restasis her for about 6-7 years and me for 3 years with excellent results. Restasis is twice/day for the rest of your life and it takes 4-6 months to fully become effective. Read about it on their website and see an Eye MD that specializes in cornea diseases and discuss.
Avatar f tn ve recently posted that I just recently started Restasis, but my question is will the red eyes start getting better as the Restasis starts to work. Does dry eyes cause them to be red.......... I mean they are not horribly red, but are somewhat irritated. Will my eyes be like this always or will they get better eventually. My eye Dr. said they're not too bad, but I know that this is not they way they were before.
Avatar f tn could someone tell me why when I try to send someone a message it tells me to enter the code shown except there is no code shown therefore I can't send a message. I can't figure out how to get a code to come up so I can send something.
Avatar f tn Restasis is the #2 most widely used prescription in the USA and most people are post menopausal females. Over 4-6 months it works to make a younger more effective tear and reduces inflammation on the surface of the eye.. My wife is on it and has had tremendously improvement as has several of her friends.
Avatar f tn On my patients I use tear duct plugs only AFTER a 4-6 month trial of ReStasis. ReStasis is a revolutionary eyedrop that has changed the treatment of dry eyes world wide for the better. In the USA it is the second most widely prescribed medication. My wife and many of our friends are on restasis. Also recent studies indicate that 2 or 3 Omega 3 (enteric coated fish oil) greatlyhelp dry eyes. Takes 3-4 months to kick in.
Avatar n tn After taking restasis for over a year and my dry eyes was not getting better the Dr. gave me lotemax but said only use that. Now after using it for 2 months only, he said I shouldn't have stopped the restasis. Now I am really annoyed.....have I lost what improvement I may have gained with the restasis having stopped it for two months? Should I be seeing a opthomologist rather than a Dr. of Optometry???
Avatar f tn m not on the computer except to maybe print 1 or 2 things off. My eyes ALWAYS start to bother me around 1:00pm. Shopping at Walmart has always been a problem too. Just the wind from walking down the aisles makes it hard for me. It's very embarrassing. I am wondering how well the Melanin Tint Eyeglasses work for this problem? I do not wear glasses so they would be non-prescription.
Avatar f tn I just got back from my optomologist & he prescribed for me Restasis. He mentioned that once you're on Restasis, it's an on going thing it's not really temporary. Is that the case, do I have to stay on it. I was hoping that once my eye is feeling better, I could just use artificial tears to keep my eyes from drying so badly. He also changed my contact lenses to Acuvue Oasys. Any advice or info would be great.............................
Avatar n tn My ophthalmologist recently prescribed restasis for dry eyes. I read that cyclosporin can causes cancer. Is this true? Are these drops safe?
Avatar n tn Still, I will reconsider the Restasis and give it more than 3 months. Perhaps a generic Restasis comes along. 110/mo for years will be quite an investment. I do hope that your wife continues to have relief from this horrible condition, and thank you again. There is a website Perhaps this advise and your blog would be of benefit there. I'll include it in my next post. All the best.
Avatar m tn Rare anyone to be too sensitive to restasis. My wife and I have been on restasis for many years with fabulous results. restasis works with both forms of dry eyes. Many people have stinging with restasis for several weeks which can be helped by using steroid drops for a couple of weeks. there is a new medication that works like restasis called Xidra it is supposed to kick in faster (3-4 months) than restasis (4-6 months) but has not been shown to be better than restasis and is more costly.
Avatar n tn ve had a dry eye test done and I have been on restasis since I was 23 years old. I also have permanent punctal plugs in my eyes. I have been suffering from this problem since I was 19 years old. I also switched to wearing glasses and no contacts. I'm worried that this is a sign of something more severe. I also have some dry mouth problems and I also feel dehydrated a lot.
Avatar n tn I prescribe Restasis and I use Restasis. I am not familiar with a blue vial holder. I Googled the term and nothing comes up so I don't know anything about it.
Avatar m tn Can I put temporary plug and try Restasis at the same time as Restasis takes quite a long time to kick in.
Avatar f tn It need not be. Find a very competent ophthalmologist, ideally a corneal external disease specialist and start working your way through therapy. If' its that severe the soon you go on restasis the better.
122065 tn?1241385329 I have been prescribed Restasis for my dry eyes and wanted to get an independent opinion regarding it's safety. I am concerned that there could be problems down the line after the drug has been around 20+ years that is unknown at this time. Do you feel it is safe without any long-term harm to the eyes, knowing that it is an antiinflammatory for the eyes, from what I understand. Thank you for your input!
Avatar m tn If the recommendations are the same and restasis is recommended start it soon as it take about 90 days to start seeing the first effects.